I vote for the simple solution of having a construction/furniture "tab" that holds either multiple barrels or it's contents, in the first case it could hold several types of booze, on the second it would obviously hold only a single type, perhaps(preferably) chosen by you.
As for the mugs, the same artifact would optionally store X amount of mugs for dwarfs/visitors to drink. Then they could in theory go get some food, then a pint and sit down to eat/drink at the same time. This could reduce break times to eat/drink a lot. More so if dwarven are made to rather drink from a mug and a tab than directly from a barrel unless very thirsty or have no other option.
Personally I find something like that double useful as would work to stop those idiots pillaging the booze stockpiles on your cells and as punishment for those chained in said cells by forcing them to drink from a barrel, not to mention forcing everyone to actually go to your magnificent dinning room, that you spent 3 years carving from the stone itself, instead of running like headless chickens to the prison cells to drink there (despite the prison being as far as hell) without having to fiddle with the bothersome burrows.
Further on the subject of the mugs, they could either carry the mug with themselves all the time or fetch it from their bins/bags each time they are going to eat (would rather the first option, although the second sounds more "real like"). The mugs stored on the tab would be used by migrants/visitors only or something along those lines. But honestly this does sounds like a tad too much, and I think it would be just fine to use any mug lying around as long they actually sit down to eat/drink at the same time.