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Author Topic: Dungeon Raiders!  (Read 3281 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2015, 01:22:05 am »

(1) A bunch of players look incredulously at Neil. They pay no attention to his commands whatsoever. 6 parties head to the Lighthouse. 4 to the Gate. 5 to the Bottom Floor. Each party consists of four, it would seem. Your party is still debating whether to head to the Lighthouse or the Gate.

"Why the crap didn't you keep a journal? And why the crap didn't you go out and interact with people? Normally people go craaaaaaaazy when they're alone for a long time. Just look at Napoleon."

The giant cocks his head. "Who's Napoleon? And what would I have to write about? 'Today, I polished a statue. After that, I cleaned the moss'?"

The giant looks at the dungeon Tower. "You better start before everyone kills all the monsters and takes all the loot."
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2015, 02:06:17 am »

Gate then.

(can we do a quick census here? We want to see if there are too many of the same class.)

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« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 02:08:05 am by evilcherry »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2015, 02:34:40 am »

From what the party could tell before everyone rushed into the Tower, there was an abundance of Fighters and Wizards. There were hardly any Bards or Knights. The party decides it would be best to go to the Gate. They charge in, taking the path to the Gateroom's entrance. The clashing of swords echoes in the large room. The walls are smooth and polished stone, no moss or cracks appear anywhere. There are many paintings adorning the walls of strange, tall beings raising an island from the sea. Torches line the walls as well, and a great chandelier in the center of the room illuminates the area.

There is another party in the room. Two Fighters, a Wizard and a Rogue. They have their hands full fighting what seems to be empty suits of elegant armor. They resemble what elves would wear, except even taller. Instead of the natural charm of elven armor, the moving suits have an otherworldly beauty. Each suit of armor holds a halberd and a shield. There are 10 Living Armor in the room.

Code: [Select]

Key: S=Sarah, R=Roger, N=Neil, r=Rachel,

Other party:
F=Fighter 1
f=Fighter 2

A=Living Armor


Living Armor:
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Each + in the map is 1 meter.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2015, 02:51:00 am »

Be friendly here. Lets do this!

Neil: Step to the right of Wizard, Steel will, Taunt, then autoswing
Sarah: Autoattack on the other rog's target
Rachel: Go behind Neil, Delight on anyone taking damage, then autoplay
Roger: Sneak, assist other rogue.

Bring your own tank, guys!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2015, 04:29:29 am »

Turn 1: (This was way too time-consuming and complicated. I'm gonna make it that next time only 10 (including the party) be in one instance. FAKEEDIT: Actually, I'll do that now. Sorry, but it'll take way too much time. Just pretend that most of the other Armors were defeated before you got here :P)

Code: [Select]

Neil's actions: 3m movement (3s), Steel Will (5s), Taunt (5s)
Sarah's actions: Attack (5s), Attack (5s), Attack (5s)
Rachel's actions: 2m movement (2s), Delight (5s), Attack (5s)
Roger's actions: Sneak (5s), 6m movement (6s)

Other Party's actions:
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Neil runs up to support the wizard and the fighter, shouting "Bring your own tank, guys!" as he rushes to help. He casts Steel Will, creating a nearly-solid aura to form around Neil. Casting skills in this game seems to be activated by shouting out the name. Afterwards, he casts Taunt, aggro-ing all the Living Armor to attack him. He prepares to strike.

Sarah attacks the rogue's target. (4-4) The Living Armor blocks the arrow with his shield. Fortunately, that distracted it from the rogue behind it. The rogue casts Backstab (2d4=5)*5, causing 25 damage! The living armor turns and strikes back. (4-1) The Living Armor stabs the rogue with its halberd (2d6=10), causing 10 damage. The rogue's armor negates 2 of that damage. Sarah attacks again (3-1) and this time her arrow strikes the Armor! (2d4=5) You cause 5 damage! The arrow is stuck in the Armor.

Roger, in the meantime, has snuck past all the mobs and made his way to assist the other rogue. He casts Backstab (2d4=7)*5 and causes 35 damage! The armor shatters and each piece falls to the ground with a clink. Some loot and gold appears on the floor where the Armor stood. Better save it for after the fight, though.

Rachel has gone behind Neil to support him. The Fighter swings his sword (6-5) and breaks through the armor's block! (2d6=4) The shield absorbed most of the blow, though, and he's only caused 4 damage. The Armor, now uninterested by Neil, strikes back (3-3) but the Fighter parries it, barely. The Fighter strikes the Armor again (4-1) and this time he caught it off guard. The blade pierces the breastplate, causing 11 damage! The Armor (1-3) is dazed, and its strike is sloppy. The Fighter strikes for the last time (1-1), but it misses completely.

Rachel plays a tune on her lute. (1d3=2/2/2/1) It causes damage to all nearby Armor! The healing is wasted as no one's taken damage yet. Fighter 2 attacks the Armor in front of him (6-3) and he makes a clean strike! He causes (2d6=6) 6 damage! The Armor tries to strike the Fighter, but he's entrapped by Neil's taunt. The Fighter strikes again (3-4) but he misses. Once more, (3-2) he strikes and hits! (2d6=7) He deals 7 damage!

The Wizard casts Magic Blast, successfully causing 30 damage to all the surrounding Armor! Two of them fall to the floor immediately, loot materializing from their remains. The Wizard stumbles and falls to one knee. Rachel sees his status: the Wizard has used up all his MP.

"Hey, you alright man?" Neil asks the Wizard.

"Yeah, man, I'm fine," he wheezes. "When you, huh, run out of MP you feel really light-headed man. Like, it's hard to breathe. Give me a moment."

Turn 2: (Just because the other two Armor are nearly dead anyways.)

Neil strikes the Armor in front of him (5-6) but his well-placed blow is blocked by its shield. The Armor strikes back (4-2) and lands a blow! It causes 11 damage, and Neil grunts and curses. "This actually hurts!" In his rage, he strikes again. (3-1) The Armor is taken unaware by Neil's speed and ferocity, and he causes (1d6=5) 5 damage to the Armor! The other fighter finishes it off with another attack just after Neil's, making a sort of combo. The Armor falls to the floor.

Roger and the other Rogue gang up on the remaining Armor, causing 7 and 5 damage each. The Living Armor is living no more.

All characters received 10 EXP!
All characters received 10 gold!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(This takes way too much time to write. I'll work on the combat system to make it more simplified.)
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2015, 11:28:57 am »

What's next?

- Suggest that both parties divide the loot equally
- As we arrived late we take everything rounded down
- to compensate we want the common sword
- the 2 uncommons should be divided equally by a roll (i guess by calling D100 a percentage dice would appear out of thin air?). Winner take first of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2015, 06:40:56 pm »

I've come up with two solutions for combat:

1. Stat/number heavy combat. The same way I did for the past turn; takes a while but allows more strategic placement and timing. Makes it feel a lot more of a strategy game.

The cons are that it'll be hard for me to keep track of every character and mob.

2. Story/text driven combat. I won't display as many numbers or rolls. The game will run more on a rule of cool system where if an idea is awesome and not entirely stupid I'll allow it. There will still be rolls, just hidden and simplified. Using this system, I'll have more time to focus on story, traps and roleplay instead of strategic combat.

Cons are that you won't need to do so much planning and tactics (I know some of you guys like that a lot), but you'll still have to think to counter bosses and stuff and use terrain to your advantage.

Which one would you guys rather choose?
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2015, 07:40:19 pm »

My preference is the first option, I like numbers based combat~


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2015, 09:39:00 pm »

I like the story-driven combat, personally.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2015, 03:47:42 am »

Neil puffs and lets out a sigh. "So, who gets what?" he asks, motioning for the sword.

The two fighters in the other party, who uncannily resemble each other, step in front of Neil before he can grab the sword. "We got here first! Plus, we kicked more ass than you did!" they say in unison.

Neil realizes if he focuses on somebody or something, a little window pops up displaying information. The two fighters show up as Dancer and Prancer. "Chill, man. How do you wanna do this?"

Roger suddenly appears behind Neil and stands by his side. No one's noticed him sneaking about. "We divide everything by half. We arrived late, so we take everything rounded down. I'm guessing Neil wants the Submerged Sword, if you guys are cool with that. For the Living gear, we roll a die. 1-50 and we pick first. 51-100 and you pick first, deal?"

The Wizard from the other party has gotten his breath back. A window pops up and reveals he's ArcaneChaos36. "Seems fair to me, but Dancer called dibs on the other sword back before you guys showed up. We'll roll another dice."

The wizard opens up his menu (which you can't see. To you, he's just poking thin air) and a glowing dice appears out of nowhere. A glowing magical barrier surrounds it, preventing the dice being influenced by anything, even the air. The dice falls to the ground. It's a 64. Prancer the Fighter fist-pumps the air and takes the Living Sword. Neil takes the Living Gauntlet, but it crawled away somewhere. Neil begins his search.

"Alright, this time 1-50 and we get the Submerged Sword, 51-100 and you get the sword." The dice rises once more and falls, showing 39. Dancer fist-pumps and takes the sword, bro-fisting his twin. "Seems we were lucky this time." Roger guesses by the Wizard's voice, he's an elderly man, or just has a wheezy voice. Your voice isn't alterable normally. The Fighters sound like they're both 15.

The loot is divided and added to the parties inventory. "X5 Strange Metal, X2 Rusted Icon, X2 Living Dust, X2 HP Potions, X2 MP Potions. X1 Living Gau- wait, where's Neil?" Rachel calculates, then looks around for Neil. She looks up and sees Neil climbing after the gauntlet, which seems to have crawled up the wall. He grabs lower end of the gauntlet but it holds on to the wall too tightly. Neil grabs hold with both hands and the gauntlet lets go, crashing down with Neil beneath it.

"Ow. Stupid motherfu-" The gauntlet raises its index finger and places it over Neil's mouth. The two fighters help Neil up and he wipes dust off his shoulders. The other rogue appears out from a hidden door. She lets down her mask and coughs. "Grandpa, I found the next room. There aren't any traps that I found. There are two staircases, up the hall."

The Wizard smiles. "Good work. Come along now, boys." The Wizard faces you guys. "It's been a pleasure. I've added you to my friends list. We can split up and take one staircase and you take the other. If we find the Gate, we'll contact you. If you find the gate, contact us! We're taking the stairs to the left!"

The other party leaves in a rush. There are many paintings in the room, if you want to spend time looking at them. The hall outside the room is also clear of enemies, and many other paintings decorate the walls. Otherwise, the party can just move on to the next area.
I wish I could unwatch a thread because every time I look at this I can feel myself dying faster
Dying of laughter?
Dying of pure unbridled hatred, actually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Raiders!
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2015, 04:04:46 am »

cast detect trap

otherwise other staricase
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