It seems like MWDF don't really have a settings manager for Mac — I know the Windows version works fine in Wine, but it would be nice not to require that... I'm looking for ways to get back into more frequent programming, so if there's room for more development, I could make an attempt at producing a Mac-native equivalent for the Settings application. I don't know ObjC/Xcode well (I usually just write C++/Python/Ruby in Vim), but could certainly do an ncurses interface or or perhaps a more typical Mac application with Macruby.
I see there are also some utilities packaged with MDF, like SoundSense and Therapist, that could be packaged as separate Mac apps, and still more that could be merged into a Wineskin wrapper. DFInit and a few others' functions could probably be reproduced by bash scripts and a few unix builtins like grep and tail, too.
Ooh, I've just noticed, though — if I stick to ncurses and bash scripts, this can easily double as a Linux port of most of the utility programs as well. I might do that.
My list of possible program conversions is as follows...
Green: Easy or done already.
Orange: Straightforward, but requires new code.
Teal: Can be packaged as a Wineskin app.
Red: Difficult or impossible without a total rewrite.
Dwarf Fortress: Mac-native. Retina Mac users require a PRINT_MODE tweak, however.
DFHack: Mac/Linux-native, but needs Mac-native Stonesense plugin as of r5. Linux version already in sync with Windows version.
MWDF Settings: Doubly-colored, since this is Wineskin-able, or can be rewritten as a ncurses progam pretty easily. Depending on how much Wine-related stuff I'll need for other applications, I could go either way.
Announcement Filter: Java, so Mac-native, but might be easier to merge into DFStoryMaker functionality.
DFInit: Not Mac/Linux-native. Can likely be replaced by a small script, though.
DFMon: Same conditions as DFInit, except for the functionality of projecting a statusbar onto the DF window. That may be hard to implement, but it's not a huge problem if I can't do it, because there are other display methods for the alerts (e.g. in a separate window).
DFStoryMaker: Same conditions as DFInit.
Dwarf Therapist: Mac/Linux native, but needs MDF modifications. I don't think this is a code issue; IIRC, I only need to swap data files.
Isoworld: Doesn't hook into DF, so it can be made into a Wineskin app. Linux users can easily install Wine for this.
Large Address Aware: Unnecessary on Mac/Linux.
Legends Viewer: .NET framework 4.0 needed, so I think Mac/Linux can't run this at all.
PerfectWorldDF: Same state as Legends Viewer.
Picturefort: Potentially Wineskin-able.
Quickfort: Native to Mac/Linux, but has no GUI for them. One can easily be made, however.
SoundSense: Native (java).
TileGenie: Uses .NET Framework, so unlikely to run in Wine/Mono. May be replicable via a short Python program, but perhaps this program is not so necessary now that we have Mifki's TWBT plugin.
UristV: Wineskin-able, probably. I don't know if it uses .NET.
I'm going on vacation shortly for about a week, so I'm not sure precisely when I'll have time to code. However, I'll report back here with updates, hopefully shortly.