The masterwork mod uses a gui that can parse/edit text files.
This is a WIP to allow this module to be tweaked to fit custom user preferences on a worldgen by worldgen level so as to be tweakable by individual end users.
The fake 'pseudo tags' in that mode are meant to allow a gui of the category and power of masterwork to modify values via logic.
They are fashioned after the tags Meph uses to enable/disable parts of masterwork.
Plants: Replacing whole tags seems easier for syntax/parsing.
!632!(parse flag for replacement)-
(name of object so that they can be individually controlled)-
(category of tag so you know what type of value it is)-
(field value, this might need to be written differently and allows the GUI to know what the intended default value is) ^*VAR*^-!MUSHROOM_HELMET_PLUMP!-!SEASONS!-!
1110! (
spring summer autumn winter as Boolean)
^*VAR*^-!MUSHROOM_HELMET_PLUMP!-!CLUSTERSIZE!-!INTEGER1-5! (to suggest a range for the GUI unless its made to know this automatically, although it did seem appropriate to continue with 4 arguments for consistency)
Reactions: Partial replacement allows for (parse->replace) to effect yields as desired while avoiding problems with material syntax's for now (no need for making a [GENIE_RAW]

Leaving all products as pairs with individual yields should allow for a floor-ceiling approach, while support for numbering would allow for more complex binomial distribution modeling for those so inclined

Similar syntax prototype here PRODUCT:CHEESE:1 is so the gui knows again what
category of replacement it is and what
type of item it is adjusting the yield for, while the 1 so that gui can stack them for complicated yields.
"!100:1!" would be "%chance":INTEGER
Same thing, place-holding with 1% yield on the second one as I do not know how hard it is to delete the whole line of the raw etc.