As a proof of concept, mostly.
Two days ago in the morning, I randomly thought to myself that my python graphics engine would work quite efficiently in rendering a good ol ASCII game, what with its tiled structure and limited glyphs. After thinking that, I realized I could make a nice higher level graphics interface (on top of my main graphics engine) for such an ASCII game quite quickly. And of course, you can't make a nice tool without making a game around it!
So I sat down and made a game in less than a day. It took about 5 hours of work, making the ascii graphics interface, along with the actual game. The largest chunk of time was spent copy/pasting unicode characters to a lookup dictionary.
Without further ado, here's TSMOT:
download (windows only, maybe only windows 64 bit)
Controls: Arrow keys/WASD to move, Z to shoot.
It's an arcade-y game where you try to get a high score before dying. You've probably played something similar before. No, I don't know what the red guys are; maybe they're zombies, maybe they're communists, maybe they're something else. Anyway, have fun!
One thing: it may or may not work. Putting my projects into a releasable format is something I'm not very good at yet (python's not really meant to make standalone executables). It's worked on my computer, my wife's computer, and two of my friend's computers, though some of them got a meaningless DLL error. Apologies if it does not work on your computer.