Hey all,
So i heard that goblins dominated most game worlds left long enough. SO i decided to gen up 250 years worth and my random generator has come up with a strangely balanced world.
Kobalds have survived to the end and seem to have flourished. Their is even one who was born in 84 who is still alive somehow named Sigis.
Also a pair who were born in 121 and 123 who had a litter, its nice to think of a childhood friends story there.
Their has been Three age of myths because the rocs, cyclops and minotaur populations have stabilized into a breeding number
Mercenary zombies (none necromancer raised) appear around year 160
Each race is doing fine as the world seems to be a series of loosely connected continents. One section of the map is just solid roads.
Even the necromancers are happy in the south west with the usual 20+ towers.
Large numbers of vampires with kill lists that make me think they are the primary reason for at least half the historical death toll
Necromancer family's: seems Mother passed on her desire for immortality to her daughter. Her husband was a normal guy. Family reunions must be really weird.
Each of the continents in the world can be connected to each other with a very few well placed fortresses, so if this version is stable enough im going to try make some serious bridge forts.
If anyone would like a copy let me know and ill try figure out file deport again.