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Author Topic: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress  (Read 1249 times)

Oddum Soldtome

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Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« on: August 05, 2014, 02:10:51 pm »

All stories begin somewhere. So I'll start mine with my father, who was an explorer for The Page of Confusing, our beloved kingdom. I never met him myself so all that I tell you here could be rumours and lies, but I choose to believe my elders. I was too young at the time of the events and they have no reason to mislead me on such a dire matter.

They tell me he was the one who led the expedition to found Oiledcross, The Truthful Letter. I would have gladly went with him, were I not still in my mother's belly at the time. Apparently I inherited his wanderlust, that rare dwarven trait which leads some from the safety of an established Mountainhome to strike the earth in an unknown land.

He was as stout as a dwarf should be and possessed a moderate intelligence boosted by a middle-class education. That was probably the reason for his desire to leave. Was he feeling held back by those in power from birthright? The monarchy's rule of The Page is unquestioned as it has been since prehistory, but some acts still draw frowns and insubordinate muttering in the deeper, darker dining halls.

The expedition was his own idea and truly a noble cause for dwarfkind. Because he was no stranger to the known world map and history of the races, he chose a site that would no doubt earn respect and admiration for all involved: A coastal valley with the sea to the south, goblins to the north, then to the east and west were fellow dwarves. The humans and elves had yet to spread to this continent, but humans were known to be planning expansion north of the goblins, having a small outpost on their borderlands. Elves generally stuck to the warmer southern regions.

Civilized kingdoms in the area are: The Cave of Targets, known for their marksdwarves. They are to the west. The Defensive Pillars, known for their speardwarves. They are to the east. The Tour of Yawns, known for their inaction. They are also to the east. It has come to my attention through study of the old tomes that the kingdom we call The Tour is actually named after some forgotten beast, it's on their crest. But their lack of ferocity as a whole has earned them an embarrassing title across history.

This would be a noble mission because the trade lanes between the dwarves of the north were constantly disrupted by the goblin raids. The fortress would be a checkpoint and hopefully trading hub once the stink of goblin had been pressed away from the coast. It was a resource-rich site lush with greenery and small animals. The babbling book of Drivedrunken had a particularly dwarven feel to it.

The more I hear and read about the past, the more I wonder how things could have gone differently.

From what I've gathered, there weren't many problems from the start. My father had a hard time procuring supplies but he was resourceful. The capital city of Anvilbrightness was experiencing a dry spring and thus drought, perhaps another reason his idea was forwarded through The Page's administrators so quickly. Food would have to be foraged on the journey, as well as once they had arrived. The six others he convinced to follow him through pay or promises of a better life loaded all the worldly possessions they could fit onto a wagon and once everything was taken stock of by my father, the expedition was considered possible and they set forth.

The Page inhabits the southern continent rather comfortably, only having to share the landmass with two elven kingdoms which seem satisfied enough warring each other almost every spring. War is not our way. Our way is diplomacy and trade. I have been taught this from childhood. We have a militia but it is tradition only, their kill count etched on the barracks from the Age of Legends and nothing more than rabid bushmasters or other wild beasts from taming the land. Not surprisingly, it was a civil trek from Anvilbrightness to the port city of Mutepaint. Many along the way knew of the expedition, it was of great ambition. The first to leave the continent to build relations with the other dwarves of the world. Many were the gifts they offered to help the cause and before reaching Mutepaint, the wagon was fully stocked with choice meats, cheeses and booze.

Boats are inherently untrustworthy for south dwarfkind. This explains our lack of an overseas fortress so far. My father had no fears, but he is recorded as being the most distressed while the expedition crossed the sea. Something about miles and miles of inky blackness unnerves me even from the coast, and I hope never to set foot off the beautiful ground we call south dwarfkind.

Once the expedition landed and set off to build their site, all witness accounts The Page has end. Strike the Earth punctuates the last report. Then there's nothing. There is no word from Oiledcross. Last report states they were optimistic and quite content despite lack of dock labourers to unload the boat. An envoy is sent including a diplomat and full merchant caravan, the summer brought a good early harvest to most of the continent, a good omen. Perhaps Oiledcross was so busy with establishing they couldn't send a messenger.

The reports at this point are nothing more than tattered traveller's journals. They are grim. I recount them fully once in a while to keep the soak of tears on them fresh. My father was killed by dwarves. An alarm was raised and he called his strongest allies to battle with him, but he was broken and the others fled. Their attackers were content the rest would die without their leader and retreated. The cleaner, newer reports make sense, that one of the northern kingdoms had their eye on the site and wasn't welcoming to any newcomers. But one document I am in possession of, kindly given to mother by one of the caravan guards who came across my father's body and the story, is a confusing truthful letter. It was his book-keeping record of their stocks but hastily sketched in the extra blank pages was his journal and other than some affection for mother it's short, except for the final entry.

A detailed description of the sighting of dwarves and how they were hailed as friends but when they were closer they didn't seem to move right and they appeared to be pale and wounded but the wounds did not bother them and they ignored the hails, seeming to simply wander closer throughout the day. Were these The Tour with their infamous laziness? The journal is bound in enough leather to keep the pages stained from blood, but not sadness as mother recalls the loss of father.

I was raised to become an expedition leader like my father when I showed potential at a young age. My father's journal and the true story was kept from me until my adulthood but I was raised to believe the north was savage and uncivil, our only place was here in the warmth of the south. This is where I founded Ageoils, and will build it as a tribute to the heroism and great intentions of my father. I should have come up with a more ambitious idea but I'll be honest, I was afraid. The Page's opinion on northern dwarfkind in the years since has been dropping, and this location near the elves solidifies our realm should they turn this direction with their almost predictable violence.

Where my father had to bribe, I had followers of all types wishing to join me. My site was as resource-rich but safe. A bit too close to the elves for some, made up for with no fear of the sea and a short wilderness trek back to The Page should a dwarf's fickle heart change it's art. Mother didn't want me going too far either. I never made friends growing up, I preferred study and had the option to dine alone. These half a dozen strangers have done most of the work on loading the wagon with their gear, they want to call me leader though. I'm sure it's just my title and coin they want. They don't know what I know, their motives are base. We named the expedition after our heaviest companion, he will surely do a lot of rough work to start our mighty fortress.

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 06:16:08 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome.

1st Slate, 262: It's been less than a month since we arrived and things are going smoothly enough that I can pen this. The journey to get here was shorter than expected, our mules have strength and energy worthy of praise. Ageoils is going to be an extension of The Page's capital not some far off outpost struggling to survive. No sign of the elves yet.

Dishmab Udilakum and Oddum Kalanrovod (My father's name was popular in our history.), the two with the greatest mining skill, claimed the pickaxes immediately and after some surveying all I had to do was point them in the direction of a flatter section of cliff face to begin our life here. As of this writing we have constructed, listed by depth from the entrance: Small medical room. Trade Depot. My meager quarters. Three unfinished quarters. Dormitory with four beds. Workshops for wood and rock. Full kitchen and still. Stockpiles. And they tell me they're working on a mineshaft.

Kogsak Ceilingtwig is our carpenter. I like her. Not in a romantic sense but as a dwarf. She's fast and efficient. Also she has this great outlook on life I envy. She sees life as unfair and doesn't mind. She's a hard worker.

There is nothing left on the wagon, I'm ordering it disassembled for materials. We brought seeds for underground crops, but unfortunately we haven't encountered any fertile soil naturally, and the muddying of rock with water buckets the elders told me about seems risky. I don't want to flood our home accidentally. Foraging for plants seems to be a specialty of Atir Fikodshedim, our herbalist, because she stated if she was allowed to wander she could find all manner of aboveground plants to farm just outside our entrance. I don't like the idea of her out at night alone, or the farmers spending any time outside, but she seems confident in her abilities and we need our own crops so we aren't depending on imported staples.

I haven't talked with the Fisherdwarf to catch his name, he's always out at the river since we arrived. I'm thankful for his efforts.

Adil Etlikot boasts skill in the kitchen and still, I'm making him our full-time meal and drink preparer. He cuts a fish clean too, which helps keep things running smoothly.

This probably doesn't belong in the log, but there was word from mother, she's nervous and reminds I'm free to come home whenever I wish. The finely crafted goods I will send back to her should put her at ease that things are well here.

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 06:48:19 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddom Soldtome

1st Galena, 262: A monthly update is hectic, I took the few scattered pages and compiled them into this seasonal report. Not much happened until a few weeks ago when the miners struck silver and some migrants arrived, the progress must be recorded eventually though so here is my description of the changes to the fortress since last entry.

Quarters are completed for each dwarf including the new migrants, but some are too close to the workshops. They can complain to each other about it for now, priority goes to mining out the silver. Work has begun on a hall, barracks, more stockpiles and more quarters which also require attention. I ordered the anvil in place, but no one seems interested in using it. Did I really come here with no blacksmith? Dishmab said he could work the forge if someone else made the coal for him. Fair enough. A new jeweler's table allows me to work on the few gems we have dug up so far, but nothing more shiny than a citrine has passed through my fingers. I suppose now is a good time to note that the symbol for our expedition shall be an octagon-cut gem, how I do enjoy the way they catch light. The Page of Confusion's symbol was the inspiration I'll admit, a square-cut gem.

The migrants arrived at the perfect time, if only a few in number. It was easy to meet with only four as they arrived.

Adil Akummosus, claiming to be a hunter I set her to work burning wood for coal instead. Food supply is ok for now.
Rimtar Zuglaruthmik is a miner and brought his own pick. A welcome addition with Dishmab now tasked at the forge.
Erush and Zefon are children. They will come of age here and hopefully prove useful.

As for crafts the production has mostly focused on furniture to fill the quarters.Though I am of course preparing the most luxurious room for myself and any visitors we may receive, every member of The Anvil of Guilds will be given a fully-equipped living space because everyone knows a happy dwarf is a productive dwarf. Or at least a happy dwarf is less-inclined to run around in the nude punching babies in the face.

Exports prepared for the expected mountainhome caravan include silver large, serrated disks and various rock crafts with a few rock instruments, gem-encrusted of course.

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 07:29:16 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

1st Timber, 262: The caravan has come and gone, bringing with it a diplomat, migrants and supply. Only the second two stayed thankfully. I hope the silver serrated disks go to good use in a hospital. We received, in return for our generous donation, plenty of booze and meat to make it through the winter. Bins of metal bars, not a lot of quantity but some variety, the most important for now being iron and bronze. Some gems for me to work on, nice expensive ones. Cloth for the medical room. I even was convinced to buy a few hens and a rooster to give us a source of eggs, the trader suggested keeping them in cages but I thought that was cruel and gave them a small room for their nests next to the kitchen. The Fisherdwarf was taking care of the mules and didn't seem to mind at all that we had new livestock. I didn't even have to ask him, he just started rounding them up and caring for them as if they were his family. I'm almost embarrassed to ask him his name at this point.

Our miners reported while digging their shaft a floor gave away to reveal a deep cavern. Nobody was injured fortunately, and they changed their course to continue alongside the cavern. We have marble. There's a hole that needs to be plugged up though, I've read stories of things worse than the cave spiders everyone else mentioned.

The migrants that arrived were friendly enough:
Of the eight, only one was a child, Erith Idenoslan.
Avuz Limulotton was a beekeeper. I told him we don't keep bees but we sure could use an engraver. He was astounded but now he's chiseling away and has terrible aesthetic sense but I can't find another use for him at the moment.
Cog Arekerith and Erith Zesducim were hunters. Cog had a quietness to her that made some nervous. Eri talked for her. Our food supply seemed to depend too much on import so I let them hunt. They downed an elephant almost immediately. I was impressed, as was the butcher.
Iden Datandakas will be joining the mining force. I'll be making them stronger picks soon.
Kogan Dorenes and Litast Itdunkubuk fish the river. I wonder if they talked to the other one yet and know his name. I think he's avoiding me on purpose.
Rakust Bothonkol  is currently not letting anyone else use the masonry bench, he won't tell me what he's working on. If this continues he may need to be disciplined.

Everybody has a room, though some are no more than a bed and chest. I personally have a bed, chest, weapons and armour racks, three statues, a cabinet, an off-suite dining area and an unfinished office that's just a table and chair. The meeting hall is grand, right now if every dwarf were to attend dinner or a party, there would be more than ample seats and tables.

I'm feeling good lately, I have been known to come out of my quarters and join the party when one happens.

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 07:46:07 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

1st Moonstone, 262: Tragedy struck last month. And therefore I'll update the log sooner than usual. Atir was out gathering seeds, a duty which I only allowed out of necessity, and was attacked by elephants. I don't know if they were seeking revenge, or she provoked them. She certainly wasn't the type to provoke animals. The hunters heard the cries and rushed to the scene but were too late to save her, driving the creatures off without a kill.

Her legs were trampled and her chest to neck torn open by tusk. Clutched tightly in her hand was a bag of seeds.

I don't let Cog or Eri hunt anymore. They can farm and gather seeds like Atir would have preferred.

The first death shocked me into the reality of my position. I let her die. If I had refused her idea, she would be alive today. The hunters knew how to get away from angry defensive prey. Atir didn't even have a weapon. I seem to be the one who cared most about her, the others didn't have much to say but the other original five said their piece of what they knew of her at the ceremony we held. She was interred as the first of our tomb. Each space I ordered cleared for a coffin or slab filled me with dread, would this many truly be necessary? Am I going to get this many dwarves killed?

Pushing the negative thoughts out of my mind, I remember that this is done as a sign of respect for the dead.

If Atir's remains are to sit here for eternity, she would be happy to know her brothers and sisters will join her someday.

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2014, 08:38:33 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

1st Granite, 263: A year has passed since the official first steps of the expedition. Book-keeping has been done solely by myself and isn't complete because I've been doing other things too, but here's the most important achievements to date that I think we should record.

We had our first birth. Adil and Rimtar had baby Nil. This is a good omen.

It turns out that new mason was working on an artifact floor hatch. It's been installed to plug up the hole into the deep cavern. Looking back I can't recall what happened first, discovery of the cavern or her arrival. I do recall as soon as she arrived she begun work on it though. Very convenient. It's name is Keshshakmaduk, so says it's creator. There's nothing remarkable about it so far other than it's sturdiness as a masterwork granite floor hatch.

Migrants must have heard the news of our single death and thought we needed help, as the population has swelled to more than double, all able craftsdwarves of their applicable trades. We've done our best to expand the workshops and quarters to suit the new skills (attached below) There were enough redundancies to start a militia, Eri's in charge of course. Some lower quality rooms on the 2nd floor have been built by an unknown architect, perhaps one of the new migrants. I want them filled with furniture. Also I need to get down there and start shaking hands, there could be skills I don't know about among them.

New constructions finished and unfinished: Mechanic shop, Expansion to the meeting hall, Expansion to the barracks, Burial Chamber, 2nd floor sleeping area, Multiple mining operations

Names to remember:
Erib Tekkudikal, a doctor. Certainly here to help dwarves and not for the profit, a doctor joined us! I put him in charge of the medical room and he started making friends right away.

Avuz Lumulotton, I put him in charge of books, so this Log can be a more personal thing to keep track of my thoughts and let mother know how everything has progressed if she comes to visit, a real possibility now that the fortress has a birthday. It would be a shame to throw away all this paper, but I'll never share these notes!

Kogan, who exactly is Kogan? There are a lot of him, or is it her? In the militia or in the workshop, I try to meet new dwarves to learn new names and stories but it's been Kogan the last few times.. The important one is Kogan Dorenes, who proved enough prowess in training to captain a small squad. Side note: Will Cog lead a squad?

Rakust has been showing remarkable skill since his artifact construction, this is not unheard of and our meeting hall can now be considered a great hall with it's remarkable tables and statues of marble.

The topic arises of elections and I don't think I'm popular enough to win. Not with the way I've stopped doing the important tasks to explain my solitude.

If they kick me out of this room, I'll be devastated.

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2014, 09:20:05 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

1st Hematite, 263: That didn't turn out so bad. They treat me better than the mayor and what I say generally gets done faster. All he wants is a say in production and some export bans. He doesn't want us giving our silver swords to the elves, quite frankly I agree. Oh right, the elves showed up knowing we had been here for a while. Their goods were lackluster at best, common low price hardly worth mentioning goods but what brought me out of my quarters to meet them was an immense roaring and rattling of wood. I thought we were under attack but no.

Stacked on their caravan wagon was a giant bushmaster in a cage, somewhat uncertain of it's fate, I supposed, and throwing a bit of a tantrum testing his cage's restraints. Those who were farming the fields said the elves provoked it, perhaps to make a scene and get a reaction from us. It worked. I wanted it. Of the things I remember reading about in our capital city's old military tomes, bushmasters were the bane of our civilization, scourge of our borderlands. This was the first we had spotted and it was from far away and tamed, but it was still here and for sale.

I put it out front, perhaps too bold a gesture. It frightened the farmers and children more than once so I had the milita put it down for some practice, they did so ably with no injuries. It was hardly a battle but the mechanics of death are sometimes straightforward enough to learn from the basics. We cooked and ate it. All agree it tastes bad and is too tough to ever be enjoyed. Or maybe being caged ruined it.

Another dwarf was taken by a strange mood, our carpenter Kogsak. She swiftly created an amazing bracelet specifically for me! I was touched. She said it's name was Kidet Ser, and among the spikes and cabochons it has the symbol none of us are familiar with. She encircled it with bushmaster bones in a tasteful manner, but has no explanation for the symbol other than it's for the deity The Talon of Heads. I'll have to look into this, maybe ask for books from the capital next caravan. As expected though, she has been producing excellent woodworks ever since and has been no problem when asked to leave the workshop.

The migrants keep coming, I'm glad now someone took the initiative to build rooms below. I've ordered some bigger quarters with dining halls and offices, after all the mayor needs a nice place but the furniture can't be made fast enough.

9 adults joined. I can't be bothered to remember the 3 children's names until they're old enough to be managed.

Tun Kibedem, a rookie warrior when he arrived, proved exceptional in training but has no leadership skills.
Ral Adascerol, a soap maker. She's very clean and diligent, I want her to be an engraver. Beautifullips.hands.
Rakust Dustikuzem, a real blacksmith. Finally, someone who can dedicate to the forge full-time.

The fisherdwarves seem to form their own group, they aren't rude to the others just keep to themselves. I'll have to keep an eye on this maybe change some professions. The fish supply should be alright with one or two less. I really should have learned that one's name.

Ending on sad news, one of the migrants, Olin or 'Old Olie' as his friends called him, died shortly after entering the halls. No one can be blamed, he was very old and very thirsty from the trip and didn't make it. We respectfully added him to our Burial Chamber with full honours. His friends celebrated his life and we joined.

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2014, 09:41:28 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

1st Limestone, 263: I forgot to mention in the last report it was the friendly doctor that was elected mayor. And boy is he regretting it! I've picked up a bit of skill in dealing with the sadness or grumpiness of friends and strangers on this adventure, but I'm not about to take his place. Managing the workshops and making sure the trade depot visitors are taken care of is more than enough for me. Plus I want to keep up this Log, even if we aren't an expedition anymore and a fully accepted city of our own. I feel this was more of a journal from the start. You'll notice I never really kept any stocks like I was supposed to, just guessed and everybody was happy when I said hundreds instead of dozens. From now on though, it seems the fortress can run itself, I'm just here to guide it since it's, well, mine. The king's steward's assistant's subordinates haven't contacted us, that means our nobility is unchallenged.

I'm not a king but yes, I do own a throne or two.

We met the humans. They're not so bad as merchants when you have the elves to compare them to. They came all the way from their embassy on the west coast of the continent to trade and neither party was disappointed.
They gave us: Food and Drink (I really need to flood that rock and make those indoorfarms.) Metal bars. Gems. Cloth. Leather. Various tools of iron and steel.
We gave them: Finished jewelled goods. Silver large, serrated blades.

There was a birth in Galena. Cog and Iden fell in love when they met upon arrival here. Apparently she wasn't so quiet with him. Their baby Erush should grow up strong.

We have everything and more the diplomat demanded last year, here's hoping the mountainhome doesn't disappoint next season.

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2014, 10:22:44 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

1st Moonstone, 263: It gets chilly here. Colder than home, maybe the magma forges there keep the winters comfortable. It's not unbearable, the leaves barely fall off the trees. But it's noticeable to those of us from the capital. The caravan guards made us realize this, some became homesick but no one gave up on their venture here, we were all happy and successful regardless of a little chill.

The trading went smoothly, they got the rocks they wanted, we got the metal we wanted. Anvilbrightness has stockpiles upon stockpiles of finished bars ready to be worked, but no available room to mine stone without going deeper into the horrors of the world, which by now everydwarf knew to avoid if they had any shred of sanity. It was more than a fair trade, masonry is a dying art when there's valuable metals to be found.

Speaking of mining, I had some time to head down and explore past that artifact hatch. The marble mines are incredible and the work is done so carefully not to break into the deep cavern and unleash the unknown, they even go past it! We are free to head deeper with caution.

I started construction of a tower outside our entrance and farms. The marksdwarves training will protect us from there. I'll move a barracks to the bottom floor and have an elite warrior outdoor and training warrior indoor groups eventually.

Migrants of note (includes last season's woops):
Godun Morulshetbeth, Siege engineer and mechanic. I've read some mechanics as a child but she puts me to shame.
Ber Berkadeler, Axedwarf and wood cutter. Becomes furious with the trees she works on.
Thikut Risenmorul, Gem setter. I've taken him on as an apprentice, he seems skillful enough.
Mosus Edemsod, Siege operator. We have the workings of a true dwarven army. Some engineering is in order.
Doren Tizotnish, Surgeon. The mayor can devote more time to the people with a new doctor.

I need to pay more attention. The book-keeper caught me writing a list of names. I hate when people read over my shoulder! Anyway she brought me some of her statistics. We're doing very well. There are 104 citizens with everyone either in a room or having one worked on for them. Of these 20 are active militia and 5 extra in the newest squad are being prepared. Edi leads The Silvery Assemblies. Kogan is tasked with building the new squad The Shady Banner, Cog leads The Armoured Picks.

I'm satisfied with our safety should an attack occur, but based on our location in the world it seems unlikely anything foul would make it to us without rousing the attention of our neighbours. The elves wouldn't dare attack us, our purchase of their bushmaster had to mean something, it was their most expensive trade. I won't let us become an easy target though, our wealth grows and we need defenses. I'm not an expert in this though so I'll have to consult with my new engineering minds. Construction projects are necessary underground, the 2nd floor is becoming a nice place to live and needs more decorative features. Almost the entire first floor is smoothed and carved, with some block floor laid down from the entrance to the trade depot and my quarters.

Mother sent a letter with the caravan. It was a relief to hear from her at ease and not worried for me. Her friends bring me up in conversation about how their children are here working 'under' me. I never really felt that way until she had it written like that. I thought about my lavish room compared to the child with only an empty chest and cabinet, about the fisherdwarves and the way they would wring their smelly soapless hands, about the reasons my father wanted his fortress to be so far away.

I've come to the conclusion that for every grump, there are usually half a dozen having a party in the great hall. Litast is serving roasts tonight. I'll give my morning biscuit to a stray cat, though the chances of one following me are slim!

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2014, 10:48:26 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

2nd Granite, 264: Wow, what a party. We celebrated the new year in excess. Our wealth allows us to drink and eat more than we need during the cold months. The farms have been reduced and militia increased. I don't mind importing food and the mayor agrees our labour can be focused towards more productive things. The fear of a drought and reduced trade was there but it was easily talked down since there were only one or two dwarves wholly dedicated to their farming deity and cause, they were allowed to tend their fields more as a gesture than a need.

New people I've met that I think are important, because we're all important there just aren't enough hours in the day:
Udib Alathkizbiz, calls himself a bonecarver. This is primitive and I don't like it, but I suppose for some things it's needed.
Imush Ushashatzul, Potter. We don't have a kiln yet, but we can support a clay industry.
Alath Morulvathsith, Leatherworker. Up until now the leatherwork was done by novices

Now that the population has inflated substantially to over 100 dwarves, we have the problem of keeping them clothed as we have no skilled tailor. Even I'm still wearing some articles I arrived here with a few years ago. Food and drink don't seem to be a problem says the book-keeper, as long as we can keep up exports.

I'm going to invite mother to visit. I've started a road from our entrance back to the capital, with any luck and perhaps some coin sent their way they will connect to us permanently. She will be so proud. Just the statues in my quarters alone are already worth more than what my education cost her. My walls and floors would be the envy of any professional craftsdwarf in the capital. And of course I have a coffer stuffed with coin of all kind from our many trading partners. A fortune ten times more than what she gave me to start the expedition. I'm sure she will accept.

After all, spring is when the fortress and I have our birthdays.

Edit: Proofread
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 01:25:56 pm by Oddum Soldtome »

Oddum Soldtome

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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2014, 11:34:57 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

1st Hematite, 264: A naked dwarf ran down the corridor past me today, I thought it was in celebration. His friends quickly informed me that it was not a special occasion and that this new migrant, Thob was his name, had attempted to build something. They don't know what, he kept refusing their materials they offered, knowing that when a dwarf wants to build something strange they should be helped not hindered. Eventually he gave up and lost his mind. He had been streaking around for a while, had been locked in his room and let out again before I spotted him, he looked hungry or thirsty but quite happy. I wonder what will happen to him, I hope he doesn't become violent or letting him out of his room was a bad idea. The junior doctor explained to me sometimes madness doesn't cause violence to others, just a lack of care to the self, and she would try her best to save him if he ended up in the medical room.

The elf caravan wasn't worth mentioning. We got some fruit they got some rocks.

I'm concerned about the population that seemed to just explode, the last wave of migrants numbered 32 including children. Will this rate keep up? I know we're successful in terms of wealth, but how many can we support? The living quarters for everydwarf aren't finished yet, more than a dozen share the dormitories. The great hall needs another expansion. A skilled tailor still hasn't arrived but a peasant has been tasked with learning the trade.

Everyone is content enough that a naked blacksmith starving himself is no cause for concern. His death is quite possible and there is nothing we can do other than hope he doesn't hurt anyone else.

Edit: Proofread
« Last Edit: August 06, 2014, 01:26:36 pm by Oddum Soldtome »

Oddum Soldtome

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2014, 01:32:39 am »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

1st Malachite, 264: There's much happening this summer, so I've deemed it necessary to write in the Log. I've been elected mayor and I don't know how I feel about it. I do just about the same things I always did only now I have a lot more people I don't know coming to me asking to solve their problems. I guess this was inevitable, it's my fortress after all it's time I started governing it's population. I hope things don't get so bad that I need to hire a guard. Thob died of exhaustion or dehydration, we can't tell. He dropped during a party that just kept going, he was a delight to everyone until the end. We entombed and memorialized him as is our custom.

Successful trade with the humans, they had cloth and leather we were completely out of we gave them the usual few silver large, serrated disks. We are running out of those. We kept most of our rock crafts for the dwarven caravan come autumn.

Construction: Many basic quarters dug, but mining has slowed as a result. Beds and other furniture are being moved in as I write this and I hope it's enough for everyone. The dormitory gets cramped certain times of the day. And there are still a few I'd like to move further away from the workshops. Great hall has been assigned for digging but no progress yet, a few tables and chairs squeezed in but growth is expected soon so it needs to be expanded. The first floor of the tower outside was completed, they're working on stairs now and the roof soon.

Mother didn't arrive to visit, perhaps my message is still on the way to her. I was hoping she would make it before the winter, but next spring would be alright as well. I'm starting to miss her.

A jeweller has taken over a jewelry shop. This doesn't look good because even after trading with the humans, she still needs something. I'll have the masons prepare a coffin. This is a bad omen. I didn't even know there was a new jeweller among us.

Two more births, I don't know the parents but one was named after Eri. This shows the growth of the fortress far beyond the few who simply build and run the basics.

Speaking of Eri, I asked how the militia was doing and she was delighted that Cog had found her place being a mother and a leader, certainly putting good use to the new archery range. Kogan was doing well but needed more recruits. I was hesitant to send young civilians to our militia even if it was simply training for now. Nobody needs a violent temper. We aren't the north.

Oddum Soldtome

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ageoils and The Anvil of Guilds, A Dwarf Fortress
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2014, 11:55:39 pm »

Expedition Log of Oddum Soldtome

1st Galena, 264: Summer is drawing to a close. Progress.. Progress.. What was our goal here again? A tribute to father, such a plain task now that I see the statues of our master artisans depicting him boldly perched atop a cliff looking out towards new horizons. It's right next to the one of peach-faced lovebirds. I've lost control of the creative direction, were there lovebirds at my father's site that were of significance? I'm beginning to feel trapped here, maybe I should request a new location to start a new fort since I seem to have some skill in it. Just another thing to discuss with mother when she arrives, I suppose. I'm upset that we haven't helped our jeweler relax. None of our rough gems are acceptable and it seems bones from some obscure creature may be required. Last I heard she was starting to look sad about things. This isn't just her failure, it belongs to us all, everydwarf marvels at the creation of an amazing item brought on by a strange mood. Her passing is going to be melancholic, I'll make sure to work extra hard at cheering up those who are down.

2 births last month. Children don't need names, I've decided. A name is granted on adulthood to shape their destiny.

Some new arrivals, most notable being Vutok the famed architect. I've attracted a great mind, should I retire he would certainly make a great leader for these dwarves. 2 more farmers, but I gave them mining picks. Same goes for a fishery worker, the less of those I have the better. There was a blacksmith, Iton, but we have more than a few claiming skill at the forge so it is yet to be seen if he will become a master. He can start by making coal.

Our militia of 30 is fully dedicated to training, and more than a dozen are competent with the sword. The 10 training with Kogan are working towards being marksdwarves, some of the rangers in his ranks having skill already that they can share with the new recruits. They're content enough knowing they may never see combat and are more of a security force and a deterrent, but that doesn't mean they are allowed to be lazy!