Many questions incoming:
1. I created a small world, started fortress mode, and here's the issue:
Wherever I pointed the embark marker, the "Neighbors" tab showed me that there are Goblins and Elves - and I'm "at war" with them - there was a word "war" marked in red near them.
First of all, I also sometimes saw "---" mark near civs,, usually Goblins,also in red. What does it mean?
Secondly, even that I am at war with Elves, there's no war: they send caravans to my fortress, and no military action whatsoever. Why? Is that because there aren't many of them left alive (I guess around ~120)?
Thidrly: even though there are lots of gobbos, and they do attack other fortresses, according to my liason, none of them came to attack me. There was one band, but that's it - I guess they were bandits. Is that a bug?
And finally: someone on the forum actually said that the time when gobbos come for your fortress depends on its distance from the gobbo civ. i.e. it's not necessary to be "neighbors" with them, just wait a bit more? Because in this version, the "Neighbor area" is way too small.
2.Here's another one: Ethics. I've read an article about it and was left amazed. So, ethics regulate the reasoning and the occurrences of war between civs. But - are there any other function in them, aside from the EAT_SAPIENT, which makes elves eat others?
For example, if I create a race with positive relation towards slavery, are they going to take actual slaves? At least in legends mode? Or, if I set some petty matter to be "Capital Offense", will I see people executed for it?