I am, for the most part, loving the new stealth system. Vision cones, sneaky sneaky, scaling walls to kill people and jump back out: wonderful wonderful stuff. I have noticed a few funky things, though: namely that stealthing seems to make you nigh-invisible (I've avoided being seen even in people's vision cones many times). Also, as I'm sure many of you have noticed, you can bash people over and over and over and over while stealthed behind them and often they'll never notice, make noise, or attempt to alert others. Luckily, these issues don't break the stealth system to the point of not being fun; I have no idea whether these issues qualify as "fix in this round/wave of fixes" issues or "take care of in months/years in next update" issues.
Aside from those niggling bits (mainly challenge-based; stealth will be more satisfying when they're fixed), everything is great.
What things have you all noticed/been able to accomplish using the stealth system?
Just now a goblin saw and shot me in the leg while I was stealthed, breaking a bone and knocking me unconscious. Then the goblin... left. Just walked away and started patrolling. I'm 95% sure it was a bug (him losing sight of me due to stealth/me being now on the ground, even though he'd already entered combat with me) but the idea of an enemy mistakenlyleaving me for dead was pretty cool. I awakened an hour later, crawled up behind him (couldn't stand due to the pain), and sliced his legs out from under him.