I was spading about in the uncompressed save files and found all sorts of intriguing new randomly generated stuff. These may be
spoilers, so read with caution!
These randomly generated things all have a divine character to them - as in, they're connected with deities that dwarves and humans worship. Here's what I've learned so far.
- The new metals you can see in arena mode ("multicoloured metal", "flashing sparks" &c.) are metals connected with deities. They have the [DIVINE] tag and are associated with spheres, and have similar material properties to adamantine. Here's a sample uncompressed raw:
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:translucent metal]
- There are also divine cloth material. These appear to be just like regular cloth material-wise, and use the same CLOTH_TEMPLATE in the default material template file.
- Directly below the random-generated mats (including evil weather) lie random-generated weapons, armour, and clothing. Greaves, breastplates, gloves, and so on.
- There are new types of randomly generated creatures. Just below the bogeymen are creatures with names like "Assistant of Alak" and "War's Behemoth". They're generated much like forgotten beasts - either based on a random animal with extra features, or a generic shape of an inorganic material, and having severely buffed physical/mental stats. They apparently lack syndrome attacks, however. They have the same spheres as their associated god, have some flavour-text recalling those spheres, and in fact, have the same tile as deities themselves (
Ä). A sample description:
A small humanoid composed of ash. It has a square shell and it chitters briefly before sunrise and just after nightfall. It was created by the dwarven god Alen and is of a part with death, murder and twilight.
- Probably the most alarming thing of all: the randomly-generated entities. These are what the raws call "HF Guardian Entities". They're drawn from all creatures with a certain [HFID:number] and in fact, use the randomly-generated equipment and the divine metals! They all possess the tokens [DIVINE_MAT_CLOTH], [DIVINE_MAT_WEAPON] and [DIVINE_MAT_ARMOR], which I can gather, that these entities draw materials with the [DIVINE] tag as their choice of weapons-grade metal and clothing. The only known thing so far of them is that they are [SITE_GUARDIAN] entities. There's nothing known about what site they're supposed to guard; they might be a new kind of HFS, which is why I put the spoiler-tag here.
- These random entities use randomly-generated languages called GEN_DIVINE. I haven't scienced it to see, if added words still make them work. I'd assume they do.