As Night falls on the Arena, two more warriors stand out into the bloodied sands, to engage in mortal combat.
In the right corner, weighing in at 324 lbs, Professional gladiator, Felix....Eckhart!
In the other, bored, foppish noble, at 137 lbs...Sigismund!
Sigsimund goes first, slipping into a fencing lunge, but his shot is slow, and easily avoided (44). Felix returns in kind with a swing from his claymore (34) but sigsimund parries it! (25, bonus to parry) and makes a quick slash with his main gauche, but Felix twists out of the way (64) before connecting with a surprise punch from his buckler! (07) It does no damage, but punches Sigsimund back, forcing him to consider his next move. His jab is slow (94), And felix brings down his claymore on the exposed arm (24) only to be redirected by the Main gauche (02) leaving him open for a counter strike! (03) A mere scratch inflicts 3 wounds, marking the first blood in the combat.
Felix drops his sword, ducks around, successfully feinting Sigsimund (39 vs 45) and delivers a stunning blow to the face with his Caestus! Sigsimund barely fails to resist the stun (33), and can take no actions for 5 rounds! Felix cracks his knuckles, and gets to work. An all out attack impacts the face (11) for 6 wounds, but a follow up blow (14) fails to harm his left arm (4-6=0), while a second blow to the head (21) inflicts yet another 3 wounds, as his leg comes up from underneath, sweeping his opponent, inflict four wounds, and going into critical hit territory, dropping Sigsimund to the ground. Felix delivers a crushing leg stomp (19) which slams home a five point critical, stunning Sigsimund for yet another round. An All out violent stomp connects with the left arm (24) for a 1 point critical, causing a classical “boxer’s fracture” usually caused by punching something hard. The hand is useless until the bones have started healing properly in two weeks. Sigsimund begins to rise to his feet, when Felix slams a violent kick directly into his face (20), causing a 2 point critical.His violent blow breaks the jaw in several places He must pass a Challenging (-10%) T test or be knocked unconscious. (99) The jaw will have to be wired or tightly bandaged to heal, forcing his opponent to eat through a straw, also suffering a penalty of –15% to his Fel in any situation where it is important that he is heard clearly, for three weeks.
Shaking his head, Felix walks off the field to claim his prize
Ticket Sales: 951 GC
Arena Take: 475 GC
Felix's Take: 47 GC
Sigsimund's Take: 47 GC
Globetrotter's take: 286 GC
Sigmar's Shining SOldier's Take: 95 GC
Felix's Injuries: Effectively none
Sigsimund's injuries: 3 weeks rest required.
Sigsimund opts to by a good doctor and some pain medication for his jaw, shortening it to 2 week's rest.