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Author Topic: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)  (Read 3437 times)


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Just the start of a REALLY ambitious Monster Hunter Mod; thought I might as well put a post up now and get help from the community for bug testing. Not that I won't be doing any on my own, but getting help early should make the process a lot easier.

I'll also clean up the forum post as we go.

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« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 12:27:10 pm by fishboyliam »


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Re: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2018, 10:35:22 pm »


Was about time somebody had the ambition enough to try and do this
best of luck, and ask anything you need help with
(in research, I'm bad at modding)


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Re: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2018, 03:04:49 am »

As one of the folks who worked on the last Monster Hunter mod, I wish you luck.  You can dig through the raws for that one if you like, but it did a few things I think were bad ideas in hindsight, like monster bones with metal mat properties as a way to make 'bone' weapons work.  It technically works, but it's inelegant and leads to weird behavior elsewhere.  I've been meaning to overhaul and rewrite the thing, but that's a monstrous task, to say the least!
When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a building?

"So kids, what story do you want me to read to you tonight?"
"Oooh!  Oooh!  Goldibeard and the The Rotting Corpses!"


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Re: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2018, 05:47:34 am »


Was about time somebody had the ambition enough to try and do this
best of luck, and ask anything you need help with
(in research, I'm bad at modding)

Well, if you're offering, I can't seem to find a reliable source on volume (cm^3 preferably, but anything can be converted; it's just how Toby made the game) for the monsters; for the current creatures I have, I've been using similar creatures as the baseline (for example, I just copied the cat size chart for felynes and the like, deer for kelbi, ect). But that'll be more difficult come more uniquely shaped monsters. If you could help me find that, I'd appreciate it.

Hell, even weight would work; most creatures have a relatively similar density, so from there it's just working backwards.

As one of the folks who worked on the last Monster Hunter mod, I wish you luck.  You can dig through the raws for that one if you like, but it did a few things I think were bad ideas in hindsight, like monster bones with metal mat properties as a way to make 'bone' weapons work.  It technically works, but it's inelegant and leads to weird behavior elsewhere.  I've been meaning to overhaul and rewrite the thing, but that's a monstrous task, to say the least!

That's why I'm planning on using the scrapping mechanic; I can easily perform a lil switch there from a creature mat to a different mat entirely using a reaction. I can even give it the same name (in gameplay terms of course, gotta keep IDs separate).

I did a bit of research to make sure there wasn't a huge mod that already did this, and seem to have missed the one you mentioned. Mind linking me? I might be able to salvage some body plans and the like.

Finally, nice pun.

Enemy post

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« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 04:27:55 pm by Enemy post »
My mods and forum games.
Enemy post has claimed the title of Dragonsong the Harmonic of Melodious Exaltion!


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Re: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2018, 10:00:50 am »


Not an expert, but When I played MH viciously, I remember you were able to see the size and weight of a captured monster. My recomendation is getting the average volume and just eyeballing it from the pics of a said monster

I find it hard to believe that you cant find that data on a wiki to be honest
If you really cant, even google images would show pics of a monster getting captured by some player, so you could see the data
Or ask in MH forums


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Re: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2018, 12:32:29 pm »

I think the bigger challenge will be making reliable material values, like how the Khezu has stretchy and loose rubbery skin (rubber gecko badger) and the Gypceros has a rubbery skin but not loose. Which I'm not sure would share the same shear values, also due to being rubbery and/or loose it should be able to absorb some impact damage as well (reducing how much it transfers to other limbs?)

And of course the varying levels of scale toughness between the small and large monsters.

Also curious if you're going to make metals for the armor types and metals for the swords? or custom reactions for weapon/armor making (so that you can't make weird combos like a rathlos claw hammer) Which comes back around to the material stuff (some bones stronger/sharper, claws, horns, etc)



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Re: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2018, 01:06:31 pm »


I'm just really sad DF still doesnt have chemical properties for materials, acid atacks are off the table for example

If he wants to be extremely precise in this mod (and he aims to do every single monster, so I think that's a yes), he should make a record of every weapon in the game, and simulate the same crafting system in the series, where a weapon takes a weapon and materials to get done. Materials you get from monsters and the world

That way you make sure nothing absurd comes out

Also, if the mod aims for a full conversion, I'm very interested in seeing how you are gonna tackle potions and buffs
specially whole armor set buffs. That's gonna be interesting.

wow, the hype is real

Also, I respect whichever direction you wanna take, but I'd be glad to give several ideas, if you wanna hear them @fishboyliam
« Last Edit: June 18, 2018, 01:16:53 pm by Rubik »


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Re: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2018, 03:12:59 pm »

I'm just really sad DF still doesnt have chemical properties for materials, acid atacks are off the table for example

If he wants to be extremely precise in this mod (and he aims to do every single monster, so I think that's a yes), he should make a record of every weapon in the game, and simulate the same crafting system in the series, where a weapon takes a weapon and materials to get done. Materials you get from monsters and the world

Armor set buffs are out of the question, and I'm not sure about getting all the weapons 100% accurate to the game; the insect glaives kinsect, for example, is right out. In addition, I'm not planning on adding in every single unique weapon. Simply having shit like "Rathian Whip" and "Brachydios Hammer" is good enough for me. The real meat I'm going for is playable palicos and monsters inhabiting the world; that will leave me satisfied.

That said, acid attacks shouldn't be that hard. We already have a creature that spews fire; if I make it a syndrome that eats away at the tissue, that should work pretty well. Even if it won't destroy items, it will destroy dwarves; which is what we care about, in the end.

I think the bigger challenge will be making reliable material values, like how the Khezu has stretchy and loose rubbery skin (rubber gecko badger) and the Gypceros has a rubbery skin but not loose. Which I'm not sure would share the same shear values, also due to being rubbery and/or loose it should be able to absorb some impact damage as well (reducing how much it transfers to other limbs?)

Also curious if you're going to make metals for the armor types and metals for the swords? or custom reactions for weapon/armor making (so that you can't make weird combos like a rathlos claw hammer) Which comes back around to the material stuff (some bones stronger/sharper, claws, horns, etc)
You're forgetting zamtrios. Getting that thing to inflate without regenerating will be a pain; considering just leaving them as separate castes.

Material values, however, shouldn't be to much of a problem. I'm leaving most monsters with the standard tissue setup, and putting the variation into the scrap you get afterwards. Maybe "Hard x Scrap" and "Soft x Scrap" for various parts.

Not an expert, but When I played MH viciously, I remember you were able to see the size and weight of a captured monster. My recomendation is getting the average volume and just eyeballing it from the pics of a said monster

The problem is that what it gives us isn't volume; it's length. If it were volume, the Najarala would be about the size of a cat. Which might be a bit wrong. I suppose eye-balling it is.

(Save for the dalamadur. I'm giving that thing the volume of Mount Everest because fuck it.)


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Re: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2018, 05:12:35 pm »

for inflating you can have a syndrome boost the size of inflatable parts (like how vamp teeth get longer when drinking blood) but I don't think you could implement rolling attacks when that syndrome is active.

I'd say for things that are going to be impossible or hacky, Add it to the description then add the lazy man's "but no proof has been recorded of this happening"

then they double as "I wanted to put this in, but couldn't" and also a footnote in case modding advances enough to allow it to be real. (Like one monster has the slimeblight/blastblight, I don't think that's possible to impliment... realistically)


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Re: Palico Post vi.0.0; the Imaginary Update (Monster Hunter Mod)
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2018, 12:26:44 pm »

I'm starting to think whatever forces govern our world don't want this mod to be made. Sucks to be said forces, I'm going to push by anyways.

So! Finals, followed by graduation, and then a mixture of a new job and wild social life, topped off by World coming out on the pc (I was unable to play on the xbox or playstation), all prevented me from working on this mod. But I want to. So I'm going to try to get something out.

I have about 75% of herbivores done, and most of the palico civ done; that said, I'm having a bit of a problem. For whatever reason, they aren't creating weapons during world gen, or at the very least, won't take them on embark. They do, however, make shields and ammo, so I'm guessing it's something in item_palpost_weapon. I'll upload all files related to lynians and their civ here: . If someone could give me a hand, I'd appreciate that.

I should be able to get the last of the herbivores done within a week, so I'll upload those (and updated Lynians, if possible) by then.

UPDATE: Lol nope, seems a week was to little time.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2018, 03:16:17 pm by fishboyliam »