Masterwork mod 4h, all races enabled on a Blessed Serra world gen - all races modified to produce human cities/roads/tombs, 30 races total in the world. Dwarves also modified to spawn in forests as well as mountains - one of the reasons elves hate the little deforesting buggers so much (heh). Population cap 500, child/baby cap 1000:1000, but since I embarked on an island, I haven't drawn any new migrants after the first year. Embark covers a 5 x 7 area, and while the caravan still arrives, it doesn't make it to the current fortress before deciding to leave again. Also, a titan, a swamp troll and three reptile men from the "downward passage" have all attacked the caravans as they bumble around the map. So until they actually find a way to path to my Depot, I'll just let them be.
I'm running a dwarven heritage sub-project with this, to that end, I've renamed each single adult dwarf "Mr" or "Miss", depending on their gender. All children become "Young Miss" or "Young Mr" <surname of married dwarves>.
Surname rules: (because dwarves are too complicated for "take his family name already, wench!")
Names come in this order: <Surname> <Individual name> <Title>
Example: "Fuzzybottoms Cleartrumpet the Cluelessness of Harbors"
"Cleartrumpet" is the individual's name, "Fuzzybottoms" is the family name, and "The Cluelessness of Harbors" is the title.
So, to "clear the board", all beginning and migrant unmarried dwarves (starting with the founding seven) have their family name replaced with "Mr" or "Miss"
Ex: "Mr Cleartrumpet"
In the case of married dwarves, however, the surname is chosen for the both of them based on several descending criteria:
1) Has been given a surname by divine inspiration (surname is dorfed Player)
2) Has created an artifact (surname is artifact's name)
3) Has inherited a surname from their parents
4) Member of the nobility at time of marriage
5) In one of the "guilds"
6) Owns most things
7) Has more levels of skill
The female
So the surname of "Mr" or "Miss" is replaced with "Mr"/"Mrs" <surname> for both of them and they become part of the heritage project.
Currently, there are 21 dwarves living in the digs.
As soon as I get their geneologies put together (as of year 133), I'll post them.Phase 1: Grow the fortress to a population of 200