Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2015 has been released on iOS for the iPad for $10, with $2 premium booster packs or a $30 "get everything" cost. This "get everything" pack doesn't seem to include premium cards, only giving access to all planes and all normal cards from the get-go. It has been reported that it takes 14 premium boosters to get all the cards, inflating the cost by a further $28 if you want all of them. Ouch! Cheap at $10 though, if you don't want the premium cards and don't mind a bit of grind.
It will be released on other major platforms, including PC, on the 15th July or so.
It has a 4 common/3 uncommon/2 rare/1 mythic rare system, only allowing you to have that many copies of a specific card in your deck depending on rarity, with a total of 298 cards included at release. 51 cards per colour, with non-basic lands and uncoloured cards being the remainder. Some cards are premium cards that can only be gotten through the booster packs or DLC. Snazzy link to the card list below.
This time around you can make your deck however you want, as long as you have the cards to do it, and keeping in with the rarity restrictions above (60 card deck minimum). This is far more freedom than previous versions of DotP, where decks were their own set mini-pool of cards, and couldn't be switched between different deck types. With a total pool of 298 cards and more from DLCs, it should allow far more variation of playstyles than in previous versions.
Apparently the story is a little better than 2014's, with a few reveals and more of an actual thread of meaning to it. Which is nice tor those that like the fluff behind it all.
There's now also uncoloured flying equipment for everyone (yay for green
This may seem like a rather poor introductory post, but two questions about the game:
Does anyone have it? Is it any good?
I'll edit this post and the one below as we find out more info. No pay-to-win posts thanks. It's MtG, that's what it does, just less-so in DotP. Just the facts for now thanks.