Well the first reaction since this is regarding adventure mode is looking at the MAKE_SHARP_ROCK reaction buried in "reaction_other.txt"
[NAME:make sharp rock]
[ADVENTURE_MODE_ENABLED] --This here lets you use this as an adventurer
so we now have an example to work with, now we need a material lets look at the first one that comes to mind MUSHROOM_HELMET_PLUMP in "plant_standard.txt" first entry there. now inside it we will see this:
The material template is just called "alcohol" so we need to give it a proper name.
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:frozen dwarven wine]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:LIQUID:dwarven wine]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:GAS:boiling dwarven wine]
We also set a few more numbers to distinguish the alcohol from the template.
So now we have our second example. Where I want to start is showing you how to make the "potion" inside our plant (plump helmet) I want you to paste this just under [DRINK:LOCAL_PLANT_MAT:DRINK]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:ALL_SOLID:frozen healing potion of transformation]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:LIQUID:healing potion of transformation]
[STATE_NAME_ADJ:GAS:boiling potion]
[SYNDROME] -- This starts the effects we want
[SYN_NAME:transform heal]
[SYN_INGESTED] -- The trigger that sets the below effects
[CE_BODY_TRANSFORMATION:START:0:END:20] -- This here starts the transformation starts right away and ends in 20 ticks (100 ticks is one real life second)
[CE:CREATURE:DWARF:MALE] -- Just picked this one because I know it works
this creates the healing potion material we need now we just need a reaction. Back to the top example "MAKE_SHARP_ROCK" we are going to create a whole new reaction:
[NAME:make healing potion]
[ADVENTURE_MODE_ENABLED] -- once again so adventurers can use it with "x" I think
[REAGENT:waterskin/flask:1:FLASK:NONE:NONE:NONE] --we need a container which is a flask/waterskin
[PRODUCT:100:1:DRINK:NONE:PLANT_MAT:MUSHROOM_HELMET_PLUMP:POTION] -- here we grab that new material we made in the plump helmet
[PRODUCT_TO_CONTAINER:waterskin/flask] -- Puts the drink into the flask that we used.
[SKILL:BREWING] -- brewing why the hell not?
Now remember these steps:
- Make the material with the effects you want.
- Make the reaction that will bring this material into the world
- Test it quickly in arena mode(to prevent too much time genning new worlds)
Once it works (and im positive this will work) you can now gen worlds and make all the healing pots you need, right now I left out "ingredients" because in adv mode it's deathly hard to come by items to use. PM me this is having some errors (include the errorlog regarding the reaction/material too)