Uh... few points:
- if you assign the equipment as 'replace clothing' they will always wear it, no matter if on duty or off duty (with one exception, see the second point)
- neither of the 3 groups will use their 'work weapons' if ordered in any way... So if you tell any of the squads to station somewhere or kill something, they will drop their weapons and instead try to pick new ones (this is the only exception to the first point)
This makes the whole idea pretty terrible as your main organized defense. They will use their work weapons whenever they encounter an enemy by themselves... But any orders screw them! (especially since once done with their orders, they will drop they army weapons whereever they are... leaving them in terrible places...
- lumberjacks do NOT train their axeskill during work making them completely useless in battle... miners and hunters can do quite some damage...
- if assigned a barracks, they may do some training, even whole off duty... for that again they will swap out their weapons... (especially fun with hunters, scattering their weapons around the landscape... )
- you want he squad set to inactive, if you want them to do their work
Otherwise they will just stand around...
- if you are not very careful with your weapon stocks, it is very tough to always have them equipped with proper weaponry... So you have to forbid all other kinds of weapons and then have twice the numbers of axes, picks and javelin throwers (better use just one weapontype/material per workertype
so in short:
-all have huge trouble with their equipment
decent fighters, but rarely working close to the battle lines
awful fighters, due to lacking weapon skill
quite useful, but have even worse equipment problems then the other ones
Oh and I never had troubles with normal militia using their weapons... But I also assign each weapon individually. (armor i use material+itemtype, but weapons I use specific assignment) And the occasional bite... Well... I'm fine with that