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Author Topic: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners  (Read 1564 times)


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Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« on: January 16, 2014, 03:43:25 am »

Hello, dear reader. I know not who you are. Like as not only goblins or elves will read my final testament to the ages. As much as it disgusts me, I hope the later is the case. I pray to Toth Sikel Nazom that I'm not the last historian to live. All these years, all this work cannot be for nought!
We dwarves are a broken people now. I'm the only one living still in Tomespower, once the seat of learning in all of the Night Lands. Not a year goes by without an attack. I've seen my friends and colleagues have unspeakable things done to their bodies, and could do nothing but cower. Dwarves were not always so weak. Once we, alongside the humans if any still live, bestrode this world like a bronze colossus.
Let me tell you a tale of such a time. A time during the age of myth, when the world was young and our future bright. The story of what will likely be the last monument to my race before Armok remakes the world. A place where our enemies still fear to tred, even thousands of years later. The finest hour of my race, my nation.
Let me tell you of the Legend of Northhold.

Introduction: The Machinations of Deg
Chapter 1: The Early Years
Chapter 2: The Black Year

Northhold is a fortress in which I pay more attention to the backstory provided by the game than the actual gameplay. As of this posting I've played about five years into the fort. Keeping track of my dwarves genealogy brought some interesting things to light. I hope to share them with you here.
Also yes, the Citadel is a single continuous tower a good 40 tiles wide/long. It is currently about 5 levels in height. I have yet to finish the second level floor ;A; and the archery towers need work. This is the lamest megaproject ever, and it started completely by accident.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 09:49:07 am by MDFification »


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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2014, 04:21:15 am »

Introduction: The Machinations of Deg

Since I know not if any record of my people will survive to your day, dear reader, I must convey all the details about my people that I can.

My nation is called the Basements of Night in the common tongue. In our language, it has much more meaning - our nation is named for it's existence under the darkness. For under the darkness was the Night Lands, as our nation was more often called. Our fortresses underneath the ground were forced to hold at bay the dark hordes of the goblins since the day of creation.

My people have their own gods. I will list them for you;

Deg, goddess of Luck, Gambling and Travellers. Wife of Alath Oburzatam.

Ongel Logem Akrule, god of Minerals and Jewels. Husband of Legon.

Toth Sikel Nazom, the firefly-god of the sky and stars. Its origins are shrouded in mystery - it is said to be a watcher from a world Armok made before this one.

Anir Usdish Kurol, god of marriage and birth.

Legon, goddess of trade and mountains. Wife of Ongel Logem Akrule.

Alath Oburzatam, god of minerals, chaos, war and fortresses. King of the gods, husband of Deg.

On the day of creation, Armok entrusted my people to these beings. In turn, Legon entrusted leadership of my kin to our first Queen; Ezum of the Night, the first of House Dawnbanner. Taking up a banner showing naught but a rising sun, she led our people to establish our first two cities; Riftmined, the capital, and Flickerbrass.
In the year 5, a group of scholars known as the Untamed Books left the twin cities to found Tomespower. Thus what had been a single group became a mighty kingdom. Little did we know at the time that as House Dawnbanner had been blessed, House Dawnbanner and all who followed them were cursed. Cursed by the antithesis of our gods, the demons who profane this world with their touch.
The first sign was when a friend of Ezum, her general Adil, was kidnapped from the citadel of Riftmined itself in the year 36. In the year 42 Adil, who stood fast against the hordes, returned to us, twisted beyond recognition, a horrible moon troll. One of our most steadfast champions had been transformed into a hate-filled monster before our very eyes.
This alone could not break the spirit of the Night Lands. We forged onward, building mountain hall after mountain hall. Mighty roads were built connecting Riftmined to the major trade routes of the day - often enabling those routes through the building of bridges. However, in 83 the first Dawnbanner died. It is said in her final years she became obsessed with finding a means to extend her life - the gods, however, had abandoned her. We called her son Adil the Builder in mockery; from his reign onward, no Dawnbanner would build anything but a temple or a tomb in Riftmined. Until, of course, the founding of Northhold.
Mayhaps the curse began with Adil. Ezum's youngest and only surviving son, Adil was an atheist, scorning the goddess whose blessing bought his mother's kingship. He too sought to gain immortality through their aid, and received naught in return.

However, one god had not abandoned us. Upon Adil's death in 185,  his third and last son Inod the Wild became our king. A former scout, he became a fanatic of Deg. After Inod, all Dawnbanners would worship the goddess of chance.
Inod was succeeded by his firstborn, Vucar the Bold. In his youth Vucar had fought a feared three-eyed man, and while he had not slain such a foul demon he had lived to tell the tale. His reign was a time of strenght, short as it was. Assuming the throne in 212, Vucar died a mere 10 years later. His firstborn, Olin the Late, had similarly been attacked by a three-eyed man and lived to tell the tale. He however took minor wounds, which may be linked to his refusal to marry. He died childless in 228, sparking an unprecedented sucession crisis. Dawnbanner fought Dawnbanner over whether another son of Vucar should take the throne of another member of the clan.

It came as a surprise to them when revolt toppled the reign of House Dawnbanner altogether. Tun the Usurper, an administrator from the provinces of unknown heritage, played noble against noble, seizing the throne and ruling as the first of House Racering. With a general loyal to him, none could oppose Tun without opposing the Royal Army.
None know why Tun ordered the expedition that would found Northhold. Perhaps it was meant to ensure the goodwill of the other dwarven nations, in case they sought to install another Dawnbanner on the throne; Northhold was after all an equal effort of all the dwarven kingdoms. Perhaps the fortress was meant as a way to imprison threats to Tun's reign - more than one noble attempting to overthrow Tun, including all three of his daughters and several Dawnbanner claimants. Some say Tun was driven mad by the death of his son and heir Alath, the Armor of the Nation, a soldier beloved to the people who met his end at the hands of the hill titan Futace Simpleden. Some even suggest it was as Tun said it was - the fortress was meant to secure Urist's Crossing, a path through the mountains to the goblin-infested northern plains and the human Confederacy of Skies that lay beyond it, allowing our merchants to cross directly to those lands without paying tarrifs to the elven nations on the western coasts. Only the elves believe this now, but it may be true; not all their grievances are utterly illogical.

In any case, Northhold, the greatest of our cities, the spark the lit the wars which doomed our people, was founded by Bembul Reveredwire in 251.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 04:25:29 am by MDFification »


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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2014, 05:15:11 am »

Chapter 1: The Early Years

And so Reveredwire led the dwarves to the North, like pigs to the slaughter. The dwarves are wont to kill without good cause. Never have they passed over an opportunity to do so in my lifetime, and if they do in yours it will because we have rid ourselves of those parasites.
-Amwe Fairhair, Elfish Princess

The first seven dwarves to arrive at Northhold worked like dwarves possessed, digging deep into the Earth. By the time the first migrants arrived, they were already dining in a legendary dining room, even if woefully under-furnished and still not smoothed. Before the new residents - the first Chief Medical Dwarf and his wife - could be shown to the rooms dug in anticipation of their arrival, they were told there was work to be done. One of the miners had fallen while channeling down to the future farms for surface plants, wounding himself most greviously. The newly-dug hospital had its first patient before autumn began, and thanks to forsight in acquiring supplies, he survived.
After the first caravan returned from Northhold, tales of it's wealth spread. None seemd to remember that it was within spitting distance from a dozen goblin fortresses - Northhold has space and feed aplenty for new migrants, and the old dwarven kingdoms were dangerously overcrowded. The masses would come to Northhold, but not yet. By the end of the year it had a mere 11 inhabitants, struggling to finish a defensive corridor.

The second year of Northhold's existence, and first of its long war, was a year of firsts. The first child in Northhold was born, and Bembul Goldlanguage became its first militia commander. Its first engineering project - an indoor water source - was completed. Its first encounter with thieves and snatchers ended with bloodshed - although thankfully no dwarves were injured. The goblins sent forth a small squad of warriors to deal with the dwarves who dared set up camp on their doorstep, but underestimated Northhold. The goblin ambush was caged, stripped and killed by the militia for sport. By the end of the year, the fort had a population of 66.
Contrary to popular belief, at this point in our history Northhold was on friendly terms with the Elves. In 252 and for several years following it, trade was maintained between Northhold and the local pointy-ears. In fact, purchasing their supplies on the cheap helped Northhold establish itself as quickly as it did, with a little assistance from the legendary stonecutter who had migrated to the growing outpost in its first year. Likewise, without human traders the fortress could not have sustained itself, focusing so much on digging out rooms, space for industry and private office instead of expanding its food supply.

In 253, the third year of Northhold, the first true trials of the fortress appeared. It began with Stodir Colorropes riding a wave of popular demand to oust Reveredwires as the leader of the settlement, creating the position of mayor. More preoccupied with housing all his supporters, Colorropes was forced to deal with a potential booze shortage his predecessor had been unable to prevent. Combatting the lack of supplies with new egg-laying animals, surface plant farms and raised pigs, Colorropes somehow found time to construct the first layer of Northhold's Citadel - a fortuitous development, as it turned out.
The goblins had not taken the disappearance of a squad of their warriors and the emergence of an explosively-growing mountain hall in the midst of their traditional homelands well. Not one but two large armies besieged Northhold that year. Thankfully the Citadel wall and a raised drawbridge were enough to hold them off, while the newly-drafted marksdwarf squadrons and fortress guards harassed the goblins until they were forced to retreat, leaving behind dozens of dead, a valuable source of arms, armor and training.
Though four dwarves died in the attacks, Northhold's future was looking bright. With a population of 137, Northold has grown yet again faster than any other settlement in history. Also unprecedented was its epidemic of strange moods - possession by unknown powers or divine inspiration lead to the creation of a steady stream of legendary artifacts. Both a daughter of the usurper and a family of Dawnbanner claimants had arrived in the fort as well - Sakzul Dawnbanner, nicknamed Judgedgranite by his fellows, was a son of Vucar the Bold, and came with his wife and young son in tow.

The next year, the caverns were discovered, and exploration of them begun, even if the dwarves had yet to breach. Their military was needed elsewhere - more than simple goblins had been attracted by the already legendary wealth and architecture of what was already being called a city. A fearsome minotaur attacked, thankfully being slain before it could injure a single dwarf.
Mid year, the dwarf Kadol Ritemetals usurped the position of mayor, and ordered the foundations to be built for the second level of the Citadel. This second layer would be finished, and the third layer began before disaster struck; another goblin siege, led this time by the local war-leader of the goblins himself and far bigger than all forces that attacked Northhold prior to this incursion combined.
Ritemetals made the pragmatic, if utterly dishonorable, choice. His militia, numbering some ten skilled but poorly equipped soldiers with various weapons and a supporting 14 marksdwarves, could not hold off the invasion. In fact, they could not even go outside to collect their ammunition; a horde of goblin bowmen were in position to rain bolts down on them from the still-unsecured citadel walls, meaning that there was no safe path from the fortress to the archery tower or the trade depot.
In that trade depot was a human caravan. With two of his dwarves dead, Ritemetal's mind was utterly fixated on revenge. And the goods in that caravan could help Northhold reach utter self-sufficiency, should he find a means to seize them.
The gate was lowered. The humans fought hard, each soldier (and a horse) earning a hero's name. The gate was opened and closed rapidly, attempting to stymie the greenskin tide to give the humans a fighting chance, purely coincidentally sending several goblins and trolls hurtling over the citadel walls to their deaths. Eventually, however, the humans were overrun.The gates were quickly sealed, and the few goblins who remained inside the Citadel were dispatched without incident when they progressed into the fortress.
The surviving human merchants were unable to take all of their goods with them - their wagons had been smashed. Led by the lone surviving human bowman, they chose to depart through the caverns (which had had an entrance dug and secured in the midst of the siege) rather than wait in the safety of the fortress with their betrayers. It is unknown if they ever reached home again - but considering mysterious arrows later found in the at the time unexplored reaches of the caverns, it is not likely they passed through without encountering the dangerous local wildlife.
At the end of the year, only two dwarves had died, despite conditions being more dangerous than ever before. The fortress now numbered 172 in population, including the remaining two daughters of the Usurper who had been sent to Northhold.

However, their actions that year, and the revelations awaiting them in the next would test the resolve of the Northholders. It would take more than royal blood to see them through the next  year - and royal blood would be spilled in the caverns below.


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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2014, 10:33:20 am »

Chapter 2: The Black Year

255 was the blackest of the early years for all but a select few. One of those select few was mayor Ritemetal; he had married one of the Usurper's daughters and ensured the fortress would be properly supplied for years to come. Even now enough booze was being brewed to keep the dwarves afloat for years without replenishing their stocks; prepared meals already would take the decades to eat their way through.
The rest of the fortress, however, was miserable. A black stain had been placed on their honor as they allowed human merchants to die for them. The militia took this especially hard, as they had at this point yet to take a single casualty. News from the human lands, however, was disturbing. It is said that they had appointed some terrible demon masquerading as one of their gods as their law-giver. Fear of human retribution runs high.

Ritemetal clearly decides that the fortress's security is of paramount importance. The archery tower is completed during this year, as is a fortified entrance to the second level of the caverns. A series of trenches, bridges and roads is dug - invaders will be forced to cross these bridges to assail the main gate of the Citadel, and many might be sent to their (rather comical) deaths when the bridges catapult them.
Exploration of the caverns intensifies - it is known that if they dig deep enough, the Northholders will come across a second layer of rock, one that might be useful to them. Equipping the army with useful gear is the priority of most of the fortress.  Eventually, they do manage to dig deep enough to find a new geological layer, but what they find only intensifies the despair of those who plan the fortress. Though they find marble, there is no iron.
Amongst the nobility, abandoning Northhold is seriously discussed. It is the high morale of the commoners that makes up their mind for them. With the exception of those who lost family and friends to the recent raids, the mood in the fortress is universally high. It is decided that if there is no iron in the fortress, it shall be imported, whether by the caravans of friends of the still-warm bodies of foes.

The mood is only improved when an invading cyclops is killed without a single casualty. The medical staff probably feel under-appreciated during this time, though they'll soon miss the relative quiet of the first four years.
The killing began in the caverns. Many troglodyes had been captured by traps. Perhaps this lulled the dwarves into a false sense of security. In any case, two dwarves are soon killed. The militia is summoned, and a great slaughter of the cavern wildlife begins.
It is then that the Jabberer migrates into the lower levels. One can imagine what capturing this beast would have meant for the fortress. A self-renewing source of warbeasts and large as an elephant, quick as a wardog, aggressive as a goblin! The Jabberer was not engaged in hopes of luring it into a cage trap. It decided not to cooperate. Before anything could be done, three dwarves had been slain, among them the wife of Sakzul Dawnbanner. A lone hunter brought down the great beast, but not even such improbable heroics could change the truth of what had occurred. The loss of a member of what many still consider their ruling family hits the dwarves hard.

Not helping matters in Ritemetal's demand for the production of maces. It seems that arming the military was taken so seriously the lack of appropriate facilities for metalworking was not considered. A dwarf is jailed for failing to produce the maces. An innocent administrator, but of course once the Usurper had been an innocent administrator too. Authority was not to be questioned in those days. Perhaps if we'd been a bit more steadfast, there's be more dwarves left today. But I digress.

All of the above happened in a single spring. Perhaps more to take their mind off their losses than anything else, the nobility orders construction of a monument down in the tombs. A great circular room is dug. On the floor will be built a rising sun in orthoclose. Ritemetal's response to this is not recorded, but his marriage speak volumes of where his sympathies lie.

The military blows of steam killing troglodytes, for what good it does. The broker blows of steam by fleecing the elves - while Northhold burns through lumber at an accelerated pace, more must be cut or purchased, and can be with cut gemstones alone.
The fortress concerns itself with the production of trade goods for purchasing arms and armor and on the construction of fortifications or morale-building amenities. In later years, these would prove to be wise decisions.

The caverns continue to fill with dangerous creatures, among them monsters like blind cave ogres. Ritemetal makes a choice. All dwarves will be recalled from the caverns, which will remain sealed until such a time that the masons can be spared to create a system of walls to ensure the security of the cavern workers. The resources below are too tempting to simply ignore, but Ritemetal would not tolerate further casualties on the worst year Northhold had yet seen.
It was just after this decision had been made that the forgotten beast came. Lushob was an enormous finch with a trunk in place of a beak. Although it has no visible mouth, legends speak of its poisonous bite. That however was of no use to it as Northhold's militia arrived in the caverns in full strength. The beast was unable to harm a single being in the end.

With that, it seemed like the Black Year had ended, and the summer of 255 began. Rooms were dug, fortifications built, gems were polished. A new melee squad was formed under the command of Ingiz Highpost, inducting him into the nobility.
These two bleak seasons had been more taxing on the dwarves than any would have suspected a year ago. Morale in the fortress remained excellent, but the nobility feared greatly for the future survivability of the fortress. They vowed two things; that the Citadel be raised yet another level and secured further, and that the caverns would one day be made safe for dwarfkind.
Yet another beast came, this one much more dangerous. Ado, the famed Seer of Terror, was a creature who defies description, beyond its feathered nature and that is spit webs.

The fortress, for the first time in its history, attracted no migrants. Not that the dwarves complained - they had yet to furnish rooms for all the newly born infants. Northhold survived and prospered, but it's image as a utopia was shattered.

The Black Year however would simply not end. A siege arrived, and the Northholders let their pride triumph over their common sense. Though they only lost three soldiers outright, scores more were wounded. Civilians were caught by the attack as well.
The siege was hard fought and bitterly contested. Receiving wounds, many goblins fled. Others were outright slaughtered. The Northholders were said to have run out of metal bolts mid siege, and had to resort to using inferior bone ammunition generally reserved for the hunters. The siege continued all winter, attrition grinding down the goblin forces. In the end, thought the cost was higher than any attack before, Northhold stood fast against the hordes and they dashed themselves against its walls.

It was only the beginning of Northhold's trials.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 01:36:52 pm by MDFification »


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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2014, 12:08:10 pm »

Very cool. I always like when people blend Legends mode into their fortress tales a bit, to give a sense of the world they're living in. Keep it up!


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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2014, 07:28:13 pm »

Very cool. I always like when people blend Legends mode into their fortress tales a bit, to give a sense of the world they're living in. Keep it up!


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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2014, 10:23:39 am »

Thanks for stoking my ego! Here, have an OOC post;

I'm worried about taking much more losses because morale isn't great. The mayor's demanding clear glass windows in his bedroom, and two dwarves have got arrested over it. This comes at the same time our clothing starts to wear out and cave adaption sets in. A failed engagement with the gobbo's is the last thing I need.

Also, there are 6 forgotten beasts in the caverns. I know I wasn't planning to go in there much, but securing the caverns now just looks like it won't happen. I've managed to fend off a few attacks, including a web-spewing titan, and even get a few migrants to safety, but beyond trade I'd rather keep the gates closed until I finish our fortifications and completed a few projects to increase happiness and functionality of the fort.

There's a ton to do. We've struck adamantine, but I haven't mined it yet. We still need to set up magma forges and get this metalworking industry going for real, and I'd like to set these up close to the surface for ... other applications. So that means creating some sort of massive power source (luckily I have an aquifer and a river - no need for exploits to get massive power). In the meantime, FPS isn't great due to the mountain of junk piled up outside Northhold, so I'll also want to set up a system for dumping goods/prisoners into the magma sea.

I've captured a few blind cave ogres, which I think might come in handy if I can unleash them on an enemy siege.

Overall, 256 is going pretty well. I'd like to cover a few more years or wait until something of extreme significant to do a writeup. After morale's improved and I've got the military to where I want it, I guess I'll go for the monarch or start trying to retake the caverns. They're going to be syndrome central, so that probably isn't the best idea, but whatever.


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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2014, 12:16:20 pm »

Sadly, wild animals won't fight with the goblins. I'd recommend making a minor mod to the cave ogre raws to let them be tamed, which doesn't require a world regen, but obviously it's up to you. Great story either way, though.


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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2014, 10:46:41 pm »

Won't be able to do an update any time soon (I've got loads of assignments due; I've pretty much been going at it non-stop since Christmas) so here's a brief summary of what I've played so far.

The world has entered the age of legends since I managed to kill a web-spewing titan. There are 6 forgotten beasts in the caverns, inlcuding one on the lowest level, where I have discovered 3 adamantine spires. Fortune smiles on us, clearly, as that one's the easiest to kill; the others all have deadly dust/webs/flame and are generally BEASTS in combat, whereas it's a winged snail. Still deadly, but I should be able to take it out with marksdwarves fine, and then all that precious adamantine is mine.
The map has a river and partial aquifer, which I could use to make an extremely potent power source. If I did that, I could make magma forges close to the surface, which would be preferable to having to go so deep just to forge junk. I already tried to set this up, but I goof'd and flooded the digsite by accident. The Citadel (a gigantic rectangle) is almost as high as anything else on the map; now that no arrows can pierce it, I'll upgrade the archery towers, floor off a level to prevent unnecessary vomiting, and move the training area up so my soldiers will still not be crippled by the sunlight.

Still after I get adamantine production up and draft a bigger, better military (I haven't used danger rooms so far, since they're a tad exploit-y, but that could change) there's pretty much nothing left for me to do except breach and try to survive as long as I can. Except I have a baron now (it's Dawnbanner) who I'd like to make a duke, I'd like to attract a king, and getting into a war with elves and humans still needs to happen because reasons.

Timeless Bob

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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2014, 05:49:24 am »

Since admantine is so light, would they make awesome bolts or horrible ones, I wonder?
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2014, 06:34:06 pm »

Since admantine is so light, would they make awesome bolts or horrible ones, I wonder?
Horrible ones, sadly. The bolt science thread which I'm too lazy to link to describes why.


Timeless Bob

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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2014, 05:20:07 pm »

Ah.  Then what they need are slade bolts instead.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2014, 10:41:31 pm »

Ah.  Then what they need are slade bolts instead.
Yup. Too bad you can't get bolts as mood items... then again, it might be rather annoying watching your marksdwarves shatter 2 dozen magical arrows against a training target.

Can't wait for the continuation of the story!


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Re: Northhold - Legend of the Dawnbanners
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2014, 08:32:42 pm »

Ah.  Then what they need are slade bolts instead.

Actually all metal bolts have very slight differences in performance. All I can remember is that for some reason adamantine bolts can't pierce adamantine plate very well, which is the only major variation, but wooden bolts do way better against adamantine than they should.
Life continues to be busy, will update soon, I promise.  :'(