This come up quite often as a topic. I don’t claim to have all the answers but I don’t see why others have such a problem, either, even with the not-so-hard Farming. I play in a mature fortress, self-sufficient, with 140 dwarves because 1) that’s more than enough to furnish three squads of all-male soldiers (trained and assigned steel-clad raptors and grizzlies, always more than enough) and 2) 140 is playable on my laptop. I have a Food Industry not so much because I want one but how else besides dumping to get rid of all the food? And at pots being 20K or so each, the 3 legendary cooks produce enough trade goods to buy out entire caravans. Some play without food production at all – Meph, fer instance – but that requires a military strong enough to escort the caravans and I play self-sufficient to allow for Stupid Dwarf Mega-Projects without interruption. My present set-up in this 7-year-old fort: 15 tiles of plump helmets, 15 tiles of quarry bush, 7 tiles of strawberries, 7 of sunberries, 7 of bloated tubers, 7 of dimple cups. The berries switch out with others for variety and sometimes are left fallow. The quarry bush is mostly making wicker and papyrus. The dyes are used in a stupid project rare silk farm and even so, there’s a lot of extra food to get rid of. The fields are fertilized because, what else is there to do with slag? Fish farms are incredibly productive – even with hands only, there are shellfish and crawfish – but this fort doesn’t need them. I never buy booze because pots are so much larger than barrels and that affects FPS in several ways. I start with muskox, boars, drakes and mastiffs for surface defense and as they breed, there’s always meat and bones and such even after the military has some skills and no longer needs to train by hunting. This embark has ferrous ore and a millstone gives more than enough flux so, there’s no need for tree farms. The only “trick” seems to be skilling up the Farmers and keeping dabblers out of the fields come planting time; start small with plump helmets and one berry type, scaling up as they gain skill. Putting fertilizer and seeds right next to the fields and kitchens next to the stockpiles for plants minimizes hauling jobs so 25 or so of the 140 dorfs are always idling when not constructing some Stupid Project.