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Author Topic: The Aloner, Round 1  (Read 618 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The Aloner, Round 1
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:48:50 am »

Ah yes. I got bored one day and decided to mess around with the "Advanced World Parameters". What I ended up making was a world, just two years old, completely uninhabited by any civilization at all. With some quick raw-editing, any race that can make a civ is playable as an outsider in Adventurer mode. So far, I have been having a tough go of it, but it's a pretty awesome challenge. The goal of this particular flavour of DF is pretty simple: kill every legendary thing ever. ( Making a void world. ) You only have a spear, a knife, and whatever skill your points can win you. So far my highscore is 27 from the time I accidentally wandered into an evil biome and got assaulted by zombie animals pretty frequently. ( In the end, poor Radi Sweetsmith met his fate after falling into a quick-thaw river and being ambushed by five zombie river-otters. ) This game has already spawned an inordinate amount of fun. I have one dead woman, a dead man, two dead she-elves, a dead serpent woman, and I think also a lizardperson. In addition, we have a legendary carp. That's right. A legendary carp in modern DF. My most recent death came from spawning in the shrine of a forest titan who decided to pick me up and throw me uphill, landing in a harsh, elf-liquifying smash. Then, for good measure, she decided to slither up hill and bite me in the side and shake my already jellied elf until pieces flung off. And so, I died of exsanguination. I can only wonder what year 3 will hold as I continuously pump in demigods of all species to quickly meet horrible fates. It's much fun. Much, much fun. As DF Progresses, I hope there will at least be new reactions added to Adventurer mode that allow me to make better gear. ( Seriously toady one, would it be so hard to add sewing? ) And I might just add these in myself with some "quickfinger" modding. However, in general, I'd like to keep the experience as close to vanilla as possible. And today, struck with a fit of boredom, I decided to share the !!Fun!! with all! Starting either tommorrow or Monday, the world-file will be available for all to play, as long as you promise to post the final fates of your characters here. ( The interesting ones anyway. If you have sixteen characters starve to death, people will get bored of that. ) Every (in-game) year, we will synchronize folders and the folder with the most progress toward killing everything with a name will be the new "official" folder for this game. But there's no stopping you from keeping your own copies and sharing the !!fun!! with one another. I'm not sure how this is going to work yet, but I'm looking forward to it greatly. Hopefully a few nice entries for the Forgotten Beast Art competition will spring up.

Ground rules:
- You must customize your character to make it's profession name "Aloner"
- No custom gear, if it can't be made in Dwarf Fortress mode, you aren't allowed to use it.
- Addendum to the above: You must start with the gear an outsider would naturally start with
- You must give descriptions of the mods you add to the game for the sake of future players.
- You may only add one custom monster to the game apiece. NO EXCEPTIONS. ( Which might be a moot point anyway, since I think you would have to regen the world to add any new monsters. )
- When/if you reach the next year, stop playing, make a copy of the folder, and post to this thread. Then PM me in case I miss your post. When 5 or more players and myself reach the next year, I will compare and see the two folders that have the most progress slaughtering legendary things divided by the number of legendary things they created by being slaughtered by them. Then I will take those two folders, and mine, and run a poll. The winner of the poll is the new official folder, and the game begins again for a new year. ( If one player wins by a clear margin, e.g. 50 more slaughtered legendaries than anyone else, their folder will be the official folder, so as to save the time of having to run a poll. )
- The poll for next official folder will only run for 2 weeks. If you don't vote, too bad.
- To avoid thread clutter and eventual thread death, for each new round I'll start a new thread.
- No profanity in character names. If the random-name gen comes up with something that sounds like innuendo, leave it, because that's hilarious. No straight up profanity though. ( And no intentionally creating a suggestive name, not that we have a way to check, but still. )
- That's it. Play at any status level you like. Bonus points to anyone who lasts three months. ( I haven't even made it three whole days yet. )

Timeless Bob

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Aloner, Round 1
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 06:22:23 pm »

It would be interesting to mod an existing creature file to produce castes according to food web percentages of entire food-web pyramids.  So the "grazer" caste would be less rare than the "predator" caste, which in turn would be less rare than the "top predator" caste.  Since it's all one creature, the entire biome would co-occur in the same areas and not necessarily mix with caste-creatures from a different biome.
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