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« on: November 20, 2013, 04:02:47 pm »

« Last Edit: August 13, 2021, 08:43:46 pm by IronTomato »

ICBM pilot

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Re: Your Most Awesome Dwarf Ever
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2013, 04:13:35 pm »

why only dorfs why not humans?
On the plus side, they managed to kill off 20+ children


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« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2013, 04:19:05 pm »

« Last Edit: August 13, 2021, 08:43:53 pm by IronTomato »


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2014, 10:41:52 pm »


I had this dwarf once, Named Swifthammer who wielded a copper hammer called the Wild Noble (Best weapon name ever). In the first summer, a dwarf is attacked by a giant gave spider, so I send the Swifthammer to rescue him. Swifthammer loses an eye and gets bitten in the chest, but saves the peasant. Falls unconscious, thought he would die. Nope, he just got right back up and back to training.

A few years go by, Swifthammer loses a leg to giant badgers. He keeps fighting anyway, becomes legendary with a hammer.

Then things got messy. I gave the COTG a whip, thinking it would make a good nonlethal weapon. The psychopath then decides to go around whipping everyone to death for petty crimes committed years ago. This causes a riot, making everyone angry, causing more crime. The COTG is just going around, a whirlwind of death and blood with his whip, then a one-handed woodcutter finally chops his head off. The woodcutter is immediately elected mayor.

At this point I only had 4 sane dwarves left: Swifthammer , the Mayor, a farmer and a miner. A massive goblin siege arrives. I have these four dwarves, Swifthammer with the Wild Noble, the Mayor with his axe, a farmer wielding the dreaded whip, and a miner with her pick. Each of them wearing full adamantine. All four of them charge the goblins and go into martial trances. It was beautiful to watch. The Mayor/woodcutter is the first to fall, then the farmer. The miner gets a broken spine and falls unconscious when Swifthammer kills the last of the goblins. At this point I was done with the fort and just wanted to give Swifthammer a fitting end, so I had the miner
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.

Timeless Bob

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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2014, 01:08:53 am »

A couple years ago, when DF2012 had just been released and I had rediscovered the frustrating joys of this game, I had an organic mess of a fortress sitting on a cliff, one of whose layers were an aquifer.  I was trying to make a "cliff dweller's city" starting from the top and working my way down, with some thought of beautiful spans of bridges connecting the city with its mirror image counterpoint on the other side.  Anyway, this guy's become a legendary miner because I'd only started out with one and hadn't figured out how to change people's jobs yet.  (What an assload of manual laborer "cheesemakers" I had in that fort! Yikes!).  He'd mined out and smoothed pretty much the entire place when he suddenly job cancels because he finds damp stone.  I have him try to mine around it, thinking I must have found a pocket of underground water or something, but it spreads that entire layer to the north and south edges.  I think to myself, "ah well", build a little outer staircase to the next level and continue on with digging and smoothing habitation, little farms on the sand levels, workshop areas, ect...  A while later, he gets all the way down to the base of this cliff having mined out the entire face going to the edge of the embark in rooms, farm plots, little statue gardens and private dining alcoves, ect... when I save the game and go to bed.  Two weeks later, I start up the game again and for some reason, there's a whole level not doing a thing, just sorta sitting there.  Well, I get my 21+ mining fella to go at it, maybe tap the underground lake and see if any fishes or something are in there.  block by block, he digs that entire area out, without once causing the aquifer to spill out, and all the while I'm thinking, WTH? 

Last block he excavates brings that entire side of the map down one level with a crash - You see I'd forgotten that I'd trenched the embark sides all the way down to the base z-level of the cliff so that no gobs or 'bolds or other beasties could interrupt my work of art.  Smashed that guy to oblivion, and caused quite a few injuries up top too.  All those stupid cheesemakers immediately started tantruming and the fort succumbed to the spiral soon after. 

So, the memorable bit is this, I'd named the guy "Atlas" because he was the strongest dwarf in my embark bar none and indefatigable besides.  After I got done cursing and hollering, I started laughing - I'd just simulated what happened when Atlas shrugged.
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2014, 02:19:24 pm »

Well my greatest person was a dwarf hunter just a simple dwarf hunter armed with a worthless bone crossbow. One day he decided to hunt in the caverns hoping to find the meat of the greats, but to the horror of me he found a beakless giant nightjay FB. Instead of running he decided to charge into battle firing shots at the creature only for it to grab his, his response was to samsh it's eye then roll and keep firing. He battle the creature for 5 days straight in game, to which he was able to finally shoot it in the brains. He had not one scratch on him but the FB had over 20 Bolts in it, lets just say got the best treatment from me from there on.


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2014, 02:24:47 pm »

In my current fortress I have a dwarf named Inid, who is a vampire. He wields an artifact bow and arrows, along with a masterwork silver war hammer, and is legendary with both. He properly uses the warhammer as a backup weapon (lots of micromanagement required), so he shoots goblins full of arrows, and then charges down from his tower to break their skulls, too.

This one time, before he had his warhammer, he was caught by a goblin ambush. At the time, he was the fort's only soldier. He did some crazy point blank shooting, then lost his bow, and proceeded to fight weaponless for three straight months until the last goblin axelord (he started out as just an axeman) fled. His only injury was a broken hand, which he refused to let any of the doctors repair, and he fought of at least half a dozen more ambushes with the hand still broken, until he finally stopped being stubborn and let someone put a splint on it.


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2014, 04:55:55 am »

Alright, so this game is still in progress, and i'm about to do something unheard of (at least to my knowledge) tomorrow, when I continue the epic saga.

(I started out with a demigod-level Human, and started her out on an island with max Strength, Agility and Toughness, and very high dodge and some complimentary combat skills, plus swimming (because fucking rivers). Gathered some armor and gear from a keep along the way, and was fully-armoured for almost every encounter I met with. Went around towns, killed a couple animals and a few bandits with a little troupe of people that even included the younger sister of a paltry lord! She had a bone carving knife, and would routinely gank people with brutal efficiency.)

Now, this island has a volcano on it, and apparently some strange phenomena to boot. I did not know this. So while crossing a river near the volcano, in a barren waste of a place, my group and I befell a most tragic fate: a cloud of gas. Not your ordinary choke-you-out gas, or even boil-your-blood gas; we were all turned into fiendish vapor zombies. Strangely, this didn't impede our ability to speak, or fight with weapons. So we went on our merry way, still intent to clear our island from evil.

We decided to trek out to the volcano, and see what that was like. Sadly, it had a sheer edge all around, and we couldn't get up it. After travelling for a while, I stopped to do the cursory eating and drinking, then sleeping that being alive required, only to find that I was still a zombie, and these things were unimportant to me. Also, only the sister of the lord had remained, the other two staying behind at the volcano, Armok knows why. So I decided we would carry on, just us, and set out to the next camp of bandits. When we got there, I was fully prepared to be slain like the monster I was, but to give them a good fight, as well.

Turns out being a zombie means I can't die unless my head is severed, and even a mortal wound doesn't slow my efforts to de-limb my foes, then kick them to death. And my zombified cohort delighted in rushing enemies, punching them, then jamming her bone carving knife into their skulls. They were good times. But alas, someone had to know of the good deeds we apparently-foul monsters had been doing. So off to town it was.

It was there that I realized just how far down we'd fallen. We could not speak to any of them, and when we approached a group of sleeping villagers closely, my wonderful friend simply stabbed one in the head. I followed suit by caving in another's head with my boot, and then I heard my dear friend scream her name, and tell me of the elf we had slain the night previous, and how he was rejected in death. She then tried to kill me.

After removing her limbs, I proceeded to knock out her teeth, bruise her jaw, cut out her guts, and finally decapitate her. I then took her mutilated corpse and threw it on the road outside, and placed a bag of coins next to it as recompense for the villagers we had slaughtered (I forgot to mention, i'd been taking All the money from everyone i'd killed, so I was the richest zombie around).

I found a cave later on, and went in, only to find it devoid of anything more than a few Giant Bats, whose teeth I took. The character is currently carrying at least 100 lbs of money, a number of trophies including teeth from numerous humanoids, tails from some animals, a few skulls, and at one point, a human hand. I dispatched a stingray and alligator with it. I also raided an Elven capital, and after slaying the lord and underlings, went to the catacombs and loaded up on jewelry and finery, as well as a nice pike attached to my head.

Now I stand by the shore of the island I knew as home naught but a month ago. The waves crash upon my body, but I do not feel them like I should. My body has continued to stay in stable condition, save for some bruising and the occasional wound that will not heal. Even a pike in my head cannot stop me now. Even these waves cannot stop me.

I am Queen Mab, Fiendish Vapor Zombie. I have slain countless enemies and innocents. The Dread Zombie shall take her fight to the mainland, and battle across this world until a jagged scar threatens to tear the world asunder. Let they who slay me have the bounty that I possess, countless riches taken from countless foes. Let my body decay as it should.

(She's a Legendary Fighter, and routinely kicks people to death by pushing her foot through their heads. The Greataxe and Shield are just for ease of use. She's going to be the biggest person in the history of this world if I have to play for 10 years in-game.)


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2014, 07:11:17 am »

My greatest dwarven hero was a noble. After making some rather outrageous demands, I decided it was time to "remove" him. Dropped him in full armor into the goblin pit (200+ naked gobs running around). He falls on a spike from 2 z-levels, and somehow becomes a god (ie lvl 149 hammerdwarf). Kills all the goblins, is let out, and promptly demands that I make windows on an embark without sand.
RIP Moot ;-;7 Sigtext!


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2014, 08:41:03 am »

Ah yes, the shaft of enlightenment glitch.


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2014, 12:52:35 pm » dwarf saved the multiverse. See: steelhold.
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2014, 01:36:50 pm » dwarf saved the multiverse. See: steelhold.

... You only needed to save it because you broke it...


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2014, 07:50:23 pm »

details, details...
This is a masterwork ledger.  It contains 3719356 pages on the topic of the precise number and location of stones in Spindlybrooks.  In the text, the dwarves are hauling.
"And here is where we get the undead unicorns. Stop looking at me that way, you should have seen the zombie deer running around last week!"


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2014, 08:26:08 pm » dwarf saved the multiverse. See: steelhold.

Think they mean things that actually happened in game. He does make masterful leather bags, though.


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Re: Your Most Awesome Character Ever
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2014, 02:16:16 pm »

So, on my second ever fortress, I managed to reach the caverns without falling to a siege. After a while, a giant Olm shows up. Anyway, I look on the wiki and conclude that this must be some fort-ending beast of terror, so I cancel all exploration of the caverns. A dwarven month or so later, I check my stocks and notice, to my great surprise, that bits of prepared giant Olm have appeared. Panicking slightly, I check reports to see if it managed to path into my fort and kill stuff without me realising. I am greeted with ONE LINE of combat log:

The {flying acacia bolt} strikes the Giant Olm in the head, tearing the muscle, piercing the skull and tearing the brain!


Basically, one of my hunters (the best of which was only lvl2 marksdwarf) had gone down there with some TRAINING AMMO and casually sniped the beast, for the good of my fort! I subsequently gave him a noble's rooms and promoted him to captain of the guard, and he got stabbed by a goblin during an ambush about a year later.
It's all very epic. Jump off a tower towards a spike pit, and at the last moment attempt to parry the planet.