Hello guys, girls and dwarfs! I have some little questions concerning Stone, Digging and a problem i keep encountering for you!
First of all, lets start with everything that leads up to said problem.
Digging is Fun. Expecilly if you dig to deep. Which is what i did really often when i was new. So basically i had alot of fun when i discovered gold after only a single season in game. Where was i ? OH yea, restart, so i restarted, didnt dug at all and had fun without stone. Again. Stone is important.
But how important is it really? I am new so i only always took the obvious approach but how long can a fort survive without stone? And what exactly do i need stone except for a few items anyway? Expecilly flux stone was rather pointless for me , and still is! It doesnt seem as important as food, beer or trees.
The second thing about digging is basically, how big do i have to dig in order for caravans to reach my underground castle? Like, is 3x3 of a channel really enough? Or do i need 5x5 because of the ramp downs?
Also, can i keep digging and reallocating my whole fortress deeper and deeper till i eventually have a (masochisticly) deep castle? such as -50 floor?
Now the nasty little problem.
A nasty little problem when i encounter digging is...wait let me explain with screenshots as i have the perfect seed at the moment and might reroll after figuring out what the hell is going on
Okay, so this is the very outline. from here on i do strike the earth:
http://gyazo.com/7bed81bb3543cc46d04fa4c38f795808Everything fine so far. Can someone explain me what the difference between red and green ramp downs is? or is there none?
Interiour of my castle. not really organized( i know i am missing some stuff, like a warhouse,dormitory...pretty much everything. i know.)
http://gyazo.com/2199bf7559932d539b9dd8f0cde28b4dSo you see the ramp downs at the right side? Yup. hang on:
http://gyazo.com/811085aeffc2c8efee3cef1d35d3810fThis is where it leads to. now why is there a way outside? Its easy. Because as soon as i dug this channel, my dwarfes COULD NOT get up again. I repeat. i got 9 "Cant pick up the rocks because there is no way" error messages. ANd then my dwarfes where stuck. So i had to carve myself out of the mountain (as diggin "up" didnt work. maybe because it does not. if it does please tell me why i couldnt do it.).
What goes wrong here?
Oh btw, see the hole next to it?
Leads up to this
http://gyazo.com/c556b637511dc7bf9a4a9e97c1ed7275And this hole works fine again. I am genuinely confused.
Anyhow, thank you in advance for taking the time to read this and thank you even more if you will help me with my newbish little problems.