Without much more detailed info, it's hard to say what else can be done. Here's what I usually tell people:
1. Get Process Explorer from Microsoft.
2. Check all running processes.
3. Google each process that seems suspicious.
4. Track down any executable or related file in your file system.
5. Attempt to rename the file in question. Chances are this will fail.
6. If it doesn't fail, awesome. If it does fail (access denied, ect...)....
7. Reboot your computer in safe mode.
8. Navigate back to the files in question.
9. Rename them. This should work. If they can't be renamed the problem goes deeper than your average virus.
10. If the files were renamed correctly, they should fail to load on windows startup. Files not in use can be deleted.*
11. This isn't a guarantee. There may be some other process that was missed that will recreate/rename the files. The only way to check is to restart and verify the processes aren't running/files haven't been recreated.
12. This may not fix other windows problems caused by the virus. Some viruses damage or alter system settings that either need to be repaired or reinstalled or reconfigured. Knowing what's been changed is the hard part.
A couple other things you can do:
1. Start --> Run --> msconfig. Check to see if anything stupid is set to load at Windows start. Most viruses worth their salt aren't going to do something so obvious, but it's worth a shot never the less, you may have some low grade malware.
2. Get better tools. You can try Ultra Virus Killer, but it is not a tool for people who don't know what they're doing. Malewarebytes is decent for your garden variety malware and viruses, but it fails to catch a ton of stuff.
3. Spybot Search and Destroy and Hijackthis are both lower level tools you can use see if your browser has been hijacked in any way. SBS&D might also have luck where Malwarebytes didn't find anything.
My honest to goodness advice is: reformat if possible. It's faster usually than searching everything by hand. It will do a better job of getting everything than simply checking on processes. (Note: it's not a guarantee either, the worst viruses can attack your motherboard. Unlikely you have something that bad.) I'll trade 12 hours backing up my data and reinstalling over continuing to use a system that might be compromised in ways I can't tell.
Just out of curiosity, what 'random audio' does it play?
*All this is given with the disclaimer that renaming/deleting a core windows file will fuck everything up, and you should be very certain what you're messing with before you decide to do anything with it. At the very least, if you're unsure, copy the file to another folder and rename it so you can put it back if it turns out it was something you needed.