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Author Topic: WANDERBOULDERS - The tale of durpitude and Dorfitivity  (Read 676 times)


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WANDERBOULDERS - The tale of durpitude and Dorfitivity
« on: October 26, 2013, 02:48:09 am »

   I decided to do a written play through. I want to infuse some comedy into the play through, however, I have a pretty sick sense of humor. Easily offended people (Or people who don't like bad jokes) May wish to avoid reading this. I'll post in a journal entry style from the Dwarves point of view, and I'll post by the month.

   The following is an entry from the journal of Kib Gusgashmafol, Expedition leader. The brackets "{" and "}" indicate editing done to the entries to help Human readers understand it.

   "Limestone {September} 15th, 126, Early Autumn
This is it! I don't know how, but we managed to convince the C**K {Council of Colonial Keepers} to allow the seven of us to set out on a journey to expand the Dwarven Empire! I'm a Miner by trade, but I'm sure I can manage to organize the building of an outpost. How hard can it be, right? {Dwarven Stupidity} We leave tomorrow morning, and we're all set. Man do I love the C**K!

   I've elected (By myself) to name the settlement "WanderBoulders". I mean, boulders don't wander much, being boulders, and all ... But nonetheless, I'm very happy with our Fortresses new name!

   I'm bringing along with me Stodir Muzishfikod, who is a good friend of mine from back in Miner school. He's good with a pick, and I wouldn't be wanna stuck in those tunnels with anyone else. I'm bringing along Mestthos Enshalineth, the carpenter, and Endok Ubilkubuk, the wood cutter. I don't trust those wood touchers, but an the starting of a settlement requires them ... Until they can be replaced by metalworkers, anyway. Olon Astelkadol will be my stoneworker, a fine Dwarf, who I did 'Intro to rocks 10' with, in High school. Atir Nerdeduk will be our hunter and butcher. I don't know the guy very well, be the C***s recommended him, so I agreed to bring him. Finally, Melbil Atulfikod will be our farmer, as well as our Kitchen worker and brewer. He said he's never done much farming before, but he once constructed a still in his room because he parents grounded him using the legs from his bed and some of his beard hair, so I decided the good outweighed the bad.

   Ok, it's getting late. I must rest now to prepare myself for the long journey ahead of us."
Morul Idenigath, Recruit cancels starting Fist Fight: Target inaccessible.


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Re: WANDERBOULDERS - The tale of durpitude and Dorfitivity
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2013, 02:49:30 am »

"Granite {March} 1st, 127, Early Spring

We have arrived! I can't believe how long it took! That's the last time I go off on a journey to found a new settlement in Autumn. It took us all winter to get here! Most of our supplies are gone, and most of the animals are gone, (Because we ate them) But we've arrived. We're alive, we're here, and the ground isn't frozen! It's decently warm here. The climate is much hotter than that of our past home, in the mountains. Most of the grass is very dry, and very dead. We have pulled up our wagon next to a volcano! Unfortunately, one of the wood touchers was fooling around with the wagon last night, and now it has some embarrassing white stains on it, so we're going to need to disassemble it here, and start our new settlement.

   Immediately, myself and Stodir set off to start carving our home into the mountainside. I instructed the wood touchers to fell trees, and disassemble the wagon. Atir is already off trying to find something to kill, and Melbil is foraging for food. Olon will have to sit around until we can get him some stone, shouldn't take long though.

   Just as I was about to strike my pick into the earth, I decided to look around. I looked down several levels to the river, to see Atir chasing around a duck, his fists flailing in the air, and choice words flowing from his mouth. I quickly called him up to see what the problem was.

   'Atir, where is your crossbow and bolts?' I asked the hunter
   'I had them with me last night! And I can't find the damn things anywhere! I swear to s**t, one of those fruity wood touchers gotta hold of them. I don't want them back, if that's the case' He responded, while looking around for more prey
   'Oh .. Ok. Well, I'll have the wood touchers fabricate you a new weapon and ammo as soon as I can. Until than ... Try not to get yourself killed.' I concluded, my suspicions of the wood touchers were increasing.
   Atir nodded and walked off, kicking a rock as he went.


   The C***s had really fucked me with these wood touchers. People like them can't be trusted. What perverse Dwarf would decide to spend his life working with weak, soft, flimsy wood, when he could be balls deep in nice, hard, solid, rock? I don't know. But I don't like them.

   We aren't off to a great start ... Our hunter has no gear, and the wood touchers concern me ..."

   "Granite 2nd, 127
   Earlier this morning Olon came to me with disturbing news
   'Gus' (That's what my friends call me) 'I've seen some ... Strange, things' Olon looked very concerned. 'There appear to be ... Corpses, old ones, mostly decayed to skeletal form, littering the country side. I've found seven dwarves, and many live stock animals. The rate of decay on the items on the bodies suggests that they've only been here for a year, but ...' Olon paused for dramatic effect, I was in a pissy mood, so it didn't help much 'But, I haven't found a single piece of ... Anything. It doesn't look like they brought any supplies. There aren't even any old wagon ruts. I don't know what happened to them, but I'm worried it may happen to us.' He paused, to let me speak

   'Olon, my friend. I appreciate your concern. But don't worry. The C***s said this place was perfectly fine. Would a C**K ever lie? I don't think so. They mentioned no prior Dwarven  settlement attempts ... Those bodys must just be ... Bums, or hookers who got killed, or, or something. Don't worry about it.' Olon didn't look relived. He's crazy. The C***s are good people. I like C**K. I'm sure we're fine."

   "Granite 3rd, 127
   Rejoice! My self and Stodir have managed to find stone, and even better gold ore! This place truly is perfect! Gold, on the surface? I've never heard of such things! These are surely good signs! Now Olon can get to work making rock furniture for us, and stop thinking about bodies and other such things.''

   The following is from the journal of Atir Nerdeduk, Hunter
   "Granite 15th, whatever f*****g year it is
   This damn land is empty. The f*****g fruity a*s wood touchers molesting my hunting equipment is the least of my worries. It turns out, the duck I was chasing on day one, is one of ours! I haven't found a single f*****g animal since we've been here. Nothing but a rattle snake and a giant mosquito. Ever try to eat either of those things? Don't. I'm gonna start butchering some of our animals pretty soon if I don't get something else to do. The damn expedition leader forgot my quiver anyway, so I'll need to butcher one of our own animals to get leather to make a new one. Incompetent f**k."

   The following is from Kid Gusgashmafol, Expedition Leader
   "Granite 19th, 127
   A few days ago we got some temporary work shops set up outside the entrance to what will soon be our fortress. Currently we have one Stock pile dug out, but progress is coming along nicely. As soon as Olon has his workshop operational, he insisted on making doors for the entrance. I let him do so, and he's already build and placed four doors. Our entrance is only a 2 blocks wide, but Olon insisted on two lines of doors. Now that I think about it, I do feel a bit saver knowing that if anything is out there, it'll have to knock down our doors first ..."
Morul Idenigath, Recruit cancels starting Fist Fight: Target inaccessible.


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Re: WANDERBOULDERS - The tale of durpitude and Dorfitivity
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 02:50:07 am »

"Slate {April} 3rd, 127 Mid-Spring
   I was alarmed earlier today when I the death cry of a camel, followed by the evil cackling of a Dwarf. I quickly left the inside of the fortress to see what was going on. Upon exiting the tunnels, I found Atir, the hunter and butcher, slaughtering the animals which the C***s provided us to haul our wagon here. He had took it upon himself to kill the one-humped camel, and the horse which hauled our wagon. There is on way the animals could have breeded, however, I still would have appreciated to be kept in the loop, being the Expedition Leader, and all. I assume he's going to make a quiver out of the leather, as I have instructed the ... Carpenter, to make him a new cross-bow, and some bolts.

   Work on the fortress is coming along nicely, more updates as I can find the time to write them down."

   Atir Nerdeduk, Hunter
   "Slate 15th, one twenty-SEX
   I cut the s**t out of some pack animals, and I've made a quiver and chest armor out of their skins. I now have a weapon, ammo, and a quiver, but there still isn't s**t to hunt in this hell hole! This place is f*****g hot as f**k, so all the pools and ponds are drier than your Mom's vagina, and the river is to f*****g fast to take a swim in. This place is hot, boring, and empty, and I hate it here. The area by the river is flatter than your sisters chest, and than all of a sudden as the approach our shithole the elevation suddenly shoots up, like an old guys heart rate when he tries to jerk off. I hate this damn place. The pack animals are holding back my needs for now ... But if I don't shoot something soon, I'm going to snap ..."

   Kib Gusgashmafol, Expedition leader
   "Slate 19th, 127.
   Thank the lord Atir is finally hunting. I thought he was going to snap. He started jumping with joy and shouting 'GRASSHOPPERS! GRASSHOPPERS!' And ran off down the mountain with his Crossbow. I really hope that's a big grasshopper ... It's not like we need the food at the moment, though. The food from the butchered pack animals should keep us going for some time. And, we're going to get our farm up soon. We're a little behind schedule because we accidentally mined out the dinning hall, which took some time due to it's size ... But work is still going well, so I'm not to concerned."

   "Slate 26th, 127
   Atir hasn't returned yet. Olon tells me it's normal for hunters to be gone for this long, especially when the land is so ... barren, but it concerns me. Atir doesn't seem ... Stable. I really hope he's ok out there. And more importantly, not planning the deaths of us all."
Morul Idenigath, Recruit cancels starting Fist Fight: Target inaccessible.


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Re: WANDERBOULDERS - The tale of durpitude and Dorfitivity
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2013, 02:50:52 am »

  Atir Nerdeduk, Hunter
   "Felsite {May} 2nd, One Twenty-f**k
   Finally, after weeks of tracking, I've reached the flatlands by the river. I see it. The giant fuckhopper!{Grasshopper} I shall shoot it, and as it quivers on the ground, I shall reach into my own quiver, and shoot it more! This is very exciting. I usually don't hunt insects, but I've never encountered a giant grasshopper before, and I don't exactly have much of a f*****g choice. All the damn other animals are avoiding this hell hole because they aren't half as brain dead as we are."

   "Felsite 4th, one hundred, twenty-seventy
   I tracked the shitlord grasshopper for weeks, only to have it's b***h a*s hop the f**k away like some p***y a*s b***h. Likely, some dumbfuck giant tick jumped across my feet as I was about to head home. I immediately began shooting the f**k out of it, and chasing it around, to shoot the f**k out of it some more. Giant dicks {Ticks} are also really fast, so that shitfuck got away from me. I'm back to tracking, trying to find SOMETHING to kill in this hellhole. I don't even care what it is anymore."

   Kib Gusgashmafol, Expedition leader
   "Felsite 7th, 127
   Finally! Atir has returned. Unfortunately, he has returned empty handed. He stormed up to the wagon wreck, and drank a full barrels worth of booze. He's currently helping move things to the stock pile, but it's only a matter of time before he goes off on his own again ... Or worse"

   "Felsite 19th, 127
   Atir is off again. Something about Mantis Men this time. I hope he doesn't get himself killed ... C**K will never send more people over if I get someone killed so soon. Gotta keep the C**K happy, after all. In other news, The first level is complete, for now. We have a few rooms for stock piles, as well as farming, and workshop areas. I'm going to put a butchery area in soon, I just haven't gotten around to it. We've also gotta dinner hall up there, unfurnished as of yet. Stodir and I have begun the living areas, simple 3X3 bedrooms. Big enough for everything you need. Of course, we've planned out slightly larger areas for ourselves, being the miners, and all. And, I do need a desk to do my official Expedition leader work at."

   "Felsite 28th, 127
   Well, tomorrow will mark the first day of our first summer in this new land. I've decided to start reviewing the seasons, at the end of each season. We've finally established farms, and we're working on growing Plump helmets. Work is going slow else where because mining through rock isn't as easy as soil, but once we get experienced we should be fine. Atir is still off on his hunt, I'm confident he hasn't killed a thing yet. The carpenter has crafted totem's out of the skulls of the butchered animals ... Although I'm sure it'll be valuable to the trade caravan, it's really creepy. I've had it placed inside a bin in the goods stockpile, and I'm never looking inside that bin again.  A pretty uneventful season, besides us founding our new settlement, and Atir slaughtering our pack animals."
Morul Idenigath, Recruit cancels starting Fist Fight: Target inaccessible.