Played it and it was fun! Great potential, and we're definitely backing this if it gets indiegogo'd.
Some things we thought could make the game better:
- Instead of randomly drawing dance moves, draft them. In case you never did that: each player gets his 5 cards, picks one, passes the rest to the left. Picks one of the 4 he gets, rest to the left. So on and so forth, until everyone has picked 5. That way, your dance moves will be of similar styles and much more useful (although it might make the game too easy, so it might require more balancing. Not sure. We didn't have time to try.
- I'd count improvising towards your 5 moves. I'm not sure, but I see some potential for game-ruiningly long runs in that direction.
- Discard all unused cards during preparation. This makes the game a bit harder, as it increases part sparseness, and it prevents everyone from getting +9 from the Grand Poobah every time. (Yes, that would mean you have to bribe GP with parts already on your robot, which is fun). We tried it that way, and we felt it played much smoother/cleaner as well.
- Nerf Al Gore. We had him as a judge in the last round, and basically everyone with an Armature chassis was first in points, then there was a 10-pt gap, and then came the rest. I'd suggest 1/heat. Which is also closer to what you can usually get from the other judges.
- Discard leftover dance moves. Necessary for drafting, and feels cleaner as well.
These are suggestions, obviously, and the game is pretty good as it is.
(For the record, 'we' is a subset of the Thunderbolts Ghent Game Club)