1: No more of that "Personality" stuff, its pointless.
Aw, I liked that bit.
2: More refined method of working out experience gains. The first problem with this was that I couldn't work out a good number for each job. For example a miner vs a mason would have different speeds at which they complete their jobs but if there was a base gain that governs every gain then it would be unbalanced. Need to look into this, help more then welcome.
Some sort of tier system would probably be best to keep this simple. For instance, Mining and Woodcutting could be Fast jobs, meaning they award more "tasks" completed, and thus more experience, while Masonry and Stoncrafting would be Normal and, well, I'm not really sure what a Slow job would be. But the point would be that Fast jobs get 2x, or 5 instead of 3 per shift, or a +1 to the rolls, or whatever, as opposed to going through Mining and saying "Okay, how fast should this be and increase?" and then going to Woodcutting and saying "Okay, how fast should this be and increase?" and then going to Gem Cutting and so on.
3: Rewriting the shops and shit, it seems most of you misread or didn't read some things there and what they do, gotta KISS that bit...
Some of it, yeah. Personal Basics are one of those things that are really vague, for instance.
4: If you don't submit a clear cut action post and you fluff around trying to be "Different" your Dorf does nothing, no adjustments no nothing. If you are not paying attention to how much raw material is gained vs used, you do nothing with no adjustments. Looking at adwarf here. I mean that fucking spear, you wouldn't give it a break...
Standardized modifiers could also help with that. -1 for difficult, -2 for really difficult, -5 for impractical, -8 for McGuyvering it (not actual numbers). Then you just say "Okay, that falls into the Stupid category, which means it gets this penalty."
5: Clean up the dicerolls and shit. I have a site which does what I want but it still is annoying trying to figure out the Successes vs the fails...
Yeah, can't swear 1d6 per skill level and then counting the successes is a good idea logistics-wise.