You order a rapport on the factory, and order production to start immediately. The factory is a state of the art automated production plant, and is soon running at full speed. Worker teams supply the machinery with it's resources, which is then processed, extracted, melted and reprinted in the desired ship set. In optimal conditions, this system is capable of producing almost a ton of highly advanced circuitry a day, though said rates are seldom attained. Not only is the facility constantly running under low power conditions, but resource supply is often hampered by snow storms and damaged equipment blocking the train tracks. Boats can only be used during the short summer, and helicopters are to expensive to use for anything else than basic supplies.
Having noted that down, you request a hazmat suit, and an escort to nuclear plant. As you explore it's damaged and derelict interior, one of the crewmembers tells you it's story. It's an old Gen II nuclear plant, build over fifty years ago, intended to supply power to a possible mining site up river. However, construction of the site was cancelled, and the reactor was delegated to experimental study of a variety of safety procedures. During the exceptionally cold winter, in 2017, in the midst of a scheduled low power recovery exercise, even the cooling water intake froze. Reactor 1 suffered a minor criticality incident, spilling radioactive material thorough the reactor building. Following the investigation the complex was decommissioned and partly dismantled. Frost and wind have done the rest of the job, collapsing the roof of the generator building, and almost covering Reactor 2's containment facility.
The rest of the month passes by quickly, and with the monthly supply train come the orders of Central command. Fjorningsland's National University needs extra supplies of AI ship's, and you need to increase production. Combined with regular demand, you need to produce at least 15 tonnes per month. You're allowed to request additional men and personnel if you need it. They'll take things into consideration.
Bernarie Dekymuin
-Omnidisiplinairy scientist
-Mediocre Negotiator
Bakfil du Hemershei Fjorni: 'Fjornigsland Innovation and Science Award'
Sempiel Huversi Fjorni: 'Fjornigsland Black Brain Medal'
Haskerfel Bullip Fjorni: 'Fjornigsland Peace Prize'
Nobel Peace Prize(once)
NITL Award for Science and Technology
Official mandate
Portable satellite phone and computer unit
Decrepit Train station
Old Railway
Concrete Storage room
Underground Housing
AI ship factory
Population: 178
Dismantled nuclear reactor
River (Frozen)
Rope bridge
Boris ............Engineer