"Let it go" --> easier to say than to do ! but you are right.
I completely understand what you are describing, and I lived it quite a long time. Feeling ugly and alone and not liked.
I fought against depression -and I know. But more because it forgot me than because of my fighting...
If I have only one advice, it's try to look for fresh air, elsewhere.
Try making some activities with other people. Don't loose your time with people that make you feel worse. Depression is a case of emergency, you don't have time/energy for people who don't help you.
Depression is a self-feeding thing. When I was depressed, the only thing I wanted was to speak about it, to tell people, because I thought it would relieve me. On the short term, it did. But soon, speaking with these people made me feel even worse, because I couldn't escape from it. "It" was everywhere, around me, making the air thick and loud.
Try new activities ! With new people ! At least, THEY don't know you are like this.
And if you reach NOT to speak about it with them, they won't see you as "the depressed girl" like they saw me.
Perhaps they will think you are, (because you are), but won't tell you. And with time, perhaps, things will get better.
With time, I noticed that i didn't need a lot of social life to be happy with it, and that a bit of "making myself pretty" was enough to feel that I could be desired. I know it's not...well, not very "good", but being desired is quite good for morale.