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Author Topic: HOTRS II: Dead Roots Stirring Toxic Season 104AE  (Read 66784 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Skippity-Bap-Pap for your soul
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Re: HOTRS II: Dead Roots Stirring Toxic Season 104AE
« Reply #1320 on: May 25, 2013, 04:55:47 pm »

In Castellum Fidelis....

The men moved aside worldessly, having received orders though their earpieces.
Trent was let int into Archon's elaborate office, dark wood of the panels, books and art pieces and the big window at the back giving the place approrately gothic atmosphere.

Archon himself was sat at the desk, reading through a stack of documents. He nodded to Trent when he saw him and invited him to sit down at the desk with a hand gesture.

As the silence fell and Archon continued reading, it was apparent he waited for Trent to speak.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HOTRS II: Dead Roots Stirring Toxic Season 104AE
« Reply #1321 on: May 25, 2013, 04:57:42 pm »

Jarod nodded, and his end went under his coat completely, before bringing back another paper, much bigger. He unfolded it on top of the diagram, revealing it to me a rough map of the world.

"Land is indeed an... Issue. We are aware that church infrastructure is not exactly perfect for looking over large amounts of land, and that beyond a certain portion of a world, it simply becomes inefficient to manage an administration for it... Which is why I have a proposal.

As you may or may not know, my grandfather has taken a loan. A rather sizeable one, to be precise. He is planning to use it to greatly expand Nova's economy throughout the planet. What this means is that of course we shall get much higher revenues from the taxes, but that you will also see the church's tithes greatly increase in size. Of course, only we will pay for this. As such, considering that your administration of too much land is inefficient and that you are gaining sizeable funds from the tithes on ours, we propose a... Trade, of sorts."

He took another sip.

"If you were willing to part with some of your lands - the least valuable ones, of course - we could overhaul their infrastructure and economy. Both sides would greatly gain from this. If you kept what your administration could manage easily - a fifth of the world, perhaps - and a quarter of that for your vassals, we could take the least profitable lands and overhaul them. You will get full tithes, of course - I understand there was a problem related to that in the past? - and the right to pass through those lands. You'll also want to keep enough to pay off whatever debt you had towards Cr'tok. In exchange, we will do our best to keep the tithes high, ensure they get sent to you alone, and initiate a technological partnership with your people, to ensure we'll be both able to profit from the things coming out of my labs."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HOTRS II: Dead Roots Stirring Toxic Season 104AE
« Reply #1322 on: May 25, 2013, 05:04:55 pm »

In Castellum Fidelis

Trent smiled slightly before starting up,

"I would start this out by saying how I'd simply come to see a friend, but we both know that is always a lie since problems and work seem to add new topics by the second on this planet. I came to talk to you about a research project I wish to carry out, while I know both Nova and the Church have terraformers that can fix some of the damage the Inquisition has dealt to this world I feel we need to plan ahead of time for such scenarios where we might not have such things at hand.

Quite simply I wish to request a small amount of funds, and possibly land to begin work on research for underground habitation. If you'd be so kind as to give them to me I could begin right away, but of course I get the suspicion you have some questions to ask first or perhaps a suggestion to make."

With that said he looked about the room, admiring the Archon's collection of books, it was quite good from the look of it, as he waited for the man's reply.
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