Dear Urists McWarriors,
Despite your raw, untrained state, you proceeded to handle my first ever goblin ambush quite well. I was particularly impressed with you, Urist McCommander - your very first swing severed the goblin's arm and sent it's silver war hammer flying with it. Not a single one of you so much as took a wind, blocking every swing the goblins launched at you. You didn't even get to test out your freshly forged iron armor, which our Master Armorer is still working on the complete sets on for over half of you. So, good job. Now, get back to training! The next ambush may not be so easy!
Yours truly, Your Newly Appointed Overseer
Dear Lamb McAwesome
Despite being born only a few weeks ago, you proved your worth and earned yourself a permanent respite from the slaughterhouse with your actions. Not only did you get attacked by the Goblins, altering me to their prescense, you led their commander on a merry chase, away from the rest of the pack. When he managed to catch you, you blocked his first two swings with his maul with your hooves (not sure how a baby goat hoof can make a maul glance away, but, still...) then dodged his charge and made him trip over a boulder, stunning him. You also bruised both his hands and his liver with your baby goat horns. I regret that he then proceeded to rupture your intestines, open your throat, and cut off both your right hooves, but I am very pleased that you not only survived but don't even bear scars from the throat and liver wounds. I am already planning on how to turn you into a god. I shall name you Gorgoroth, Destroyer Of Worlds!
-Sincerely, Your Overlord