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Author Topic: Regi's Deadlands Game(Need 1-2 more people, gets lonely with only 3)  (Read 2585 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Prelude: You were on death row, innocent or not, and no ones innocent in the eyes of the lord. You were tried before a jury of your peers and deemed guilty of a crime worthy of death. You were gathered with a few other inmates from prisons in the union and in the confederacy. You find yourselves in a room sitting in chairs occasionally flashing lights and the sounds of lightning will carry through the walls to the room you sit. It is then that you notice it, in one flash of lightning, you notice the shadows on the floor of your fellow inmates and indeed yourself, forming into a figure and rising from the ground. Slowly writhing forming the temples and a balding scalp with barely a shock of greenish blonde hair, then come the eye's piercing grey, oddly though, you do not think him blind, for he seems to stare at each of you as he rises from the ground. You get a judgmental feeling from him, even as jaded as you are from prison life. The feeling begins to grow as his body seems to quiver forth from the ground. Edging slowly upwards like some crawling mold, or a coal dust pillar. Finally he sighs, and seems to snap fully into existence, looking him over, he has a presence about him, that you've only seen in a few people before this moment. You care not about his clothes but you do find interest in how he seems to stand, heavily favoring one foot as if he has a bum leg. He opens his mouth to speak...

Summary: Conscripted into the agency, a reclusive group of spies, saboteurs and generally sinful individuals, you are a group sent out into the weird west in an attempt to do good, stomp out threats to the nations, and generally harvest and search for new resources. There's a stark contrast between an actual agent and a conscript though, and the players will be quick to find that out. To start a player must choose a crime or 3 to be convicted of. To continue a player must have a mic and a computer and be able to use To conclude odd hours and weird gametimes may/will occur, but I do have a good memory, and will give summaries of the events previous, and rely on those with better memories to correct myself. In addition, the average session length I run is 3 hours, I have budgeted 6 hours to this to accommodate for character creation and such if you don't do that ahead of time, if it's done ahead of time, I may run a 5-6 hour session.

There's 2 players already and I'm looking for one or two more, Any more over vent and it just becomes weird and talk over happens. The first game is going to be awkward because I'm going to be doing it from Las Vegas. PM me a character concept or if you're familiar with the setting and rules, and how easy it is to make a character, PM with a full character sheet and I'll make time for a 10 or so minute interview to assess mic quality and personality. As I am moving I cannot spare more time  The game will be done in Vent + Roll20, vent because I cannot stand skypes quality for extended periods of time.

There will be very little use of the map feature beyond setting up encounter distance. Maybe I'll get the time to work on a few maps but for now, just pick a token you're comfortable with that's not demeaning to anything, and roll with it.

Savage Worlds is an interesting game system and I hope you all will enjoy it and the deadlands setting as much as I have enjoyed reading the books, and as proof I actually have these books, they are fantastic and the lot only cost me 70 singles, the base ruleset itself is $9.99 if you buy local, probably about 14 if you ship it online. The players guide only costs 20.  Unfortunately for legal reasons I will not supply pdf's to the players. As I don't have any of the other books, only the core will be allowed though.

A short introduction to the setting.

The civil war is where it all diverged, the north had more troops and guns but the south had better generals, etc, etc. Finally an earthquake happened outwest rending the land in twain, basically rendering it a dragon infested wasteland where few survivors were left. A material that at first appeared to be simple coal was instead a material now called ghost rock, which is basically nuclear coal. This funded the war effort which in turn funded the west, which in turn funded the war effort, And made the war descend into a constant stalemate. Characters range from SCIENCE! to card dealing mages, and zombie gunslingers. Human only though.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Regi's Deadlands Game(Need 1-2 more people, gets lonely with only 3)
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2013, 09:46:05 pm »

Second post with some helpful quotes and links, for those who don't understand what I was referring to.

"The year is now 1879, but the history is not our own.

Pinnacle’s flagship product is Deadlands, a horrific journey into the “Weird West.” Mysterious beings called the Reckoners have given life to monsters and magic, causing history to divert from July 4th, 1863 forward. The South has won its independence, California has shattered into a labyrinth of flooded sea-canyons, and a mysterious super-fuel called “ghost rock” has spawned as much war and strife as it has “steampunk” devices.

Players are steely-eyed gunfighters, card-slinging sorcerers called hucksters, mysterious shamans, savage braves, mad scientists, and more who battle against evil and attempt to prevent the “Reckoning”"

"Roll20 is the easy-to-use virtual tabletop that brings pen and paper gaming to the web the right way. Built on a powerful platform of tools, yet elegantly simple, it focuses on enhancing what makes tabletop gaming great: storytelling and camaraderie. It's incredibly user friendly, and runs right in your web browser, so there's nothing to download or configure.

Help us in our mission to redefine what online pen and paper gaming can be."

Next link is good in general but don't read too much, and make sure you read the players guide to know what the average player would know.

Some music to set the tone, this is a variety of genres. Their just things that can help define genre of this system to you folks.

Good Gun Slinger Ballads are quite good for the setting.

Another Good Gunslinger Ballad

Gunslinger Ballads are quite nice aren't they

Hucksters can quickly approach this, as can shaman

Ain't Ever No Rest for the Wicked who are to save the Weird West

Weird Science can do this.

Some Weird Science Wielders do this

Humor can occur in this setting, I kind of prefer Voltaire to emphasize this,

Of course Voltaire can often get to things like this, which is good for the dark side Harrowed and Manitou/Zombies and Spirits.

Done with music for now,

The kind of game I'm going for is one that is highly reactive to player choice, IE I'm willing to completely up and change my entire plot because a majority of the PC come to a decision. I'm also going to be offering moral choices that are not obvious as an answer. I grew up with a DM who loved the consequences of the actions, and made plots almost entirely based upon them. I'm not quite that bad, but let's say I learned how good it feels to be consequenced and then successfully avoid the consequences.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Regi's Deadlands Game(Need 1-2 more people, gets lonely with only 3)
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 11:37:42 pm »

What are the chargen specs?
And I'd need to be given a rundown of the mechanics of this, since I'm only really familiar with D&D and loosely with Shadowrun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Regi's Deadlands Game(Need 1-2 more people, gets lonely with only 3)
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2013, 12:48:24 am »

What are the chargen specs?
And I'd need to be given a rundown of the mechanics of this, since I'm only really familiar with D&D and loosely with Shadowrun.

Forgot to link this,
That's the test drive it gives a good breakdown of the dice mechanic.

You have a dice applied to your attributes and you skills that determines what kind of dice you roll, then you roll that dice with a target number, which is generally, 4, you also have a raise system, it's fun with all the pulpy and gambling terms. Every 4 above the target is a raise, every raise counts as essentially a better success on top of already succeeding. So say I'm generous and decided to apply an agi challenge of 2 to climb a rickety ladder or a rope bridge to make it more western, you roll a d6 for agility, and it comes up 6, which is an ace(Think 6 again from Shadowrun,), meaning you get to roll again, coming up as a 4, meaning 1 success and 2 raises. I would apply some sort of tertiary effect to the ladder, like say if you were getting chased, I'd make the ladder split as you finish climbing it. Or maybe the rope bridge flips costing the bandits, who were getting off their horses to follow you, precious time that in a chase would be needed. The other thing to note is that unlike shadowrun and dnd you'll be rolling attributes mainly, skills are kind of bonus dice for your attributes. There's a bit more complexity to it, but mostly it's general gaming stuff, like 1's being bad. And bonuses and malluses from creating characters with traits. Failing that, just do what the GM(Me, HI!) says unless it's not to your benefit, then rules lawyer the hell out of me, don't worry every player does, and you'll do well.

Character creation works like this

5 dice stats, starting at d4s, 5 points to put in said stats, each point raising said stat by 1 die class, d4, to d6, to d8, to d10 to d12, no stat can go above d12s.

Then you have skills, which like shadowrun are tied to your attributes, unlike shadowrun. The skills aren't so defined, there's a few standard ones, but then they kinda let you make your own. If you want a d12 in AGI:Underwater Basket Weaving, go right ahead. Likewise if you want your character to be pants at shooting people, but good a trick shots, can't go wrong with Agi:Trick Shooting.

Then you detirmine secondary stats, Grit, Pace, Charisma, Parry and Toughness. I'll explain those if I see you on vent. Which should be availible in a PM I'll send right after I write this out.

Next you pick a free edge because you are human, edge is not like shadowrun edge where it's a measure of luck, Edge's are places where your character has excelled, a trick shooter might take, Speedloader at the right level. Also level is less defined than in DnD, kinda like shadowrun it uses a pretty fluid XP system.

Then you select your hindrances, You probably want to take these because you're going to want a character with flaws. That and they let your character be better in general. You can select as many hindrances as you want, however you only get points for the first 1 major and 2 minor hindrances, hindrances are exactly what they say on the tin. They range from things like Old Way Oath which is a sworn oath to not use machinery to greedy, which is again exactly what it says on the tin.

Next is gear you start with 250 Currency Units in lucre.

Finally we come to backgroundy stuff.

Wait I almost forgot. Now give us his worst nightmare MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

eep. Sorry about that.

So to give an example character and I'm going to do this all in my head and on this digital canvas infront of me.

Name, Jayn
Archetype Gunslinging Gambler Huckster in Training

Agility 1d6(1) Spirit 1d8(2), Vigor 1d4, Smarts 1d8(2) and Strength 1d4

Spirit:Persuasion 1d8(3)
Spirit:Intimidation 1d6(2)
Agility: Shooting 1d8 (4) Agility is 1d6 so raising shooting to 1d8 requires a bit extra.
Agility Riding 1d6(2)
Smarts Streetwise 1d6 (2)

Free Edge
Arcane Talent(Huckster)
Quirk When cheating always winks at the barmaids. Minor +1 point
Overconfident, He sees a room full of hardened marines as just another barfight to win. And others know nobody wins in a barfight. major + 2 points
Enemy Minor He cheated a pistolera out of her prized pistols and then pawned them for more gambling money. + 1 point

Buying another Edge and then getting some money with the remaining points.

The edge is going to be, True Grit, he's mostly unfazed by these things.

Backgroud, Jayn is rather eclectic he's a gambling gunslinger, mostly because that's the easiest thing he could see to become, he tried being a barber like his dear old dad, but he accidentally severed the oldmans jugular trying to remove an abscessed tooth. So he got good a shooting quick. Shooting an lying, an making people think he was tough. And then he faked it till he made it and actually became tough. At the price of losing his morals. He's snazzy over confident and wears a garishly expensive white outfit.

His worst fear is that people will learn his tells, and eventually he'll lose his main source of income. He was convicted of larceny, and witchcraft.

Hoped that example helped It's getting late so I'm going to grab a glass of water PM you the vent server then keep an ear out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Regi's Deadlands Game(Need 1-2 more people, gets lonely with only 3)
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2013, 01:59:12 pm »

You want this on MW or just on the thread?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Regi's Deadlands Game(Need 1-2 more people, gets lonely with only 3)
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2013, 02:13:25 pm »

You want this on MW or just on the thread?
Either is fine, the others are using MW. But I prefer plaintext myself and understand that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Regi's Deadlands Game(Need 1-2 more people, gets lonely with only 3)
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2013, 02:20:02 pm »

ow many skill points do you get, and what is the setting, rank, and bennies?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Regi's Deadlands Game(Need 1-2 more people, gets lonely with only 3)
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2013, 02:34:13 pm »

ow many skill points do you get, and what is the setting, rank, and bennies?
Setting is deadlands, rank is novice, and you get 15 skill points. Base start for deadlands reloaded