I searched the arcs and existing threads thorougly for "jusice","tantrum" and "psychology" and failed to find a thread that contains the same idea. Please have mercy on me if i overlooked something.
As it is, dwarfs seem to dish out their anger randomly while tantrumming. If dwarf A is angry about dwarf B killing dwarf C, he might kill dwarf D which was just passing by.
Would it be possible to implement a system of directed tantrums, that make dwarfs go after the (alleged) cause?
In the same example, dwarf A would specificially go after dwarf B, gaining much more happiness for beating him than he would gain from a random anger outlet.
Dwarf-perceptible causes could than be all living beings, so that military dwarfes would have a chance to calm their anger by slaughtering their enemies before going after their squad or civilians.
It might also be fun to have them recognize indirect causes, strangling the doctor for the passing of a loved one in hospital, or blaming the sheriff for a friend starving in prison. (Or even blaming the mechanic for a drawbridge-accident)
The concept could be linked to the justice system, so that the friend or family of a crime victim would go for the (alleged/framed) culprit if they felt his trial was to slow or his sentence to light. Or the familiy of said culprit would storm the jail to free him if they felt that he wasn't guilty or his sentence was to harsh. This behaviour might trigger a PART_OF_ANGRY_MOB tag, that implies the BUILDING_DESTROYER tag, allowing them to breaking down prison/guard captains office door.
There could be probabilities involved in all stages of this, allowing the misperception of the cause and the variation of the satisfaction of self-justice, so that punishing the "right one" might not quench the thirst for blood of the raging victim, still allowing classic tantrum spirals.
Again, sorry if this came up numerous times and i somehow failed to find it.