The Patchwork Universe Project
What is BoundWorlds?BoundWorlds is a browser-based RPG/exploration game/game maker with a twist.
In it, you control a nameless traveler who wanders from world to world through portals called 'Gates', meeting NPCs, solving puzzles, overcoming obstacles, and exploring the collective dreamscape that is the BoundWorlds universe. But that's only half of the game. Because all of the worlds you explore are drawn, designed, and patched together by players such as yourself.
Unlike most 'design your own level' games, the BoundWorlds 'Hub' is not a point where all the levels are accessed. Instead, it serves only as the starting point on your traveler's journey. When designing a world, you can create exits that lead to whichever world you choose. BoundWorlds has a cohesive, network-like geography as a result.
You don't have to design a full game to create a part of the BoundWorlds network. One player's dungeon can become a part of another player's overworld. An artfully designed hallway can serve as a corridor between two separate worlds. A painting-filled castle in the sky can become a nexus for multiple levels designed by different players. And so on...
Here is the site:
BoundWorlds runs on Flash. Depending on your browser's settings, you may need to do a full reload (ctrl+f5) after an update to use new features.
Arrow keys: Move
Space bar: Interact
Shift: Dash
Escape: Return to the starting room
Current FeaturesCreate rooms up to 256x256 tiles in size and link them together
Import custom images stored on any image hosting site and use them to construct your own personalized tilesets and sprite graphics
Import parallax-scrolling, transparent, and rotating background images for panorama effects
Import background music
Create unlimited layers in any room - allows multiple tilesets and pseudo-3D geography (by moving the player between layers)
NPC sprites with customizable graphics (using or RPG Maker VX conventions)
NPCs can display lines of dialogue and more at the simple click of a button
Stock NPC behavior - random motion, pacing back and forth, chase or flee from the player
Advanced Scripting system allows you to make collectible items, key doors, jump/teleport pads, cutscenes, custom variables, collisions, and more
Planned featuresIn-game sound or music playing functions
Dynamic file loading
Persistent items that can store data over multiple sessions
Messaging system that allows you to send a link to one of your Gates to a particular player
Custom sprite animations
Transition effects
More stock puzzle behavior - frictionless ice, etc.
Get and set basic in-game variables through functions
Function to switch player sprite
Particle and lighting effects
World building
World building using imported graphics