And politically hilarious dwarven rumors ensue in the 8 Worldly mountain home dynasties. The outpost liaison and accompanying caravans arrive for the latest news in the Dwarf City of Cunningcopper, (established in 136 by the expedition group The Creation of Martyrs)
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Apparently the administraitors Morul, Mistem, Id, Tulon and Libash decided to commemorate the late Martyr duke Kivish Roderdeduk's defiant acceptance of life as a pauper til the end by putting a puppy falls show for every dwarf to see.
Where Kivish finally could not put up with his horrible living conditions and gone berserk. Pitiful that they could easily be put down by 50 war-hungry dogs and a platoon of marksdwarfs at bay.
Morul: This'll be a wake-up call for those pesky craftsdwarfs who failed to procure a crystal glass window in my office for sure!
Libash: Yes, and it will be a chance for me and my team to shine bright in our surgeon careers!
Id: But think of the potential management hell that will ensue with all the broken up furniture and dwarves! I'll have to file individual orders for new crutches and glass tables and thrones!
All the dwarves in the meeting give the manager a fierce leer.
Tulon: T'only reason yer still a manager is that ya was the only adept at organizing that was not a vampire.
Mistem: Hey hey, while we're at it, let's commemorate this grand display of tragedy to the victims of that terrible dwarven bloodsucker triad that formed within our establishment. And let's keep it discreet like, yeh? Just announce that we ought to put some random glass statues in the dining room in honor of the fallen.
All dwarves: Agreed. *mumbles* terrible day.
So it has been decided to put a 10 z-level tall ladder from where the puppies will fall with the waterfall into the dining room. All the dwarves assembled around for a seemingly normal official party - not like those around the well with a few kin here and there - no a large meeting to be remembered, whether they like it or not.
Unbeknownst to them, a caravan arrived in late fall without any guards reporting it, considering no one was on detail. Also what was unpredictable was that the
freezing season came early. Oh one could not imagine the faces of the dwarf merchants that came rolling in to the Depot and then witnessing the young canines plummeting to a more solid death!
Sooo long story short, I did not anticipate that 10 puppies would actually fall down to the ice that formed as water gushed out of the waterfall. A trifle of giggles came late after witnessing that myself. Tis only a small thing, but it came rather unexpected, but well received after a year of tedious glass block orders. And I got something to wait for after a few months when the water starts to flow again! For now, business as usual. . . Oh here comes the management migraines!