Run like a bitch[55]. Preferably to the orphanage or veterinarian.
[5] You run fast as you dodge shotgun shells being propelled in your general direction. . . . hey, is the ground getting closer to you?[88] You stop, nearly three miles away from where you started and look into a nearby puddle. turn into a bitch. Danm. [41] Stray dogs are at least given their space in this part of town.
Remind person that opening a door to a field servicer is tantamount to allowing them into your house under current law.
Explain church has hot women. Many hot women. Very lonely women.
You tell him that he has to open up the door to let you in, via legal pursuits. [31] He opens up, but does not look happy about it. [61] Even less so when you mention all the lonley women in your church.
Quick! make a spot hidden check! [11] You notice the picture of a family. . . . . What looks like to husbands and a young girl. Wait. . . . two husbands?
A dummy? Sounds like Xantalos, alright.
Okay, that was mean, but when it's pitched over the plate...
[39] it moves like its a real Xantalos. And speaks to you like its egor.
Start a religion about Pewie Pewie.
Knock on first door, keep all guns hidden. Preach about the good of your God, called PP.
You walk up to the first door [6] managing to hide a whole platoons arsenal in two pockets using hammer space technology. [69] Unfortunately, the most you can manage is you, get the owner of the house to peak out their window as you sspeak. Tough crowd.
((I was skipped. I'll edit my next turn into this post later.))
Awesome! I love Samoa cookies!
Attempt to ration cookies for length of game. Give in and eat them all at once. Knock on manhole. Inform hideous sewer people that Organis loves hideous sewer people, and that they should worship Organis.
You attempt to ration out your cookies. [66] You eat half before you can control yourself, and decide it's better to just give in. [98] And tear through them in a way that makes Organis quite angry. Could be because you dropped every bite. You decide to leave before you makes things worse. [5] Which earns you its secret respect. Quick! Make a spot hidden check! [auto-fail] *shrug* Anyway, on to the sewers!
[88] You walk off on your own. . . . . Where is the exit?
[97] you start to sacrifice yourself to become Hank Hill, But are stopped by the man himsef. "you should have used propane, son"
[37] he walks away without another word, leaving you in awe.
Instate a theocracy!
You start the trials that have befallen many before you, and [63] managed to do no better than most others. You now have a small throng of 9 unhappy followers.