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Author Topic: StubbornAlcoholic's Let's Play  (Read 724 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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StubbornAlcoholic's Let's Play
« on: September 28, 2012, 02:08:52 am »

Greetings, Human.

Throughout my travels I have met many of your tall, lanky kind. While the majority of you prove ignorant of the merit of a day's labour and have a bemusing fondness for outdoor spaces, you remain a race we Dwarves can at least maintain cordial relations with.

This is more than can be said than for many other residents of this world. Never trust a long-ear, son, you'll get nowhere in a hurry but t'grave!

But forgive my meanderings, beardless one. Your interest in my previous employment as Administrator of a frontier Dwarven city is highly curious. On the one hand you show great respect - desire to learn from one's elders is a traditional Dwarven virtue.  On the other I must disclose my suspicions that you want this information for nefarious purposes - let me iterate this now; you're never going to find out where we stashed our riches, and that's that.

In the following documents I enclose my full work log, with comments. Please get back to me with your thoughts, and I apologise in advance for any creative embellishment.

My assistant Hakrag is most insistent that I must make use of lavish descriptions in order to hold the attention of any impatient cretins that you may pass these documents onto. He tells me that my writings have an air of gross pomposity about them (though not in those words). His beard, however, is tufted and unkempt...and as I write this I am making a mental note to slap the young fool soundly about the ears.

Yours most gracefully,

Mac Luggins
- Senior Records Dwarf/Ex-Administrator of Extremely High Importance


I'm quite a new player, so I figured it'd be fun to start a new fortress and see what happens, then recount the story to you folks. I'd also be interested in gameplay suggestions as I go along too.

Most likely I'll be updating on weekends, it's the main time I get to play. Hope you guys enjoy any updates I put up :)

(Thread moved, original replies are here: )
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 02:13:40 am by StubbornAlcoholic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StubbornAlcoholic's Let's Play
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 02:12:43 am »

Administrator's Log, Macarthy Luggins

Entry 1: Leaving Stinthad Kod

I was summoned most rudely yesterday to a late night Council meeting. At first angry about this, I was immediately humbled when my brother Dwarves explained the reasons behind the disturbance.

Apparently I have been chosen as "the perfect candidate" for leading a promising expedition to "Mabdugibruk". Perfect, they said! That exact word. I always knew they saw the ability in me, the sly rascals!

Admittedly I know little of the region, but Hakrag claims we will be staying in an area known as The Humourous Jungles. According to scout reports, the trees sway beautifully in the breeze and only the delicate giggles of passing Elven children break the blissful silence.

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I have already made preparations to leave at once, with a small collection of supplies and a few loyal Dwarves. They seem strangely reluctant to come along, and my attempts to raise their spirits with my trademark witty jokes and comments have inexplicably lowered their mood even further. Miserable bunch.

By contrast, the Mountainhome guardsman at the gate was truly a gentledwarf. He spent much of the evening helping me empty my room, and even offered me a noble steed for the journey. "Good luck, my Lord." He said jovially, "May you have such luck in your adventures that you never again need return to us!"

His fellows joined in the cheering and waving as we departed. Some made some rather unusual parting hand gestures I had never seen before, it was most fascinating. Some kind of military code, perhaps? Nice chaps, every one of them.

Entry 2: Arrival

By the Divines! My steed perished not even one quarter of the way through the journey! The wagon crashed and bumped incessantly on these obscenely perilous roads and, if this diary may forgive my description, my buttocks feel like an Ogre has been swinging at them with a club.

Worse still, I have not slept for a whole day. At night, the trees become alive with a resounding cackling that is truly terrible. Hakrag has found all this terribly exciting, dimwitted oaf that he is.

When we climbed from the wagon, this scene awaited us:

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The huge rocky expanse of the local mountain range towered above us. Rain thundered relentlessly from the skies, soaking my fine robes dreadfully.

I instructed the miners to immediately begin carving a grand entrance for our new home - they seem to have settled for a rather more meagre affair, claiming that they were "tired". Pigswill!

"By my soaking wet beard", I said, "You will dig those tunnels out by tomorrow morning or I will have you all in irons!"

My threat was met with much hearty laughter: I forgot we have no iron at present, much less the ability to make shackles from it. In time these uneducated commoners will regret their insolence!

Entry 3: Established

It's been several weeks now, and we have carved substantial living quarters. The miners, quarrelsome bunch that they are, insisted that the damp stone of the underground water deposits would hinder the grand plans I had laid out for the upper entrance floor.

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At their petty request, I ordered that these deposits be tunnelled around and stockrooms be built up. The carpenter and mason of our small group then assembled our first workshops. I insisted a kitchen also be put up - I refuse to eat raw meat like some kind of deranged beast.

With all the effort over the last few days I worked up quite a thirst, so I decided it'd be best to get some hops growing and a still opened up. The first-brewed wine was truly delicious to the palate! The miners grumble that they're thirsty too, but I tell them that rock walls don't dig themselves. When the bedrooms are finally completed I shall perhaps ration the degenerates a few cups.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 02:29:03 am by StubbornAlcoholic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StubbornAlcoholic's Let's Play
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 10:18:13 am »

Administrator's Log, Macarthy Luggins

Entry 4: Logs and Lunatics |2nd Standstone, 251

It is now Mid-Autumn, and the miners have carved worthy bed quarters for all.

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"That's it! Crack open a barrel, lads!" I cried to the sweating rockworkers. The cheering was almighty, but it diminished slightly when I added "But one barrel only! I won't have excessive drinking on the job, we'll be back to it in an hour's time. I'm watching you!"

As a leader one often has to make difficult decisions such as this. We may have nearly 70 barrels of fine wine and ale now, but who knows when a mob of thirsty Gnomes may materialise? Besides, I like how tidy the casks look in the stockpiles.

The need for log feedstocks has increased rapidly. To increase supply, I ordered that the Woodcutters lop down all of the trees near to the entrance.

When Hakrag came out to oversee this task, his mood took a most peculiar turn. His eyes grew dim, and he muttered darkly:

"The old world shall burn in the fires of industry. Forests will fall..."

After that the boy started blabbering incoherently about machinery, so I promptly left him to it. Several immigrants also arrived this morning, muddied and tired from their travels. One seemed very eager to shake my hand - foolishly I extended my greetings to the commoner and he proceeded to wipe foul slime all over my fingers and laugh in a most demented fashion.

Kivish Semormonom is his name, and he is apparently the outpost's self-appointed "Fish Dissector". He engaged me in conversation for several minutes, during which he introduced me to a filthy old blade that he refers to as "Stabby". He is clearly mentally disturbed and I shall be doing my best to avoid him for the foreseeable future, especially since we have no source of water to reliably catch fish from and my mind shudders at what other uses he might find for his knife.

Fortunately, I then met with our other newest arrival, a stout fellow by the name of Inral Inselast. Now there's a Dwarvenly name! A Mechanic by trade, his speech is cultured and erudite. It pleases me greatly to finally spend time around someone nearer to me on the caste level. He tells me he's cracking on straight away with a special project, and I get the impression we may be wonderful friends!

*Evening Log Insert* Inral summoned me from my bedchamber just now, announcing that his project was already complete. The entrance hall ceilings have been adorned with a large number of huge boulders held up by nets, poised at the most dubious and unsafe angles one could possibly imagine.

"By the deities, get those down at once! There could be a terrible accident!"

At this point he turned to me and placed a hand heavily on my shoulder. The torches caught his wicked grin and cast his shadow high on the walls. "That is exactly the point, my friend. Exactly the point. Squish, crack, crunch." With that and a wink, he departed to his quarters.

I simply pray that the traps are for invaders.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 10:21:46 am by StubbornAlcoholic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StubbornAlcoholic's Let's Play
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2012, 05:41:26 pm »

I must say I find your recounting very entertaining, especially for someone so new to DF and its peculiarities. You've done some story writing before have you?

What's kind of dwarves do you have, anything good from the immigration? If you're taking requests i'd like to be that mechanic you mentioned, Inral, and be named "Asimov"  ;D

Looking forward to more.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StubbornAlcoholic's Let's Play
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2012, 06:05:10 pm »



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Re: StubbornAlcoholic's Let's Play
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2012, 08:01:18 am »

I must say I find your recounting very entertaining, especially for someone so new to DF and its peculiarities. You've done some story writing before have you?

What's kind of dwarves do you have, anything good from the immigration? If you're taking requests i'd like to be that mechanic you mentioned, Inral, and be named "Asimov"  ;D

Looking forward to more.

Thank you for the feedback! I apologise for such a long delay in updating the log, work's been very busy. Will hopefully be adding a new instalment today and I hope it continues to entertain :)

I used to do creative writing quite frequently, but admittedly it's been an embarrassing amount of time since I last wrote like this :P

(Oh, and I've named the Mechanic as requested! :D)
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 08:20:19 am by StubbornAlcoholic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: StubbornAlcoholic's Let's Play
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2012, 09:05:40 am »

Administrator's Log, Macarthy Luggins

Entry 5: A Noble Appointment | 4th Sandstone, 251

As the community continues to thrive, it has become neccessary for me to appoint a figurehead to more accurately direct the labour of the masses. Of the 17 citizens we currently have, I have assigned Medtob Oslansakrith to act as "Expedition Leader".

She is proud, intelligent and hardworking. Most importantly, she strikes me as a lady of integrity, class and decorum.

Although everyone knows I give the orders in this place, she'll make a most excellent liaison between myself and the raw muscle. To this end, she is now acting Manager, Broker and Bookkeeper. I seek to fill these positions with dedicated intellectuals as time draws on.

I am sure many industrious, fine individuals will join our fortress soon. After all, simple probability states that we can't continue to receive unskilled peasantry forever...

In a most disturbing development, I must admit that I fear the new sleeping halls are haunted by a malicious sinister presence. I've never been one for superstition, but my sleep was disturbed thrice last evening by an ominous, frenzied howling. At times it would dip to a low splintering noise that would sink into my ears and chill me to the bone. I intend to draft a small taskforce to get to the bottom of this.

And now I must drink. Note to self: expand Cave Wheat production in near future. While I'm no fan of the lowly Ale concoction the Miners seem to be so fond of, this plump helmet Wine does tend to grate on the tastebuds when it's the only liquid sustenance to be had.

Entry 6: Unbefitting Behaviour | 6th Sandstone, 251

Outrageous! I am so shocked I can barely write straight. When I was inquiring of Medtob today on the state of the wood stocks, I caught her exchanging sultry glances with Tulon Tulondetes, Fortress Carpenter. The two have apparently become romantically entangled!

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That dastardly rogue! Even his bizarre name has the stench of fraudulence about it. With his rough workdwarf's hands, thick red beard and most un-Dwarf-like sleek hips he has befouled a fine lady!

I had my suspicions that the commoners would try to wrest control of our society through subterfuge at some point, but such a flagrant attempt to influence noble society is nothing short of disgraceful. I shall be watching him with a very close eye from now on, and I shall attempt to discourage Medtob from pursuing him further.

Worse still, I fear even Medtob's "acquaintances" may have had a more intimate-than-is-tasteful nature, given that I overheard the workers discussing "Meddy's wonderfully soft facial hair" this morning in far more depth than I found acceptable.

I have drafted the fish dissecting maniac into the Ghosthunting Taskforce as Militia Commander and a trainee recruit. Anything which gives him a zealous determination to stab wooden dummies with that knife can only be positive. Strangely enough, though, the ghastly moaning has stopped since I had a fine oak door built on Medtob's sleeping quarters. I fear we shall never get to the bottom of it.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 09:09:06 am by StubbornAlcoholic »