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Author Topic: Healing liberals at base  (Read 2070 times)

Konrad von Richtmark

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Healing liberals at base
« on: July 19, 2010, 04:09:56 pm »

How is the time it takes to heal injured folks by use of First Aid determined? Obviously more skilled healers heal faster, but does it also help to have several healers work in parallel, especially if several liberals are in need of healing simultaneously?


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Re: Healing liberals at base
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2010, 12:52:41 am »

The clinic is equivalent to a skill 6 liberal, the university hospital is equivalent to a skill 12 liberal. Only the liberal with the highest skill at a location will do anything (if there are multiple, the first one will be used). You cannot heal if under siege and without food. Apart from that:
Any sick person at a location gains 1 + skill/10 - rounded down - blood per day, up to the cap of 100 - ((injury level)-1)*20.** I can't remember whether they regain blood naturally. They die if their blood drops below 0, so a person with an injury level of 6 will die naturally if you cannot stop their injuries in time.
For each nasty wound, a number between 0 and 9 is rolled; if this number plus the highest skill of a first aider on site is (strictly) greater than 12, the wound is cleaned. This basically means amputation by the way; if the roll fails, the subject takes 4 damage and is set to be transferred if the first aider's skill is insufficient to ever successfully treat the wound (< 4).
If the wound isn't nasty and it is bleeding, the 0-9 roll happens again; if that plus skill is strictly greater than 8 (so a base 1 in 10 chance), the wound stops bleeding. Otherwise they take 1 damage. If a wound isn't nasty or bleeding and the subject has 95 blood or more, the wound disappears - this may be a bug, because it means that amputated limbs will disappear if you heal them well enough.

For each of the special wounds (critical hits, like losing teeth, perforating lungs, etc.), we do a very complicated algorithm.
Heal difference is equal to 14, or 16 for the heart. Bleed is equal to 0, or 8 for the heart, 1 for the liver, stomach, kidneys or spleen. Permanent damage is equal to 0, or 1 for the lungs. Healed is equal to 0, or 1 for the liver, stomach, kidneys or spleen, RIBNUM (10) for the ribs, and 2 for the neck and upper or lower spine.
If the organ isn't healed ((Healed != special) and (we're dealing with the ribs or special == 1), where special is a count of how many there are - this just excludes teeth and non-wounded things), then we do a roll from 0-9, add it to the skill and if it is greater than the heal difference (14 or 16), then the wound is healed (Healed = special). If it is successfully healed and permanent damage is non-zero, then we roll from 0-19 and if it is strictly greater than the skill the subject loses one Health (the attribute), down to 1 Health. If the healing fails, they take bleed worth of damage (and get transferred if the first aid skill is insufficient, as before).

Damage is equivalent to a loss of one blood by the way, so the maximum blood loss in one day is 6*4 (6 limbs needing amputations, all of which fail) + 8 (failed heart repair) + 5*1 (failure on some other organs) = 37. If somebody has all those problems then they'll already be low on blood, and you won't be able to repair them properly anyway (because of the injury level), so it is highly recommended that you don't try treating people with badly damaged limbs or heart damage unless your liberal's skill is very high. If they are injured that badly, send them to the university hospital post haste.

Also, transfer only occurs after all the other things, and a liberal won't stop trying first aid even if they are terrible at it. Don't let a liberal with a skill of less than about 6 try an amputation; 11 or 12 is really, really recommended. If all their injuries are stopped, the person gets released.

Lastly, every first aider on site gains experience, up to healing2/5 (rounded down) - [their skill]*2. healing2 is equal to the some of the blood loss of every injured person on site at the start of the process (so before any screw-ups). This means that with a single person with 90% blood loss, you can only train somebody up to level 9. You'll need masses of injured people to train beyond that, which is going to be difficult to do.

TL;DR: Only the highest skill liberal at a site actually does any work, but all present gain the experience. Don't let liberals with less than about 10 skill operate on somebody whose limb was blown off, and 13 skill should be considered the minimum to operate on critically injured organs (15 for the heart). You'll need several people all with significant bloodloss to train up to those levels however. If you have less than 12 skill, send such liberals to the university hospital.

**Injury level is given by the following algorithm:
Start at 0.
If they have less than 100 blood, add one level per body part that has a nasty wound and one extra.
If they have at or less than 50 add 1, and less than 10 add another.
Then add 1 for every "SPECIALWOUND" (except two for the heart), including both lungs, heart, liver, stomach, both kidneys, spleen, broken ribs (only counted once), neck, and upper and lower spine.
Injury level (I think) corresponds to how many months you must spend in the clinic or hospital to recover. Note that you can still die in hospital or base care.


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Re: Healing liberals at base
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2010, 08:35:25 pm »

Whoah, thankee, so thats how it all works, Ill get rid of my 6 strong doctor squad then
If life gives you lemons, burn them.

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: Healing liberals at base
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2010, 08:20:10 pm »

Even I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote that function. It's completely impenetrable.


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Re: Healing liberals at base
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2012, 03:24:04 am »

Have the situation changed as of september 2012? Or healing procedure is still the same?
Number of kills: 15
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Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: Healing liberals at base
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2012, 03:43:14 am »

It's basically the same, but home healing is much faster. A decent medic will get your liberals in ship-shape significantly faster than the clinic will.


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Re: Healing liberals at base
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2012, 06:26:02 am »

Does a liberal tending to injuries tends to his own too?
Number of kills: 15
 dog: 1
 your mother: 14

Jonathan S. Fox

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Re: Healing liberals at base
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2012, 11:20:38 am »
