I understand what you are saying, but the way I was thinking of it was like this: why do we need to keep accurate time between these two fortresses? And the problem you seem to bring up is mega-beast deaths, events, etc having dates of when they occurred. Also about the caravans arriving on years for player B, then sent back to player A way in the future (technically taking 5 years to get back). What I'm suggesting is why do we need to say it was 5 years. Throughout history there have been advanced and less advanced civilizations. Why should you be punished for 'playing' extra and being 5 years more advanced as me. If you send a caravan to me, if I don't respond to it, it should default come back in a years time if I'm not playing. If I'm playing and I trade, yet it I have it paused for a year after I trade and your caravan stays here, your fortress is one year more advanced then mine, when I unpause, it travels back and things keep playing out.
Yes, that could work, but the dates are still messed up if caravan can "travel in time" (or sieges or anything). For example, how could the game handle something like when a dwarf, from other player fortress, dies? What if it died before it was born? Or how about the situation where the dwarf has already reached the adulthood in fortress A but should still be considered as child or baby in fortress B? Would the dwarf in question transform to a proper stage of age or should the game just use the age from the original fort? The same problem exists basically with every creature inside the game.
What it would mean to solve this problem in the way you are suggesting basically requires total rewrite of how dates, age and history is handled by the game.
Also, when I said 'sync' I really meant that the games have to interact with eachother, not really the times have to be the same. Sorry if the way I'm saying things isn't making clear sense, I'm sort of just brainstorming and typing, because I'm excited about thinking of the prospect of an idea like this and things are just flowing.
I understand that it may not be logical or even possible in this game, but does anyone understand what I'm trying to say when I say that the two fortresses don't necessarily have to match up in the timeline? I know this causes problems with recording history, but I'm sure there is some logic and math that can be put into the timelines to make them 'match up' with regards to when we look back in history to when things happen...
I did understand what you said. But, like GreatWyrmGold already stated, the work is too big for the actual benefits. How could the came "match up" the dates? If a dwarf is born in certain date it is born that date, there is no way it could be recalculate to fit the other history. Same goes with deaths, marriages, being cursed. The problem even exists with all the items created during the play as those items may contain pictures of events or the item may be referred inside such picture. How could those be matched up?
Before anybody manages to state this, there is a way; while the fortresses can interact with each other they are considered to be in different worlds, in other words not in the same world map. But the problem is, as it has been stated in this thread numerous times even by me, that then both worlds, and thus both fortresses, must keep up with the events of the other world as well. While the dates can be different then the game would most probably just cause the computers to explode due the sheer amount of information...
Another method could be that the game just assumes that both fortresses use the different calendar, which makes it possible to have two or more different date for everything. But again the amount of information gets unnecessarily high. But let's assume for a second that it doesn't matter. Then, if something happens in fort A it would use the date of A in fort A and date B in fort B. If either one is away at the moment then, when the player logs back in, the game calculates how much time has passed in the other fort, where the event occurred, since the even took place, and calculate the correct date of in other fort's calendar.