Chapter 24 - AftermathAnd just like that, it was done. That's the last chapter. I'm not perfectly happy with it, I know that I'm not so great at endings. But I think it works out well enough. Out of curiosity, has anyone read the Coyote books? If you have, just let it be known that I actually wrote A Sea of Stars before I read those, believe it or not.
When I first started posting these back in August, I didn't know how it was going to go, if people would actually like what I was doing or if I could basically be shouting at the wind. There's been a bit of both, but for the most part, I think it was pretty successful.
If anyone has been reading along the whole time and would like to leave a comment, I'd love to hear it, even if if's just a 'hey I read this' sort of thing. I can tell how many people are visiting my webpage, but I have a feeling at least a few people are reading solely in RSS feeds and thus I can't as easily count those.
Constructive criticism would be great as well. I hope to put this (and other works) up on Amazon in the upcoming weeks/months so I'll be doing another editing pass before that.
I'm also hoping to start posting another novel shortly, although I'll probably wait until December to start as NaNoWriMo is still in full swing. I have two in the works that I could publish: The Gates of Heaven (urban fantasy, will probably get a new title) and Shadows and Steam (dark steampunk, from last NaNoWriMo, unfinished). I doubt I'll be keeping a bi-weekly thread like this one, but I'll probably at least post when I start.