Sounds awesome! I don't see how the iterating is a problem, unless you need to do it thousands of times per turn, have hundreds of parts for each object, AND have hundreds of types per part. If you absolutely want to fix it, which I still think is unnecessary, making a list of types that ANY part of the object has, and using "[type] in [set]". Or maybe a dict with type as the key and links to the relevant part as the value.
Thanks Armok - I did add a few functions for filtering parts out of objects, specific coordinates, etc, mostly to cut down on repetitive type:
(EDIT: bad code. nevermind.)
Trouble is, different actions between objects have different requirements, and filter_parts isn't always applicable. At any rate, the current implementation is a mess with lots of boilerplate, but I'd rather have it all working sooner and clean it up later.Part Equipment is a subclass of dict now, cause it's easier to work with them if they can have attributes assigned (though special keys in the dictionary itself could work too, so it might go that way too). I was subclassing list for an Inventory class, but this ran into lots of problems, so instead I'm using composition for that:Something fast, as in SCP-72-1?
So how will you handle the SCP's with great speed, strength, and world bending powers?
As they come, I suppose. It's all relative, but ideally the code should be accommodating enough to account for super stats (for instance, you might never apply enough force naturally to knock down a hardened security door, but 682 certainly might). Interactions between objects should occur naturally according to the properties of each: For instance, the difference in applied force between a cardboard box and a bookshelf each falling on something shouldn't be scripted, but a consequence of the mass and speed of each falling object in question.
Reality-bending is a different story, but there should be lots of ways to implement strange, world-altering effects. Levitating objects, changing the map terrain, manifesting creatures and objects - these don't sound extremely difficult to achieve once more stuff is in place.
Glad to see this is still being worked on. Not much I can say until the next demo really other than keep it up.
Edit: As a side note demo .006 doesn't seem to work for me, although I am running windows 7 so that might be a factor. I tried to use the source code directly since I have python installed anyway, but when it didn't work I realized I didn't know which version you were coding in. I realized it was 2.6 after some code delving, and after downloading that I realized I'd probably have to fiddle with a lot of things given that I already have python, and gave up for now. Regardless, here's the error it generates as soon as I click the exe.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 20, in <module>
File "slib.pyc", line 142, in load_settings
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'file1' referenced before assignment
Definitely a bug, thanks for telling me. The temp folder is missing, and .006 doesn't know to create one if it isn't there. To fix it, you can create an empty folder named 'temp' in the game's folder (there's one in the .zip, but it's empty and nothing special), or you can add the following line to
temp_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "temp")
# print 'Temp path:',temp_path
if not os.path.isdir(temp_path): os.makedirs(temp_path) #<----- ** add this line **
settings = slib.load_settings('options.txt', 'options', temp_path)
The load_settings function was cheap too. In the next version it tells the player if the options file wasn't loaded, and defaults are used in place.
I'm still finishing up the code for storing/dropping items, and opening/closing containers, and throwing/shooting items needs to not crash. I'll probably leave part-specific damage for after the speed priority-queue is done.