Well, this is my first question thread here at the Bay12 community, and as I haven't introduced myself then perhaps I'm missing a step or two in order to avoid being ignored and considered to be just a sane guy who lurks the forums and gives some useless opinions.
Nothing unusual around here, white caucasian male on his twenties who just discovered DF and got an instant, preety creepy hook on it. I've been playing since a month or two, this is approximately my tenth fortress on my third generated world, I think I'll just preserve the one I am until mayor changes apply to the game. It's maybe the second time I've made my way to the third cavern layer and I haven't once reached the magma sea, until now... I wouldn't have come this far without reading the wiki and checking out this helpful (and somewhat deranged) community.
Now that I'm on track, lets begin with the proper question:
I set one of my initial seven to be my broker (and she's also my book-keeper), with adequate appraisal skills and no more. Given that my mother civilization is already extinct (I suppose, their blue omegas don't appear on the embark map) then I wasn't expecting a whole load of migrants with better trading skills, or even better, none at all. Still, time passes, and skipping forward 5 years my broker has legendary +5 appraising skills. Hell of a appraiser is she, you can blindfold her and put a pig tail seed bag in each of her hands, she'll tell you one of them costs 31☼ because it has 10 seeds, while the other costs 61☼ because is has around 20. But she does no more, and the merchants always have the upper hand on her because of their presumably higher skill set in other areas, such as negotiating or intimidate.
I understand that the trading skill gain comes from just opening the window, not the actual trade (however it comes) but is there any chance to get her some helpful points in other relevant areas, so I can barter better prices? Or should I just resort to appoint someone who knows the ropes about interacting with merchants? Also, is this last thing even useful? Or are those yet unimplemented skills?
Thanks in advance.