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Author Topic: Let's Play X-Pony: Bronies Unknown  (Read 1680 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Let's Play X-Pony: Bronies Unknown
« on: June 13, 2012, 10:26:05 pm »

A bay12 forum game inspired by this video

Shortly after the return of Nightmare Moon and her subsequent redemption as Princess Luna, strange bipedal creatures who called themselves "bronies" began appearing in Equestria. At first they seemed harmless enough, saying they wished only to embrace the ways of Equestria in love and friendship. However, as time passed more and more of these creatures arrived in flying ships and bearing strange technologies that threatened the Equestrian way of life. Rumors have even spread of ponies disappearing in the middle of the night, taken for strange reasons known only as "rule 34," often never to be seen again.

It is now one year later, and with every indication that the visitations of these bipeds is growing, Princess Celestia has ordered her ever faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, to head up a research team to discover the nature and origin of these creatures. And hopefully, to find a way to repel their invasion of Equestria.

Where shall we build our base?

Rules for submitting characters

The Princesses are off limits. Though they may participate in base defense if we're ever attacked. Other mane characters are available, but I'd prefer that mane character be taken by people willing to participate in the thread in-character. A lot of the background ponies are also available (Octavia, Vinyl Scratch etc.) so feel free to claim one of them if you want. Royal guards are also available, both Celestia's and Luna's. Otherwise, submit an original pony, specify race (unicorn, pegasus, earth pony) and your preferred occupation. The vast majority of needed positions will be soldiers, but if you want to be a researcher, engineer or one of the pegasi that pulls the sky chariot, that's fine too. New interceptor positions will open up eventually, or if Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy are killed, but otherwise don't expect interceptors to be available anytime soon.

At game start, the following soldier positions are available. Again, please only take a mane character if you're familiar with them and willing to post to the thread in character. We can recruit more soldiers.

Important notes:
Certain game mechanics will be different than experienced X-com players are used to.
 * The research and engineering trees are different.
 * Pegasi double as Interceptors. Not interceptor pilots, but rather....interceptors. Specifically, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are the two interceptors that we start out with. Pegasi are, nevertheless, also able to participate in ground missions. But only if they're present. For example, if Fluttershy boards the skychariot, then Rainbow Dash intercepts and downs a UFO...Dash can immediately land since she's there and Fluttershy can go with everypony else on the skychariot. Whereas if Both Dash and 'Shy are intercepting two different UFOs, they can't "teleport" over to join the ground missions they're not near. This will be important because it means if both are involved in a ground mission, then we don't have any interceptors to intercept craft until they return to base.
 * Until we recover and research brony technology, unicorns are the only ranged attackers. Oh...and Pinkie Pie. Unicorns and Pinkie Pie are the only ranged attackers. That will become clear in probably the first couple updates, but out the gate, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity and Lyra will heavily outclass Applejack and Rainbow Dash in terms of combat, which is slightly unintuitive.
 * Earth ponies can buck to stun for capturing bronies
 * No heavy weapons platforms

I'm not promising to update this regularly. If we're lucky we'll get to our first mission tonight, but overall don't expect more than a few updates per week. Also...I'm not promising to stick with this all the way to game completion. Bay 12 X-com games tend to be image heavy and sometimes last 6 months or more. That's a long time to run a forum game. But let's have fun with it and see how far we can get.