I like setting up temporary fortresses topside until I figure out where to dig. Invariably these fortresses exist for longer than they should, and by the time I'm satisfied with the underground arrangements there's a lot of stuff to shift and, in this version, fewer haulers due to the number of child immigrants. So I put a wheelbarrow-fed stone stockpile down next to the mason's, and ran a track from the temporary fortress to the main fortress's front door. The fortress trackstop was set to autodump onto a quantum stockpile (with the refuse being added last due to the rotting thing), and it all worked very nicely once I figured out how to feed the minecart and get it pushed off to an acceptable schedule, though I wasted a lot of time between failed attempts at making it all work. The trick seems to be setting the minecart to accept everything, the quantum stockpile to accept everything but refuse, and the minecart stockpile to gradually accept whatever it is you want stuffed into the cart. I haven't yet figured out how to make minecarts take unstockpiled goods, if that's even possible.
Unfortunately, between the uncapped FPS and the fascination of watching the dwarves pack their entire fortress into a minecart and send it hurtling off one portion at a time, I got hit by a combined zombie apocalypse and goblin ambush in the second autumn. If I'd picked up the pace a little and done some manual hauling instead of staring enraptured at the mine track trying to make it do all the work for six months I could have had everything inside.