I'd like to expand on the targeting tokens and items the AI can use to decide when to use an interaction, and the number of effects an interraction can have.
Currently, I'd like the AI to be able to determine that a friendly (as well as neutral or hostile) creature is injured and use their interaction to invoke a beneficial effect in them. A USE_ON_FRIENDLY_INJURED token, perhaps.
I don't have any other specific suggestions or explanations for that at the moment for lack of ability to concentrate and forgot the rest of what I had in mind there.
However, I would like to see shapeshifting changed to reflect the caste or at least gender of the creature being transformed, perhaps such that if the target of the effect is of a caste with the [MALE] tag then when they transform they will use a caste of the species they transform into that also has the [MALE] tag (whatever comes first, perhaps?) I would also like to see a conditional statement that tries to find a caste with identical caste ID (e.g. if the target's caste is [CASTE:FEMALE_ELEMENTAL_MAGE] then it tries to find a caste in the creature they're transforming into with that same caste ID.) If that check fails, then it defaults to attempting to find a [MALE] or [FEMALE] tag to match the target's, and if that fails, it defaults to making their were-form's caste whatever the first caste declared by that species is. It would be wonderful if this replaced the caste variable in [CE:CREATURE:(creature ID):(caste ID)] with [CE:CREATURE:(creature ID):(AS_APPROPRIATE or SPECIFIC_CASTE):(caste ID)], such that you could define whether to let it choose the caste based on that functionality or whether you have a specific caste in mind you want it to use.
I would also suggest adding a tag that can be added to a CAN_DO_INTERACTION statement that allows it to be carried over when the creature transforms, such that they could retain a natural ability of their normal form in their were-form. Making it backwards-compatible where a werecreature could have a CAN_DO_INTERACTION statement that applies to those that are affected by it when not in their were-form wouldn't necessarily make sense because one can already just add that interaction to the curse as a CE_C_D_I statement.
I of course would like to see the issues with conflicting creature descriptions cleared up so a descriptor modifying (like hair color) on a werecreature overrides a modifier affecting the same thing on the target creature if they're shared, rather than crashing the game. That way a modder could force a werecreature to take on certain aspects. I suspect though that since this hasn't been done already, it's probably a very difficult problem to solve.
Getting interractions to interface with items is a definite yes for me. Having them use items like a reaction, perhaps, or consume an item before they apply an effect would be great.
Same with a generic healing effect. Just generically advance the healing of a specific tissue, or all in a given target part including the entire organism, to a certain extent, as if a certain amount of time has passed multiplied by the target's recuperation attribute (Or however the equations for tissue healing work currently, but it would ideally still work when the recuperation attribute has been modified by another effect.), but not advance infections (and perhaps even cure them). This could ideally be applied to tissues that don't normally recover from damage like nerves. Replacing entire body parts (or a tissue layer in a body part that has been completely lost) would almost have to be a different effect. (and if not, it would be nice for the purposes of modding to have a distinction between them.)