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Author Topic: Vampire detection systems and methods  (Read 2204 times)

Flying Fortress

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Vampire detection systems and methods
« on: March 22, 2012, 08:38:06 am »

Several methods for vampire detection have been posted in random threads throughout the forum, but I wanted a centralized thread for players to come to learn how to find vampires easily.  This post deals with only 100% full proof ways to find vampires (not relying on their history or anything else, which has tricked me before.)  All of these tests require you to get your migrants to go to a certain place, I find makeshift squads very useful for ordering them around.  Burrows can be used, but they seem more complicated because the names are thrown around the list, where as migrants are on the bottom of the squad recruitment list.  Every method here (unless stated otherwise) has been tested by me in my own forts and found to be accurate.  Those I've haven't tested (which I will point out) should work though, as they are based on known actions of vamps. 
Also, to make it easier on yourself for the next wave of migrants, I recommend renaming the dwarfs that you know are not vampires.  I usually just use their original names, but now they’ll have quotation marks showing “Urist” instead of Urist.  That way when you’re going through the squad/burrow list you can look for names that don't have the quotation marks around them.  Also, I usually rename the vamps with the name ‘Vampire’ to easily find them later.  (Renaming is completely optional though, it just might help speed up the process of organizing them.)

☼Fast and easy methods☼

1:  The thirsty squad. 
When more useless test subjects migrants first appear on the map recruit them all into empty ‘test’ squads.  Station these squads somewhere in your fort or outside and keep an eye on them.  When they start getting hungry or thirsty rename them (if you want) and remove them from your squad.  Usually a minute after the first guy gets hungry/thirsty they all get hungry/thirsty.  If everyone is out of the squad except for a few people, odds are they are vampires.  Keep them stationed a little longer, and if they still don’t get hungry/thirsty they are guaranteed vamps.  Now you can drop them, burn them, use them for record keeping, build a cell without entrance (and somehow get them elected mayor) or whatever your little dwarf heart desires.  Enjoy.

2:  The stun drop dwarf.  (Works sometimes, needs more testings)
In case you didn’t know this, dropping a regular dwarf 1z level will not hurt him, but it will stun him.  However, vampires never get stunned so this can be used for the next detection method.
Your last migrant wave was just tested and cleared, and now here comes more leaches on society migrants.  Well, get them all into a test squad and guide them over to your dwarf drop tester.


G = Bridge (retracting)
L = land
( I recommend surrounding this with walls with only one way out so it is easier to get everyone on the bridge.)
Once everyone is on your bridge, pull the lever to retract the bridge and quickly pause and start until all your dwarves hit the ground.  Once they hit the ground, pause and check to see if they are stunned (v-w.)  If they are stunned rename them (optional) and let them inside the fort.  If they did not get stunned you can check them again if you think you might’ve just missed the small window or opportunity where they are stunned.  But after 2 times of testing you can be pretty sure that those that did not get stunned are vamps.  As an added bonus for this trap, make the bottom land another bridge, once only vamps are left, retract this bridge to make them fall to their doom.

≡More complex methods ≡

3:  The water logged dwarf.
This method relies on a drowning trap to test the migrants.  Regular dwarfs will start drowning once in 7/7 water, but vampires will happily sit on the bottom of a lake waiting to be let out.  You can find plenty of drowning designs online, in the wiki, or on this forum, so I won’t be posting a diagram on how to make it.  When your migrants come herd them into your drowning trap and pull the lever.  Once it gets up to 7/7 check to see who is drowning and who isn’t.  Those trying to get out and suffocating are normal dwarfs; those waiting patiently to get dried off on the bottom of the trap are vampires.  Open a way for your dwarves to get out/drain the trap quickly and let the good dwarves into the fort with a new name (optional.)  For an added bonus, let the winter temperatures in and flash freeze those dirty vamps.

4:  Sleepy drained dwarf.
This method takes the least explaining, and is the only method that I haven’t tested yet.  I haven’t tested this one because it requires a sacrifice and I don’t feel like losing my dwarfs lol.  You’ll need to build a small area outside/in a remote location of your fort to put migrants in as soon as they arrive.  It should have a bed or two, some food and wine, and a lovely view.  Once your dwarfs are locked inside, wait for a few to fall asleep, if after awhile many have gone to sleep and none have died, there are no vamps. 
IMHO, this method is the worst to use though because you can lose a few dwarfs, and you can’t see for certain who did it unless it is reported in the crime section, but it is still an option.

If anything here is wrong or you have another method please let me know and I’ll add it to the list.  I hope everyone finds this useful in the war on vampires.  (By the way, afaik nothing else like this has been posted, I did do a search and I found nothing.  If someone already has something like this I apologize for posting another one.)
Flying Fortress
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 09:42:18 am by Flying Fortress »
Has entire family killed and all friends butchered and raped.
It's cool, he saw an awesome sock AND a waterfall, so it's all good now.
it's ‼Super Happy Tantrum Time‼


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vampire detection systems and methods
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 09:35:01 am »

search forum for dwarven csi and list of vampire facts. I think most what you mentioned is in one of those two threads, may be in the gameplay questions though.
Quote from: Urist Imiknorris
Jam a door with its corpse and let all the goblins in. Hey, nobody said it had to be a weapon against your enemies.
Quote from: Frogwarrior
And then everyone melted.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vampire detection systems and methods
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2012, 10:15:37 am »

Nice organization!

Would be nice if some of the threads with intel were stickied, or a thread stickied with links to the good threads, to reduce duplicative threads / rehashing. But sometimes, ya know, a guy/gal comes along and puts the data in a more clearly undertood way.

Yes there is the wiki

And yet we are all (ok, not all, lots of us) coming hete to ask questions.

I know, there is the gameplay questions forum, and it has several little question threads...

*mumbles* organization, reduced clutter *mumbles*

Nil Eyeglazed

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vampire detection systems and methods
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2012, 02:19:43 pm »

2:  The stun drop dwarf.
In case you didn’t know this, dropping a regular dwarf 1z level will not hurt him, but it will stun him.  However, vampires never get stunned so this can be used for the next detection method.
Your last migrant wave was just tested and cleared, and now here comes more leaches on society migrants.  Well, get them all into a test squad and guide them over to your dwarf drop tester.


G = Bridge (retracting)
L = land
( I recommend surrounding this with walls with only one way out so it is easier to get everyone on the bridge.)
Once everyone is on your bridge, pull the lever to retract the bridge and quickly pause and start until all your dwarves hit the ground.  Once they hit the ground, pause and check to see if they are stunned (v-w.)  If they are stunned rename them (optional) and let them inside the fort.  If they did not get stunned you can check them again if you think you might’ve just missed the small window or opportunity where they are stunned.  But after 2 times of testing you can be pretty sure that those that did not get stunned are vamps.  As an added bonus for this trap, make the bottom land another bridge, once only vamps are left, retract this bridge to make them fall to their doom.

I've done a lot of vampire dropping tests, and have seen a lot of stunned vampires.  It may be that there are multiple syndrome types, and yours don't stun, while mine do.  Another possibility is that you're dropping them into water.  Vamps won't stun when you drop them directly into water, because the water z-levels don't count for falling-- it's as if they're falling 0 z-levels, so don't even get stunned.  (Dropping non-vamps into water stuns them, because of the whole drowning thing.)
He he he.  Yeah, it almost looks done...  alas...  those who are in your teens, hold on until your twenties...  those in your twenties, your thirties...  others, cling to life as you are able...<P>It should be pretty fun though.