Here yee here yee. post thou story of the glorious zombie seiges your forts have sufferd
How you over came them and any jucy tidbits you find out about these zombles.
My story runs thusly:
Diamondfinds was a well provisioned expeditionary force, sent out to the ice feilds of the north to found a fortress situated between two necromancer towers to stop the spread of this evil tide from joining forces and sweeping the land of the dwarven holds. war with the necromancers had left many a zombie thrall in their presence, although thankfully until now these had been relativly free of dwarven citizens.
Upon arriving at Diamondfinds The Greatest Bolders group of the Staff of Exalting set about the frozen glacier with gusto and worth.
A cirular moat was dug 2 deep by 3 wide, with a 20 tile radius inside for the fortress propper. walls were raised and the drawbridge wrought of marble stone.
But then they came. In a small horde at first, 40 zombie thralls descended on the keep, the drawbridges were raised, everyone had managed to get inside, but we were surrounded. No farms, no water in this bleak wasteland, and the walls unable to be continued to be built for fear of looking on the dead, the marksdorfs were sent to patroll and kill any they saw. But for each corpse they killed, it rose anew. The necromancers of this host would not let their thralls fall so easily. So Diamondfinds conceded their destiny to the raw earth under the ice. Dwarves were of stone, their only hope were to be any caverns, so deep they dug, and far. each day the alcohol ran dryer. and the wagon horses had to be butcherd for want of meat. when the alcohol had all but gone they struck upon the caverns! and a great lake beheld, marking their salvation. farms were raised and the dwarves thumbed their noses at their adversorys who had struck so young into the year. but this seige was to last the next three. another 70 zombies and 3 necromancers joined their bretheren, and not untill one wanderd too close to the wall and got shot did the seige finaly break. But they would be back, and the dwarves of diamondfinds would be ready to meat their unclean flesh with bolt and axe.
I know zombies shouldnt be underestimated, they can turn an unarmoured dwarf into shatterd blobs quite eaisly. i also know some armour dosent always work since they can still punch a dwarfs brains out.