So, I decided to go into adventure mode to map out caves. Several hours worth of dying to giants, cyclops, (a demon whom ruled over a goblin city. Wtf? I wish my fortress ruler was a demon), when....
I found a cave in a glacial area. Bordered by dense forests, so I checked it out - no quest, but hey, who cares.
Interestingly enough, I went up the slopes of the glacier and then decided to go to sleep - it was night, and I wanted to see. When I woke up, the slopes were gone - and murky water was covering the ground near where the slope had been. I couldn't get back down. So I wandered around a bit and night fell again - and wow, the slopes appeared - I still wasn't connecting this to temperature at this point, I thought I was lost.
So anyways, I keep looking for this cave, but on the way get ambushed by a Yeti (whose blood flows away the next morning, turning an entire watery section of my screen red) - and eventually find the cave...on /top/ of the ice glacier. The z-screen indicates that its next level (the same level with one ramp all caves have) is also made of ice, but...both are filled with water, so alas, I cannot enter. By this point, I'm thirsty, used up all my water, and of course can't use the /masses of liquid water around me/ to drink from.
So I leave the screen and re-enter (using the search function claimed my thirst would get reset that way - it didn't) - and re-look for it, but all I find where the cave entrance was this time is ice; though its possible I got lost. Before I could make sure, I died of thirst, which seems to be more dangerous then those damned spiders.
Sorry if thats a story more then a question, but it was very wierd.
Sadly, since dying, I don't seem to be able to find the area again.
[ May 18, 2008: Message edited by: lastofthelight ]