yes, theres a way to do that,
use the sourceforge page ( ), there are plenty of instructions there, not to mention a Help forum.
The goal right now, is to rekindle interest in Beyond Protocol, after there is a certain saturation point (similar to Minecrafts development) there will be mods and a large playerbase to self maintain it. we are asking people to all play on one large server right now, so as to assist with learning the game, getting a feel for it, and collecting up information on what is good, and what is not (for development purposes for the current overseers of the game). this is a Very strong server, with a moderator who knows and used to work on the game code back when it was live. honestly its the best choice of action, unlike minecraft or DF, restarting a Beyond protcol game from scratch, or without any assistance is a huge pain in the behind, multiple small servers, are a terrible idea with the vanilla game (we will need starter set mods and things to make it easier on folks).
This is the community website . the place is moderated by a former player, the site is slightly buggy with loggins and such, but with people actually using its forums again , im certain Vimes will fix it up.
Lets Bring Beyond Protocol back. make it great.
we have a dream, and BP can make it happen