oh i realise that what is trying to be put together is not so much a community or forum based site. I also realise that you could simply already go to a active and already prominent fantasy forum if that is what they are after. However what the purpose of the site is (and yes it is in its infancy stages) is to create in one part a community or forum or what not but also a location where people can put together various sources and ideas. Yes i realise that may appear vague what i mean is, for example we have the bloggers who on a weekly basis post different articles about different things. these articles arnt meant mearly to be read and just taken as is and the site is not ment to be just a occasional read. What the goal is, is to be were people will debate about the posts and articles, and then eventually post things of their own to be discussed and and talked about. I also realise that a forum makes near to no money unless it has some of its own content (ex df) that is not what i meant by large viewership. By large enough viewership i meant that we had enough people who wanted to hear about a certain event, and then we would send some one to cover it and bring back content that people may not have the money or time them selves to go see and or do. And i also realise i cant just wish a community into existance, which is why i have been trying to work on multipul site to raise awareness of are site in the hopes that they may go read an article or two and then might come back later for more. Also as to the only posts being my own, i realise this. Just as a topic starts off with a single person stating something and then others responding so does a community slow grow around a single person starting or stateing somthing. Me posting here wasnt an attempt to get money or sympathy, I was mearly trying to get knowledge about the site out to others. And i have to say i absolutely love and appreciate your feed back as it gives me something to work with. Lack of content i can fix, it just means me and others just need to write more. Vague? well i can fix that too by better explaining things. This is why i posted here in the first place as i knew that the people here would help me to learn and build.
So let me start again
I come here to state that a new site has been created with several writers creating articles about various subjects having to do with fantasy themes. We have one writer discussing various things he notices about life as well as movies/games we have another writer who is discussing various board games. Another writer who is discussing varied and different topics about the fantasy genre as a whole, we have an artist who is posting drawings she has created for the enjoyment of others, and are last writer is discussing various card games, board games, and roleplaying games through the years. Our site also features a forum where anyone can discuss the various articles they read about on the site as well as any game, movie, book, event, or anything under the sun.
I come asking for feed back on what people would like to see as well as short comings of the site, and the articles. I also come in the hopes to raise awareness of the site and hope to slowly gain a community of its own. In closing I would like to thank IronyOwl and Capntastic for their feedback as it will ultimately lead to a better site.