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Author Topic: Kolrab  (Read 675 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • ansistego
« on: December 13, 2011, 03:59:12 pm »

I'm not sure if there's swearing in this

Town Kolrab, "Wheeledglowed"

13 Obsidian, 134, Late Winter

I have decided to start to journal our downfall. Soon the therapist will
segfault us with legendary swordsmen or the goblins will come and that will
be it. We have also struck a cave where I know from experience there are
crocodiles that will kill more than the 45 dwarves I have remaining.

My specialist industries are carpenty, masonry, gem cutting and the
production of precious soap, though almost anyone makes lye. The
mountainside I cut a 3-wide tunnel into terminates at a trade depot and a
small hive of industry. The bedrooms fan out west and east from that hall
behind which is a large meeting hall all smoothed-stone, and a barracks west
of that I cannot get any squad to use. So my plan in an attack is to
activate all the woodcutters.

My apex industry is Soap Making. I have three designated soap makers, one of
them Adequate. My bar/block stocks are

ash [5]
donkey soap [6]
horse soap [3]
cow soap [3]
pig soap [2] (i had pigs?)
water buffalo soap [12]
reindeer soap [3]
elephant soap [64] (yes)
warthog soap [2]
giraffe soap [18]

I remember having to buy enough buckets to make all that possible. Gems are
worthless and easy to mass produce with a cave and some stone bridges. I
have two designated gem cutters, one Proficient.

Look at those bars. Maybe I will find some gold. So far, no. Just precious

Unfortunately it's stockpiled outside. What about the rain?

On this giraffe and elephant-laden savannah it doesn't rain much to be fair.
The cave we're pulling up most of our rose quartz and black opals from now
was a windfall because our surface wells kept drying up. We lost 2/3 our
population to thirst just after hitting 80 when I stopped paying attention
to play the Discworld MUD. Oh dear god. Why can I produce drink using only
vegetables, no water? Anyway I had failed to

I should use my manager for drink.

28th Obsidian, 134, Late Winter

Rough gems:
rough morions [4]
rough smoky quartzes [11]
rough pyrites [7]
rough clear tourmalines [2]
rough moonstones [4]
rough rose quartzes [22]
rough green jades [2]
rough purpel spinels [1]
rough brown zircons [1]
rough black opals [8]
rough white opals [5]

Total 66

Cut gems:
morions [5] value 10 (worthless)
smoky quartzes [2] 10 df bucks (worthless)
rose quartzes [20] 15 (sigh)
green jades [6] 100 (good)
almandines [2] 100 (good)
brown zircons [3] 100 (good)
black opals [9] basic value 150. good
crystal opals [2] 100 fine

Total 53

Large gems:
large rose quartz (30)
*large green jade* (800)
-large green jade- (400)
-large black opal- (400)

Total 4

And of course a ton of precious soap stored outdoors on the sandy savannah

I plan to trade several of these silly gems for more picks

1st Granite, 135, Early Spring

Brew Drink keeps getting cancelled. I thought it was for want of barrels, it
turns out there are no distillable items. Food stocks:

Food Stores:   1620?
Meat   486   Seeds   349
Fish   None   Drink   263
Plant   None   Other   522

Most of the meat and drink is purchased not made. But there is a lot of
prepared food about and two new, wet wells in the level -50-ish cave we
found. GOOD

5th Granite, 135, Early Spring

An engraver's in a strange mood though he's been quite content lately.
Peculiarly secretive... he's headed outside the fortress carrying a rough
rose quartzes [1]. It's the second one he's left at an outdoor craftsdwarf's
workshop full of elephant bone. I use those for making bone bolts for
hunting. It's near the refuse pile

6th Granite, 135, Early Spring

Id Oburdoren has begun a mysterious construction!

Good. My only other artifacts are a palm chair, a chert mechanism and a
chert mug. It will be nice to have something jewelled...

7th Granite, 135, Early Spring

Where is Sazir Zanegabsam, Miller, going with some of my precious elephant
soap? It says 'clean self'. Oh my, they really do that

He's on his way to the caves. He bumped into someone coming back with soap.
Oh my

He did it. I missed it, because there was a web over a ramp he took, but he
did it. Now he has to store the soap in the stockpile. I'm glad it isn't

8th Granite, 135, Early Spring

Id Oburdoren, Engraver has created Nobotvush Nelas Astel, a chert mug!

This is a chert mug. All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is
decorated with elephant bone [yes] and encircled with bands of rose quartz
and lion bone [yes]. This object is adorned with hanging rings of rose
On the itme is an image of Etest Gleamsearched the Bite of Sculpture the
bronze colossus in Chert. [I have engravings on this subject too] Etest
Gleamsearched the Bite of Sculpture is traveling. The artwork relates to the
wandering of the bronze colossus Etest Gleamsearched the Bite of Sculpture in
The Steppe of Thunder in the midspring of 38.
On the item is an image of a hidden moon in chert. On the item is an image
of tall crosses in elephant bone.

Basic Value: 26400*


13th Granite, 135, Early Spring

I have cut back to a single lye-maker, Lolor Asenfash, Glazer. This will let
him specialize at that. I wonder what that will do. Oh, coffee's up

18th Granite, 135, Early Spring

I cannot remember if this is our third year or fourth or what. With the
water die-off most of the remaining populace are recent immigrants. And it
seems no-one knows

21st Granite, 135, Early Spring

Some migrants have arrived, despite the danger.

Monum Rosattobul, Weaver
Atir Isethbomrek, Furnace Operator
Adil Atirbab, Dyer
Ablel Sodelenseb, Thresher [what is that?]
Tulon Degelkes, Trapper
A puppy
A cavy pup
Obok Nishthalal, Cavy Pup (Tame) christ
Zasit Sarveshotil, Cheese Maker (pretty sure I have nothing to milk)
Ustuth Elbelkeskal, Farmer
Atir Dakostadas, Woodcutter (has a bismuth bronze battle axe, good)
Iteb Inodning, Planter
Shorast Raztekkud, Cheese Maker
Sazir Monomthikut ("Sazir Paperbooks"), Fish Cleaner
Thob Lesastkubuk ("Thob Flanklanced"), Trapper
Tame bunny
Sarvesh Ferdegel, Wax Worker
Lor Lolorkubuk, Gem Setter
Cilob Dodokrab, Weaver
Cerol Isdenfikod, Herbalist
Tame alpaca baby
Reg Mamottobul, Presser
Oddon Athelesmul, Gem Setter
Jesus god how many are coming. OK just 3 more
Thob Shembubnus, Lye maker
Iton Zuntirdakas, Glassmaker
Melbil Ozsitsibrek, Hunter

21. Makes population 64. Great. Let me put the noobs through the Therapist

Atir Dakostadas is already assigned to woodcutting which is great because
until recently no-one was. Adil Atirbab is skilled at small animal
dissection but not performing it so turn that on. In fact look at all the
places I could do that for the noobs. Especially under Farming. Reg
Mamottobul, Presser, is Adept but wasn't set to perform it. Retired, I
guess.  Lor Lolorkubuk is a competent cheese maker so he can do that too.
And... ~25 other cases like that, gaining us a soap maker.

Precious soap

Set the woodcutter and two new carpenters to not do any hauling and let's

28th Granite, 135, Early Spring

I caught another one

Edzul Nosimmonuz has been happy lately. He had a wonderful soapy bath

Indeed. That's our precious, precious elephant soap he hauled to the cave
well just to remove Grime from his body. I wonder what psych factors affect
the tendency to wash with soap

12th Slate, 135, Mid-Spring

Remember there was no plant type food? That persists, so I've designated a
bunch of plants for gathering. We'll see what that does

Cure my miners of all farming labours using the therapist. That will help
get the goblin pit dug on time

Yeah. There we go, the prisoners are arranged up top and this doesn't really
work anymore once you already have more prisoners than you can arrange
around the pits because when you decide which ones to pit it doesn't sort
them by distance or anything AFAIK. So you can only work with total prisoner
populations of less than or equal to what you can pit at one time. Too bad.
Well, I started early and there's just enough to do them all at one time
with little room to spare. This pit enters the top of a watery cave at the
bottom, near Z -50, so I don't think they'll walk back up. But there are gem
tunnels everywhere down there already so we'll see.

15th Slate, 135, Mid-Spring

After some paperwork there's one dead goblin in the reservoir. YES

I can't even see most of the bodies, they're submerged. Just a lot of blood
in the water. And I get all those cages back.

2nd Felsite, 135, Mid-Spring

These caves go on and on. We are mining some Lapis Lazuli. I am establishing
a dormitory. There's already a food stockpile, kitchen and still. Oh good,
plant stockpiles are up to 11 -_-

Food Stores:   1470?
Meat   378   Seeds   322
Fish   None   Drink   115
Plant   11   Other   664

I think there was supposed to be a creek called Flyshrivelled the Fell Scab.
Our wells dry up often

4th Felsite, 135, Mid-Spring

My mayor needs two chests and there just aren't any anywhere. Or bags.

Oh I'll queue ten coffers with the manager

Poko is on. I -hate- Poko

6th Felsite, 135, Mid-Spring

What is wrong with the manager? He's busy making ash. I'll turn off all his
labours... oh except masonry. He's Proficient, and we're not doing any. Wow
he's a high master woodcrafter. Mosus Logemstukos, do your paperwork now

7th Felsite, 135, Mid-Spring

Those rough lapis lazulis are only worth 6. Same as morions (worthless). :(

I am speccing a dig for more jade.

11th Felsite, 135, Mid-Spring

I have activated Rakust Roldethkeskal, an unknown novice soap-maker, making
four total soap-makers, all trained at least to novicehood (no dabblers)

Saving my game to try Minecraft...

Oh it won't work in Wine. Let's try adding Java

14th Felsite, 135, Mid-Spring

Ahem. An Elven Caravan has arrived! Good. It won't have wood since I chopped
plenty lately but I can get some plants and drink and hopefully a pick or an
axe but probably not, from elves

I will trade them worthless gems

Moving all the small cut gems and all the large cut gems just in case (they
add well over 1000 df bucks, though there are only four)

1st Hematite, 135, Early Summer

I now have four lye-makers

I traded for some chests, and wood helms and gauntlets and sand bags. And a
bin of cloth so they'd stop bringing that and I should still be able to get
some food...

Plant stockpiles now 18

Oh I can see the corpses at the bottom of the goblin pit if I go all the way
to the bottom of the cave where the water is 7/7.

The elves want two large green jades but my order is mostly cloth to stop
them bringing it. I guess I'll go ahead though it sets their profit to 1272.

I removed one jade and they added a large black opal and the jade again. So
I removed the opal and they took it...

20th Hematite, 135, Early Summer

Our precious soap stocks continue to grow. I have to disable empty cages in
the stockpile over the goblin pit (oops)

I now have an Adequate soaper

I have submitted a Wine bug so I can reinstall a JRE install I botched by
running out of disk space x_X

27th Hematite, 135, Early Summer

Apparently I only have one gem cutter. He is Proficient. I have turned off
several of his other labours except where he is an accomplished Potter. I
don't do any pottery right now anyhow. But hmm, if I make some jugs I can
have some bees and a Presser like in Dibesherib, the doomed metropolis
"Crazygorge" which is now a black hole in the world-file that segfaults on
any attempt to reclaim or presumably to visit thanks to running dwarf
therapist in 64-bit mode or possibly at all

The gemcutter is named Rigoth Egathoddom

3rd Malachite, 135, Mid-Summer

Some migrants have arrived, despite the danger.

Medtob Isethrigoth, Fish Dissector (we have no fish)
Kosoth Astelkeskal, Fisherdwarf (no i mean no fish period)
Erush Kibamem, Beekeeper (good i just said bees)
Stray lamb (all my grazing animals starve to death)
Stray alpaca (darn)
Stray donkey
Muthkat Ralzes, Craftsdwarf
Solon Lecadthikut, Cook
Bomrek Tosidmorul, Siege Engineer
Alath Okoldoren, Wax Worker
Stray Water Buffalo Calf (starve)
Tame named goat kid

Rakust Roldethkeskal has become a Soap Maker. Good. I activated him as
soaper on 11th Felsite. I wonder what he was before

So far I cannot try Minecraft

6th Malachite, 135, Mid-Summer

Mosus Logenstukos, manager is taken by a fey mood!

Terriffic. I wonder if it has to do with his No Office. He did admire [his]
own fine Armor Stand lately. That dining room is legendary. Ah... Mosus last
came up 6th Felsite (two months ago) when I relieved him of non-management
labours. This is fun

He has claimed a craftsdwarf's workshop. Let's hope that works out

Oh I accidentally gave the office I meant for Mosus Logenstukos, Manager, to
Mosus Esnuloslan, mayor. So there's a bunch of un-authenticated work orders
(brew drink x120, make wooden cage x30, rock coffer x10, make ash x30, make
lye x30, sigh)

Let's see if that helps. The mayor can sit somewhere else.

I have to roll a joint with Neutrino now

9th Malachite, 135, Mid-Summer

Food Stores:   2000?
Meat   400?   Seeds   400?
Fish   None   Drink   200?
Plant   100?   Other   700?

What's wrong with my bookkeeper

Olin Kubukiden had no office. Sigh

11th Malachite, 135, Mid-Summer

A troll has appeared in the upper cave, on the other side of a gem tunnel,
and has destroyed half of a nascent dormitory! I've ordered the gem tunnel
plugged ASAP

My small jade dig has been most prolific

Oh I better Therapist the noobs

Added an adequate soap maker, novice dyer, novice brewer, adequate shearer,
novice shearer, and novice cook. My beekeeper was ready to work but has no
experience (0). Oh I can add a second gem cutter (Medtob Isethrigoth, Novice
Gem Cutter) which is good because I added a second jeweller's workshop and
gem stockpile.

Novice bone carver, novice weaver activated

Aban Lokumizeg, Clothier: I'm going to deactivate his hauling and cleaning
and try to put him on mining. We'll see

73 dwarfs now

15th Malachite, 135, Mid-Summer

An Engraver is on the wrong side of the troll wall. Maybe I should tear it
down and put a cage trap there instead.

I knew gem tunnels were liabilities. I really did

17:02 < falmot> how do i keep all my grazing animals from starving to death?
17:03 < sandbox> move them somewhere there is grass

Good, that troll has a mangled lower body.

Well, the engraver has a bronze pick

A hunter just scrambled up a hill and is firing bolts into the fray. Good

Led Leslemurush has a broken head. But that troll is nauseous, and is retreating

Mosus Logenstukos has begun a mysterious construction! Good

I'd thought all the miners were up in the jade dig at -9 but it looks like I
locked at least the engraver and hunter in with the troll when I plugged
that gemming route. Hopefully they tear down the wall before they get hungry

19th Malachite, 135, Mid-Summer

Mosus Logenstukos, manager has created Debstakud, a palm earring!

If he must

This is a palm earring. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is
decorated with palm and rope reed fiber and encircled with bands of giraffe
bone and chert. This object is adorned with hanging rings of chert and
menaces with spokes of chert and green jade. (no not my green jade)
On the item is an image of The Barricaded Controls the aluminum chain
leggings in acacia. (They made that in Dibesherib the Unrecoverable)

23rd Malachite, 135, Mid-Summer

The Forgotten Beast Wuvul has come! A great hairy slug. It has thin wings of
stretched skin and it is slavering. Its carmine hair is unkempt. Beware its

Fuck me

I'm activating all my woodcutters and sending them to kill it...

And hunters

And a stoneworker and engraver and two miners because who knows if they've
got picks...

The Trustworthy Halls (10)   Kill Wuvul, Forgotten Beast


Now there are trolls about too. Not so good...

Population: 73

Oh that nauseous troll who smashed up the new dormitory at the end of a
gemming tunnel came back. He's not nauseous anymore but his lower body is
still mangled. I'll send my military after him first. He's closer. Well.
Maybe it's more important I have them track the forgotten beast for me. I'll
probably lose him

But what about this troll

1st Galena, 135

The gosling is caught in a cloud of flames!
The Diagnoser is caught in a cloud of flames!
Why can't I zoom to those

Oo, seven more jades

I see thirty-six rough green jades in storage. One of my jewellers was idle.
My bad. I'll use the manager for that too

Well. No need

120 drinks are validated but the manager is somehow idle. Mosus Logenstukos
what are you doing? Drinking. Well. I've taken him off Mining...
fortunately, he was not equipped with a pick.

7th Galena, 135

We're out of barrels. Good thing I bought so much drink.

That troll is admiring some dwarf he knocked out near the ex-almost-dormitory
at the end of the gem passage for days now. Led Luslemurush ("Led
Puzzlinghandle"), Engraver, has a broken lower body, head, left upper arm
and left upper leg, but is otherwise fine, just winded, exhausted, and
unconscious. The troll still has a mangled lower body and is tired and is
turning around a constant stream of peasants coming down the gem passage to
recover wounded or clean.

No sign of the forgotten beast. Considering giving my squad a new target

Oh! If I'd known they already arrived at the cave with both the troll and
the forgotten beast, I wouldn't have reassigned them. Too late now. Let's
watch the carnage

Leading the charge is a marksdwarf with a shield and a battleaxe, Athel
Thedakalath ("Athel Clanbolt", oh well). I assigned him to a melee squad so
although he seems to have crossbowmanship probably from hunting he's using
an axe, my mistake

I should have put the hunters in an Archer squad. I also haven't set up my
uniforms to use the wood plate mail I keep buying. But he has equipped a
willow shield even with Metal Armor uniform. I don't know

He still has his pond grabber leather quiver. Sigh

Troll still won't know what hit him

Next up is Inod Sarveshanil, Militia Commander, who appears by his colour to
be a wrestler. He has a steel battle axe and an -<<iron shield>>- (on the
item is a well-designed image of fisher berries in purple spinel).

Third in the charge is Sazir Zanegabsam, with a copper pick in his left
hand, a shield -and- a battleaxe in his right hand (a bug I've seen in
adventurer mode), and a natural tendency for Macedwarfship...

I don't see the other six squaddies yet. I really wonder what happened to
the tenth while they were assigned to kill the forgotten beast. I also
wonder where it got to...

(I also wonder why I can't get them to spar)

8th Galena, 135, Late Summer

Surprise! The Marksdwarf is firing a crossbow in his left hand. The bismuth
bronze battleaxe was in his right hand with the wood shield. It's that
adventurer mode bug again allowing this guy to have two weapons one of which
he's fortunately adapted to as well as apparently a shield. FUN

Here comes Id Oburdoren (unarmed) and Atir Dakostadas (bronze whip, maple
shield), Recruits, but they can only help clean up by now

Yeah. Logemlular's mutilated corpse is there. Man, he really strangled that

Population: 68

That's 5 dead in about two weeks.

Squad relieved of the stale Kill order. Looking for that beast before they
get upstairs

Oo more worthless rose quartz.

13th Galena, 135, Late Summer

I am finally assigning a pen/pasture. I forgot. (I also forgot to type 'I
forgot' until now)

I almost typed Late Sumer. All the yellow in the grass makes that feel
right. I don't know what that means.

16th Galena, 135, Late Summer

Lorban Uniboshur has become a Miner.

Looks like he was best at Animal Training before. I could have checked what
he was but I hit read dwarves too quick

Pull out eight more green jade

17th Galena, 135, Late Summer

An ambush! Curse them!

Good more goblin pit food

18th Galena, 135

I see them. They're in the stone stockpile (outside).

Fuck they are picking off plant gatherers

1 dead

20th Galena, 135

3 dead

21st Galena, 135

5 dead

Calling a squad >_<

I like how the squad dialog doesn't pause the game

The Trustworthy Halls is still seven strong

23rd Galena, 135, Late Summer

More dead. Population 62

I only have one woodworker remaining but everyone gathers plants. This is
real bad. Wish I could order them indoors still (feature removed at some

Oh and WTF merchants are here

Moved all my small cut gems

25th Galena, 135, Late Summer

Population 56.  That's like twenty lost to the lethal countryside

If only I had Patrols of some kind. Well this game I never got my military
to train properly I don't know why. But I made so much precious soap.

I've lost so many I'm growing reflective. I'll have to check on my
industries after this. I see one lye maker at least

There are five soap makers. Great

I have to meet my lawyer in half an hour

1st Limestone, 135, Early Autumn

Population holding at 56

Hey I have plenty of wood

2nd Limestone, 135

If only those goblins had just come to my traps

Population 56

The Trustworthy Halls is now sized four and are back indoors

Good way to kill all my hunters, woodcutters and stone workers

Trader requested at depot

4th Limestone, 135

Why is the squad in the cave

I guess those goblins left. That was really stupid there were almost no more
plants designated. I mean if the ambush had come two weeks later no-one
would have been left outdoors. Instead twenty dead and I better build more
coffins. I mean I have a lot stockpiled already just in case. You know

Oh, someone finally died of thirst

Jack was a Legomaniac. Then they treated him with Thorazine. Now all he does is watch TV


  • Bay Watcher
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    • ansistego
Re: Kolrab
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2011, 04:00:43 pm »

7th Limestone, 135

The broker is throwing a tantrum. Well who knows who's dead

Ooh smoothed amethysts are worth 100 (those merchants who showed up with the
ambush are still around unlike it I guess). Trading a ton of smooth green
jade but no large gems

Good I almost got three picks. I mean fuck I drove them off bartering

The broker is named Ineth Gembishbesmar.

11th Limestone, 135, Early Autumn

Oooh, Melbil Ozsitsibrek ("Melbil Crabsalves") is taking some famous soap to
clean self with. Hey he has eight kills

One warthog in Wheeledglowed
Two cavy boars in Wheeledglowed
One elephant in Wheeledglowed
One giraffe in Wheeledglowed
Two dralthas in Wheeledglowed (who knew?)
One chimpanzee in Wheleedglowed

What a cool feature. I had to hit 'k' in the Owned Objects/Enter: Thoughts
and Preferences part of the dwarf view

Yeah it says k: Kills

He is using Water Buffalo Soap

Precious Water Buffalo Soap

13th Limestone, 135, Early Autumn

So I just failed to make a deal with the first caravan in kind of a long

Food Stores:   2150
Meat   466   Seeds   474
Fish   None   Drink   461
Plant   17   Other   732

Hovering around 2000 total for the last two months though with twice the
drink of last update. Good

16th Limestone, 135, Early Autumn

My squad still won't (ever) train

18th Limestone, 135, Early Autumn

Olon Kubikiden, bookkeeper, is a legendary miner and is at it again. But my
accuracy already seems fine

26th Sandstone, 135, Mid-Autumn

I was with my lawyer. Uh.

Some migrants have arrived, despite the danger

Nish Shegetsigun, Furnace Operator
Eshtan Medtobzon, Beekeeper
Stray llama
Kib Amugtulon, Animal Dissector
Udib Titthalerush ("Udib Playhandle"), Herbalist
Turkey hen
Goat kid
Dobar Ingizgebar, Planter
Zuglar Nishfash ("Zuglar Tradedparch"), Fish Dissector
Erith Imral, Fisherdwarf

Brew drink orders are being cancelled for want of plant food. If only I
hadn't chased off the last merchants. Oh, time to put the new dwarves
through the therapist

I also have to specialize my wood burners. Then my soap industry will be
training three sets of specialists, wood burners, lye makers and soap
makers, how nice... not to mention woodcutters

Speaking of which Eshtan Modtobzon is a Competent Wood Cutter with the skill
disabled, so switch it on for him. He's another beekeeper with no experience
at it, how strange

Get novice wood burner, herbalist, and milker

Skilled armorsmith

Novice gemcutter

Novice bone carver, adequate woodcrafter

Novice architect


Gained 7 pop. We were holding at 56

Population: 63

4th Timber, 135, Late Autumn

Rough gems [34]
rough morions
rough lapis lazuli [5]
rough smoky quartzes
rough moonstones
rough rose quartzes
rough green jades [20]
rough brown zircons [3]
rough crystal opals [3]

Cut gems [101]
morions [2]
smoky quartzes [7]
pyrites [2]
rose quartzes [13]
green jades [64] good
brown zircons
aquamarines [2]
black opals [5]
white opals
crystal opals [3]

Large gems [7]
*large rose quartz*
=large green jade=
-large green jade-
large green jade
-large aquamarine-
-large black opal-
+large crystal opal+

6th Timer, 135, Late Autumn

Oh I had no broker. Well,

Go Ushrir Osodoltar, trader (competent appraiser)

Geez we have a lot of occupied coffins

I wonder what I can do about the captain of the guard's quarters, as a start
on his [require]

Oh how nice we need some rock cabinets, check-up on masonry

Three skilled masons left. I made it four by adding a Competent mason from
wave 12, my first logged immigrant wave, Shorast Raztekkud

I've logged three immigrant waves now waves 12 to 14 wow.

It's fun seeing these dwarves come up again

I'll smooth some of the captain's quarters and give the broker two statues
just for kicks. What he really needs is an office and two chests so I'm
working on that too. I might need to get rid of one of the statues in either
his room or office to accomodate his chests tbh. But I made so many

13th Timber, 135, Late Autumn

Food Stores:   2135
Meat   476   Seeds   500
Fish   None   Drink   404
Plant   None   Other   755

Hanging in there. Using the manager to force through Brew Drink whenever the
possibility comes up was a great idea, because I rarely have Plant

Waiting for more merchants to bring me any and spare drink

At least the cave wells don't dry up. I want to find another dwarf cleaning
himself in fact

No such luck. But in that vein, Bomrek Tosidmorul, Siege Engineer, is making
soap right now. He's from wave 13 the second logged wave. He became one of
my five (?) skilled soapers and is presently Adequate at it with 1560 xp out
of the 1800 required to level up. Nice

Oh I forgot to specialize wood burners... Solon Tamollikot is the first
dwarf I see with skill at it, he's Accomplished, so leave him wood
burning... a bunch more can be turned off. Waves 6 and 7 are guilty of most
general-purpose farming. Waves 8+ only have skilled farming and probably
crafts labours assigned. Are there any other wood burners?

A novice I missed, noobie Nish Shegetsigun, great. Get an herbalist and
milker I thought I already chose, too, well. Yeah I did but who cares. That
only makes two wood burners... pretty fun. I'll take off their hauling, then

That's (2) wood burners, novice and accomplished

My (4) lye makers are novice, novice, adequate and adept

My (5) soapers are novice, novice, adequate, adequate and adequate


Precious, precious soap...

14th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: The Enemy is Upon Us!

A Vile Force Of Darkness Has Arrived!


No-one should be chopping or gathering. Hopefully this boils down to a test
of cage capacity

Population: 62

You should only get sieges with population over 80. I only ever brushed 80
and then half my dwarves died of thirst while I played Discworld. So sad

15th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 62

I see some abandoned giraffe soap in the cage-and-caravan tunnel leading in
to the main workshop cluster. Abandoned precious, precious soap, a sad
symbol of panic as it sets in

16th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 61 (why? which one died)

In the pandemonium that ensues, Stodir Tosidugosh has claimed a Mason's

Oh: Inod Otamfikod, Miner has been struck down. I see he was an Expert miner
but not so dedicated as to do no hauling. A hauling miner isn't a huge loss.
Let's watch

Two cages have gone off at the entrance

Make that five or six

17th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 59

Nil Uzolamith, Bone Carver has been struck down.
Shorast Raztekkud, Cheese Maker has been struck down. (My fourth skilled
mason, from the first logged immigrant wave, darn)
Stodir Udarobok, Goat Kid (Tame) has been struck down.


The cages are being rapidly replaced by animal haulers and plentiful skilled
mechanics. Let's check the pit

There are two goblins in there and one cage on the way. What will it be?

Utes Etospzolak, Goblin Axeman

A blue goblin. Fun

Also have caged a Snodub Kuspmospazstrog Susallos Asmrar, Goblin Hammerman,
wow, and a goblin Master Thief. Is it true they can escape pitting? At near 50
z levels before 7/7 water, and all tiles adjacent to a pit, we'll see

18th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 58

Another one died outside I guess. No invaders have got past the traps and
inside. All the workshops and stockpiles outside are fair game. It's mostly
furniture and rocks. Well mostly rocks really. Um, who died

A cavy boar
Vabok Stinthadidtun, Glazer.

OK. Yeah he was outside for some reason. I have no military (I can't get
them to train and am ignoring that). I'll just collect all my armed
civilians into a squad again after I have some in a wave or two. Well let's

1 Hunter (should have their own crossbows)
3 Miners (same with picks)
Woodcutters, around 7 assigned, including one beekeeper now, but none
skilled enough at it to have it as a profession. I am using dwarf
therapist's profession view not looking at who has the labours. Or equipment
for that matter

So that really only makes 4. My squad is down to 5. Maybe I should go ahead
and put those people in it but it won't practice. Just in case I need to
mobilize them later. OK

Oh the Trustworth Halls still has 4 dwarves, I thought it was 1. I'll still
put in the hunter and miners. Ah I could only find 2 miners and a ranger.
Whatever. Makes 7 military

Who can go on doing nothing. Well I'll set them to labour by deactivating
active/training. They never train but there are advantages to keeping them
equipped... sigh

Why do they never train

19th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 51

Eight more dead


Why are so many outside? Is it the stockpiles

Pulling down three more green jade o_O

20th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 51 (Still! Good)

Those goblins are still preying on dwarves at the stockpiles. I'll move my
squad outside at least

21st Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 47

No-one stands a chance against all these blue goblins and trolls. I've
already caught a few in traps. Not enough. Fuck me

Wish this version still had the removed Order Dwarves Inside feature, again

Let's poll why they're outside anyway

Construct Building
No Job
No Job
No Job


What building

Forget it he's back to No Job

22nd Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 38


Thank god seven more cages went off. Five trolls and a giant bat are already
stockpiled and need reassigning to the pit pile. I'll do that now. But I
think no-one will be left standing when I'm finished. Note I never made a
hospital but the barracks no-one uses is a good enough candidate for now if
I get around to it

I guess I can't pit flying creatures so I'm stuck with the giant bat. But
recycling the other cages 48 at a time or whatever is really good.

Second check today: Population: 38: Good

Third check: Population: 37: Darn

That's half of them dead. This is going to mess with my industries

Someone named Melbil was bleeding badly, but he died.

Let's look

23rd Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 29. OK,

Brainwave: set dwarves to ignore corpses and turn off Recover Wounded for
all. Also ignore wood. Let's see

24th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Remember I put the Trustworthy Halls outside? That was a pretty good idea
but now all but 2 of them are dead. Still.


Population: 25

They won't get every dwarf without getting inside. I'm really alarmed how
many they got without getting inside but I think it was because of incessant
attempts to haul the corpses of dead relatives, or rescue them before they
died of their injuries. Understandable but frustratingly preventable, I

25th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 19

Well this was intended to chronicle my downfall. But it's looking like, at
this rate, I will not get those bees I thought about before

Rolling a joint

26th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 18

Rolling a joint

I wish I could order all civilians to take up arms. There must be some
around at this point

Not some civilians, spare armaments

This siege is twelve days old and must almost be out of steam

But everyone's still announcing Interrupted by Goblin Lasher...

Interrupted by Giant Olm

Smoking that joint

28th Timber, 135, Late Autumn: SIEGE

Population: 14

I'd walk us through who's left but it's still too soon.

I see four giant olms and ten goblins. If they'd only come down the trap
hall. Oh wow it's half full already. That was quite a siege

We barely survived. Well we haven't yet

Those goblins are not wounded. The animals are. If any dwarves can just
avoid sticking their head out for five minutes these guys will all head into
cage traps. Let's see if I end up with the known minimum seven dwarves. Or

Amazingly the Mayor, Manager, Broker, and Bookkeeper are all still alive!
Actually the mayor died and was automatically re-appointed. But those other
three positions don't do that and are still filled. I remember the mayor and
manager were both named Mosus that's how I know. The new mayor is named
Urvad and I'll have to assign his rooms

The Captain of the Guard is dead

5th Moonstone, 135, Early Winter: SIEGE

Population: 11

The mayor manager broker and bookkeeper are still among them. Yes Urvad is
still mayor

7th Moonstone, 135, Early Winter: SIEGE

Population: 11

Yes it still says SIEGE

Half the traps are flashing

Itor Zuntirdakas Glassmaker is outside. Let's see what happens to him. Oh
great he's placing item in tomb. I thought I cancelled that. Explains why so
few are left

I should have turned off all hauling

I will

There no hauling stay at 11 damn

9th Moonstone, 135, Early Winter: SIEGE

Iton Zuntirdakas is close to a lion

Population: 11

Why does it still say siege

The bookkeeper is doing pen/pasture an animal. I can't find any more goblins
or olms. Why does it still say siege

11th Moonstone, 135, Early Winter: SIEGE

Population: 11

Why does it still say siege

12th Moonstone, 135, Early Winter: SIEGE

Bar stocks [155]
ash [15]
donkey soap [6]
horse soap [3]
cow soap [3]
pig soap [2]
water buffalo soap [14]
reindeer soap [3]
elephant soap [61]
warthog soap [6]
chimpanzee soap [7]
giraffe soap [39]

I won't therapist the remaining dwarves til it doesn't say SIEGE

I hope I don't have more prisoners than I can safely pit at once

Looking at our soap brings me a sense of peace

Population: 11

14th Moonstone, 135, Early Winter: SIEGE

Making the Barracks a Dormitory and Hospital

Good I have a surgeon and wound dresser (practiced and practicing (same
one dwawrf)) but, I doubt there are any surviving wounded

Turning Recovering Wounded and all hauling back on just in case. OK not
Hauling yet

Just in case

I won't fix my industries until it doesn't say SIEGE!

16th Moonstone, 135, Early Winter: SIEGE

Population: 11

This siege is like over a month old. What's keeping that light on. Maybe it
has to do with how my military won't train.

Let's look at my industries now then. I'll need carpenters, masons,
woodcutters, miners, lye makers, wood burners, soap makers (precious,
precious soap), and farming (fields)

Stodir Tosidugosh is a Proficient Animal Trainer so make him do that. Olin
Kubukiden is a novice grower so turn him on at farming (fields)

Urvad Avuzkatak is a remaining woodcutter. Oh he's the mayor. (THAT Urvad.)
But he has a bismuth bronze battleaxe so he'll do for that.

Make my last lye maker and a shearer into two carpenters. Make a farmer and
a cheese maker into two masons. Oh there's a Proficient mason, Mosus
Logemstukos, left too. What's he do? Manager. Good

Assigned two more lye makers and made the three lye makers wood burners.
There are only two multi-farmers and thus incidental cooks. But who cares I
have so much prepared food

Oh there's a third cook, Skilled. Good

One Soaper left, Adequate. I'm making the lye makers and wood burners into
soapers too. Say he was one already. So there are three wood burners, three
lye makers, and three soapers. Two out of nine total skilled boxes. Sigh


14 pending changes. Commit

Set them all to carve bone and get my craftsdwarfs shops back up outside
ignoring this persistent "SIEGE" state

17th Moonstone, 135, Early Winter: SIEGE

Oh I'll need a Hunter to get fat

And a butcher

Good Iton Zuntirdakas is already a hunter and Stodir Tosidugosh and
Ushrir Osodoltar are already unskilled butchers...

Population: 11

Our soap makes me so happy

19th Moonstone, 135, Early Winter: SIEGE

Food Stores:   2141
Meat   491   Seeds   502
Fish   None   Drink   389
Plant   None   Other   759

Population: 11

Oh I'll need a miner

Good I even have a legendary one left and four set to do it. No-one is
hauling yet... I'll set the non-miners to haul

There are now zero Trustworthy Halls

1st Opal, 135, Mid-Winter: SIEGE

Yeah still SIEGE

Top of the pit's half full

Trying separating trolls and goblins. Hope enough of them are trolls. If the
goblins overflow I don't know how to pit them

4th Opal, 135, Mid-Winter: SIEGE

Yeah still SIEGE

Separating out the giant olms

9th Opal, 135, Mid-Winter: SIEGE

Yeah still SIEGE

Ow that's one hot pizza pocket

Oh good the forgotten beast sedme zitha cish has come. A huge elephant
twisted into humanoid form (elephant man?) composed of water. It squirms and
fidgets. Beware its webs!

We'll just avoid the cave for now, yes?

Maybe it'll just go away.

13th Opal, 135, Mid-Winter: SIEGE

Urvad Avuzkatak, mayor cancels Drink: Interrupted by Forgotten Beast.


Population 11

Let's check out my rookie hunter.

Iton Zuntirdakas is a Skilled Ambusher and, looking at Military skills,
talented Dodger, proficient Archer and Professional Marksdwarf. Good. I'll
activate just him and send him after the beast if I can find it

He's a glassmaker. Let's check if he has a crossbow, right

Bronze crossbow left hand


Here's a thought: maybe animals in cages not yet stockpiled don't show up in
the config for pits and pens. So if I just pit all the goblins I know about
it might be safe. I'm going to have to try: there are too many. OK

Goblin Axelord. Oh my

I think there was just about the right number of goblins in the list. The
ones in un-changed cage traps still may not have shown up. GOOD

Population: 11

5th Obsidian, Late Winter: SIEGE

I was working on Minecraft again. Someone died. Shit!
Urvad Minescaly was struck down near a pile of coffins, recently. (Siege
Operator). How? By what?

He was my only woodcutter. I've made Stodir Tosidugosh one.

WTF. Looks like the beast was topside. Someone was interrupted by him near
the workshops. I don't see it anywhere. Maybe it, maybe it left

Lor Lolorkubuk was just interrupted by a remaining goblin lasher certainly
responsible for the persistent SIEGE light.

6th Obsidian, 135, Late Winter: SIEGE

Population: 10

No-one's pitted those goblins yet and soon it will be too late to try again.
Enabling Animal Care on all in case that matters.

12th Obsidian, 135, Late Winter: SIEGE

Maybe that did it because now four goblins have been pitted.

Though I'm looking harder now and maybe one was before

Stupid siege

I bet I won't get migrants or caravans until that goes away. Or other sieges
I guess


Population: 10

By the way it looks like the Mayor chopped off the Forgotten Beast's head
with a pick after it killed the Siege Operator

That must have been near the butcher's. I might get some Forgotten Beast

19th Obsidian, 135, Late Winter

Oh shit the SIEGE finally ended but an Ambush! Curse them! Immediately


The Tiger (Tame) has been struck down.
The Jaguar (Tame) has been struck down.

Population: 10

20th Obsidian, 135, Late Winter

Lolor Asenfash, Lye Maker has been struck down.

Population: 9

25th Obsidian, 135, Late Winter

Population: 9 (five days later!!)

Where are these goblins

27th Obsidian, 135, Late Winter

Iton Zuntirdakas, militia commander cancels Place Item in Tomb: Interruptd
by Goblin Master Thief.

Damn is that one I tried to pit

1st Granite, 136, Early Spring

There is one Trustworthy Hall

Population: 9

Happy new year

5th Granite, 136, Early Spring

Somehow Olin Kubukiden became Mayor and Bookkeeper. Make sure he has an

Maybe I should talk about the seven or eight new bonecarving craftsdwarf
workshops just outside the cage-and-caravan tunnel. Bonecarving is endemic
in my population, not training a few, so that I can get out a ton of
worthless bone bolts. This also helps free up space on the refuse stockpile.
Sometimes doing excess masonry is a nice idea just to free up stone
stockpile space. But I prefer to free up bar/block stockpile space for
precious, precious, precious SOAP by not making the stone blocks. And
everything else uses furniture storage. Though that meeting hall is huge

So is the new hospital

Stodir Tosidugosh, Fisherdwarf has died of thirst. No

Population: 8

Everyone's too busy to care for the wounded. There's one dehydrated patient
now (Stodir died in a hallway not the hospital) and then we will have seven

6th Granite, 136, Early Spring

I have enabled two more wood burners and soap makers and lye makers. All
forp recious precious soap. Oh and I'll need some wood cutters

Ima designate some trees. All cave trees, so smart. A woodcutter armed with
a battleaxe can handle some eyeless troglodyte (you'd think so, right)

Enabled two unskilled gem cutters because I had none

Only one carpenter left but who cares if I can pit enough goblins I don't
have to build more. That's going slow though

8th Granite, 136, Early Spring

Population: 8
Drink: 371

That master thief might be running around still. Not sure. I thought I saw
it walking right over some traps like I heard they can but that was a guinea
hen and I sure end up with a lot of them in cages so I just don't know

10th Granite, 136, Early Spring

Lotta miasma in the goblin pit

Population: 8

16th Granite, 136, Early Spring

Christ are there a lot of dead and bodyparts around.

In one week no-one else has died

17th Granite, 136, Early Spring

There are two mechanics.

Someone died overnight

Olin Kubukiden, Miner, from thirst.

Good it was the patient they were ignoring. Hopefully my last seven dwarves
are happy. If I have less than seven dwarves, do I lose the game? We will
probably find out.

20th Granite, 136, Early Spring

Make bone bolts (30) has been completed.

We making much soap?

Top production order is fortuitously Make soap from tallow, at 18/30.
Further down the list is one hung at 30/30. Keep my eye on that.

Precious soap

23rd Granite, 136, Early Spring

Set my masons to detail stone. I'm trying to upgrade some offices and dining
rooms for nobles with unfulfilled [REQUIRE]'s

27th Granite, 136, Early Spring

Smoking two joints

Population: 7

2nd Slate, 136, Mid-Spring

Some migrants have arrived, despite the danger. FINALLY

Asmel Inushdibesh, Miller
Stray bull calf
Sibrek Nosingoddom, Miller
Monom Omeden, Mason
Uvash Nefastmorul, Bone Carver
Dodok Zirildakost, Woodcutter (bronze battle axe, good)
A puppy...

Let's take a break and look at my Weapons stocks.

Oh a bunch are forbidden. Are they on prisoners, or enemy's corpses, or
both, or what?

Looks like I have nine picks, four crossbows, five pikes, six halbers, five
two-handed swords (why?), uh, and nine battle axes, no ten, around. Good to
know. I'll unforbid all these

29 forbidden iron breastplates? What the hell? Show me one. Ohh. It's at the
bottom of the goblin pit. Hey I have no way of reaching that. I think it
might as well stay forbidden. OK

Screw this. Where are those migrants

Cog Reggusil, Herbalist
Kol Desislitast, Thresher
Tame doe rabbit
Tame peachick (blue)
Astesh Likotatis, Mechanic
As Likotudesh, Spinner

That's it.

Population: 16

Then I got nine. OK. Therapy time
Oh, someone finally died of thirst

Jack was a Legomaniac. Then they treated him with Thorazine. Now all he does is watch TV


  • Bay Watcher
  • Jack was a Legomaniac.
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    • ansistego
Re: Kolrab
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2011, 04:01:21 pm »

Sibrek Nosingoddom, Novice at Masonry, Novice at Milking, Novice at
Architecture, Activated
Astesth Likotatis, Novice Animal Dissector, Activated
Kol Desislitast, Adequate Thresher, activated at plant processing
Uvash Nefastmorul, Novice Woodburner, made the fourth one of those,
activated as Novice Bone Carver too
As Likotudesh, Adequate Spinner, Activated
Cog Reggusil, Novice Armorsmith, Activated
Monom Omedem is a novice mechanic, activated


4th Slate, 136, Mid-Spring

Bomrek Kuletamal is my only carpenter. May he excel at that

Cured of hauling labours

Ordering another 30 wooden cages

Work orders goes to a second page

8th Slate, 136, Mid-Spring

One more week, no fatalities

Solon Locathikut, mayor has mandated the construction of certain goods.

Two electrum items. Um, I don't think I have any.

Pretty sure both bar/block stockpile inventories I did here were just ash
and soap.


9th Slate, 136, Mid-Spring

Make soap from tallow is hung at 18/30 like I found it on 20th Granite (over 2
weeks ago) so I'm increasing my butchers, hunters, lyers, burners and

(14 pending changes) to three dwarves... who will do all of the above now.
One was a Novice wood burner already. gOOD

Sibrek Nosingoddom, Uvash Nefastmorul and As Likotudesh can now do no
hauling. That makes my non-haulers FOUR out of SIXTEEN. DAMN

(24 pending changes) I love when they all fit on the screen


10th Slate, 136, Mid-Spring

They are slowly pitting those goblins. Let me turn on animal care on all in
case it matters

No-one died overnight

At the bottom of the waterfall the death cave the goblin pit opens into
flows over we find:

Gozru Omagarstruk's left upper arm
Muddy quartzite Cavern Floor
Water [7/7]
A spattering of goblin blood
A pile of mud


Amxu Azstrogespu's head (good)
Muddy quartzite Cavern Floor
A spattering of goblin blood
A pile of mud


Nguslu Urarruspzuz's left upper arm
Muddy quartzite Upward Slope
Water [7/7]
A spattering of goblin blood
A pile of mud


Smunstu Enustozu's right upper arm
Ngebzo Zolakarosp's left upper arm
Muddy quartzite Upward Slope
Water [7/7]
A spattering of goblin blood
A pile of mud


Smunstu Enustozu's head
Muddy quartize Upward Slope
Water [7/7]
A spattering of goblin blood
A pile of mud

But there's way more than that upstream

16th Slate, 136, Mid-Spring

Population: 16

Forgot what I was going to say and do at this point

19th Slate, 136, Mid-Spring

Penning/pasturing my 9 tame animals

23rd Slate, 136, Mid-Spring

Pulling out two brown zircons

Really note gemming?

My militia commander is in the cave, hunting dralthas! There is a pack of
them. All are covered in blood but uninjured (a bad sign normally but it's
draltha blood, ok). My militia commander has a bronze crossbow in his Left
hand and a giant cave spider silk quiver on his Upper body with 8 more
bonobo bone bolts in there (I wonder how much Bonobo soap I have)

I have one piece of bonobo soap

Well. I never got any forgotten beast soap. But maybe I'll get some draltha
soap. Apparently they can get to the fairly open cave where he's hunting so
I'm going to drop a butcher's workshop, a tannery, a leatherworks, and some
stockpiles and beds.

And three craftsdwarfs to make more ammo, damn

I mean my commander (who wandered off, there he is) only has five shots left
and I still see one draltha standing and no corpses

At least he's uninjured

Pulling out four rose quartz

28th Slate, 136, Mid-Spring

Four leatherworkers and one tanner assigned

Population: 16 (still!)

That militia commander is off of hunting and on to making bone bolts. Kind of
more appropriately than usual

Something is wrong with my fucking cell phone IRL and I think I'll have to
walk to the store tomorrow since it can't even call 611 but it can text and
receive texts but anyone who calls me gets a number not in service message
wtf. Is it temporary

9th Felsite, 136, Late Spring

Happy new month

I have seven large gems

Population: 16 (still)

Guess what all the goblins made it into the pit. It only took one round I
guess. Maybe they moved the goblins out of the.. oh shit, a siege. Um, maybe
they moved the goblins the goblins out of the cage traps preferentially
leaving the trolls and olms I still see in the non-pit animal stockpile. Now I
have to spec the giant olms and trolls to go next. Oh boy, fun. Oh shit, a

11th Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

Population: 16

I'm turning off all hauling labours and collection orders

Bomrek Kuletamal, Sibrek Nosingoddom, Uvash Nefastmorul, and As Likotudesh
were already not hauling... for future reference

We have lots of wood anyway

12th Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

Oh. I better turn off bone carving. That's mostly outdoors. So is masonry
but I don't think there's any going on. Let me check. There is. OK. So I'll
turn off masonry on Lor Idurulush, Lor Lolorkubuk, Monom Omedem (trained),
Mosus Logemstukos (less trained), and Sibrek Nosingoddom (even less
trained). And bone carving off for all. Note Uvash Nefastmorul and Ushrir
Osodoltar are both Novices at bone carving with 500 and 720 xp respectively

So where are these goblins

13th Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE



Population: 16

Bax, Troll has a broken lower body and a mangled left lower leg, and is
unconscious and under fire. I can't imagine how that happened. Another troll
is already dead. Did Iton Zunkirdakas, Militia commander, do them both? Here
come three more. He's headed for the trap hall but they are very, very
close. Let me check the battle reports for Bax

He was shot in the leg and immediately gave into pain. What a shot

The militia commander missed the traps and is cornered just outside by them.
He has mangled upper and lower body, head, right hand and right upper leg
and a broken left hand. He's winded nauseous and unconscious. So soon we
will be population 15 but he put up a good show.

One troll trapped

Population: 15

Five traps off, goblins

14th Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

Five trolls and five goblin pikemen are lurking near the trap hall. I hope
they enter quickly.

16th Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

We caught most of them. They destroyed the eight or nine craftsdwarf's
workshops I had outside. But I have those new ones in the cave and, who

Population: 15

18th Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

Sometimes two days are like that, where three dwarves die quickly

Population: 12

Note that I have no hunters and will not get soap. But hunting's out of the
question until I end this SIEGE

I remember my militia commander hunting draltha before he went to make more
ammo where he probably died, out front. Probably where he died, I mean, he
did die. He's dead.

Also Lor Idrulush, Planter and Asnel Inushdibesh, Miller and Solon
Lecadthikut, Cook. RIP. Oh, my industries

What were they doing outside?

19th Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

They're producing bone bolts in the draltha cave, good, but it's with
giraffe bone hauled down from above. I admire the impetus but wish they'd
get the butcher shop I spec'ed up and running. Let's see. There are still
five butchers. No-one is hauling. I don't understand. Maybe that's the
problem. Maybe you don't construct a building that requires materials
without the relevant hauling labour. We'll see

No, someone's carrying tower-cap logs in his inventory marked as 'Hauled'
for a 'Construct building' job right now. Let's see if I can follow him

It's the butcher's shop! As Likotudesh, Spinner, is also a designated but
inexperienced butcher and is doing it right


Population: 12

22nd Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

Why do they keep suspending half the coffins?

I still have plenty of wood.

I trapped a draltha

Population: 12

23rd Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

It still says siege but half the cage and caravan hall is flashing now like
last siege. I guess there are still some units kicking around but I thought
they'd normally retreat at this point. Anyway is it safe to haul and collect
again? And hunt? Oh I left wood cutting on. But I only spec'ed cave trees
for chopping, I'm sure of it. I don't know what the three were doing outside
that I lost while not watching for two days before. I just do not know

Zooming on the interruptions makes it look like there's still some in the
hills but they just aren't there when I get there and I can't find them.

There can't be many left

24th Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

Dodok Zirildakost, Woodcutter, is felling trees in the caves. Near him I
found nine more gems (eight red, one black) to yank. I hope that black one
isn't a morion. No it's black opals. And rose quartz. And now I see some
camouflaged clear tourmaline to pull (three), good

Another goblin interruption in the hills. Again, I don't see him

Oh there he is

They were camouflaged in the yellow grass (being brown g's) and alternating
with giant bats on the same square. One has an iron pike, one silver.
They're really in the outback. They should just come get trapped for
christ's sake.

Population: 12

Monom Omedem, Mayor, is loading a cage trap. He is unarmed

Lor Lolorkubuk, Gem Setter, is eating

Uvash Nefastmorul, Bone Carver, is sleeping

Moses Logemstukos, manager and legendary woodcrafter, is loading a cage
trap. He has a steel battle axe in his right hand and is one of five
remaining woodcutters (inexperienced)

Cog Reggusil, Herbalist is making ash. All part of our precious but
threatened, precious soap infrastructure.

Sibrek Nosingoddom, Miller is butchering an animal. Really? Let's see

Sibrek has a bronze battleaxe, good. He's one of the five woodcutters that
must be why. I wish I could get an army squad to train. Um

He's either butchering Dostngosp or a giant toad. Either way I don't know
where he got it or what that is but good on him.

Bomrek Kuletamal, Shearer is making a wooden cage. He is our only carpenter
in fact (300 xp)

As Likotudesh, Spinner, is on his way to fell a tree, hopefully on his way

Kol Desislitast, Thresher, has no job. Why is he outside? With... two goblin
pikemen. Oh my. Yes, run up the hill

Kol Desislitast, Thresher, has been struck down. His job should have said,
"fleeing for his life". Why was he outside, for goodness sake

Population: 11

Forget Kol Desislitast

Astest Likotatis, Mechanic is loading a cage trap. So is Ushrir Osodoltar,


27th Felsite, 136, Late Spring: SIEGE

Monom Omedem, mayor has mandated the construction of certain goods.

Let's se

Note: my bookkeeper is dead. Looks like it was on 17th Granite from thirst
and I never noticed. I'll appoint Dodok Zinidakost, a woodcutter, and give
him an office. Oh that's Zirildakost what a little font. Whatever

1st Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

This log's now over a year old. I remember a 1st Hematite 135 entry. It
begins, "I now have four lye-makers". Oh my. I must have had population 64
still. Now I have population 11. But I have five lye-makers. Go figure.
Dwarf therapist is a pretty good utility

Three stone detailers

Five wood cutters

One carpenter

One animal trainer

Four animal carers

One surgeon and wound dresser

Two all purpose farming related duty types

One gem cutter

One armorer

Four mechanics

Ten cleaners

Two architects

A leatherworker and a woodcrafter

Say activate Ushrir Osodoltar and Uvash Nefastmorul as bone carvers. They're
novices. Oh I had that off for a reason. But all the outdoor craftsdwarf's
workshops are gone now so it's safer. Uh. I'm supposed to have three in the
draltha cave though they keep suspending one so let me assign a third
bonecarver. It's Monom Omedem because other than stone detailing he doesn't
do anything.


3 pending changes. It felt like more than that

4th Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

Dwarves Gather Animals is necessary for them to work the pit, and the pit's
got to be worked. Also therapizing animal hauling back on for all

Until the SIEGE light goes out more are likely to dumbly die. My population
is holding at 11. For like... a month? A while. Sieges shouldn't last this

10th Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

Another six days with no casualties. Robot roll call

Dodok Zirildakost, bookkeeper, is storing a troll cage (palm, superb craftsdwarfship)

Monom Omedem, mayor, is detailing a wall

Lor Lolorkubuk, Gem Setter, is drinking

Uvash Nefastmorul, Bone Carver, is making ash

Mosus Logemstukos, manager, is loading a cage trap

Cog Reggusil, Herbalist, is preparing a fine meal

Sibrek Nosingoddom, Miller, has no job. Why is he outside? Oh boy. He's
uninjured but wandering near a giant bat and the spot another dwarf died.
Good luck, Sibrek

As Likotudesh is storing an item in a stockpile. It's... a goblin cage
(oaken, high quality). How nice. That should go to the main animal stockpile
which is taking goblins right now. Dodok's troll cage should be headed to
the pit stockpile which is taking trolls and olms atm. Hopefully it'll all
shake out

Astesh Likotatis, Mechanic, is storing an item in a stockpile. I wonder what
it will be

My broker has no job. A broker usually might not. But Ushrir Osodoltar is
also an all-purpose farmer and should be able to make himself useful. Is he
outside? Yes. Why?

For now, Population: 11

Smoking a joint. Neutrino went home

11th Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

There's a troglodyte in the draltha cave. Maybe that's why they keep
suspending the craftsdwarf's workshop (which did get built making three) and

Wish I had armies

14th Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

Five trolls and a giant olm have trickled to the top of the pit. Can't wait
to flush them all.

Population: 11

17th Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

Mosus Logemstukos, Woodcrafter has been struck down. I see he was the
manager and was innocently loading a cage trap before he was killed very
suspiciously down in a gem cave. By what?!

Errg. I said six days ago there's a troglodyte in the draltha cave. All
these caves are interconnected through multiple Z-levels.

The Troglodyte Istikebal is fighting!
The Troglodyte latches on firmly!
The Troglodyte shakes The manager around by the left cheek, tearing apart
the left cheek's skin! (Butt cheek we hope)
The Troglodyte shakes The manager around by the left cheek, tearing apart
the left cheek's skin!
The Troglodyte punches The manager in the head with her left hand, bruising
the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain! (NOT
The manager has been knocked unconscious!
Mosus Logemstukos, Woodcrafter has been struck down.

OK. He was legendary from making an artifact of some damn kind. And he was
armed with a battleaxe and had a chance against an eyeless, eyeless
troglodyte. And by all rights the siege continues and many dwarves wander
outdoors and he was at the entrance loading a cage before and this -should-
have happened outside by a goblin not inside by a troglodyte I embarassingly
have no army to deal with. Should I just plug the gemming tunnel (to the
draltha tunnel) again? Oh god

Population: 10

Troglodytes aside, the leatherworks is up.

Assigning -everyone- to hunt. I want them armed with crossbows at least and
we have to start getting that precious, precious soap out. There must be a
big ash backlog now. Fuck the world, I'll just check

Ash [12]

Lye? Where's lye?

Oh Liquid [145]
water [99]
lye [46]

Yeah lye backlog sorry.

Lye backlog

-Five- uninjured troglodytes on the cavy mesa with the new workshops
(craftsdwarfs, butcher, leatherworks and uncompleted tannery). No-one will
be able to go there. Unless they all pick up crossbows, to hunt with, now.
Maybe I should really plug the tunnel there for now. I can't decide. If the
troglodytes kill all my last ten dwarves I'll feel like an idiot

I'll smoke another joint

19th Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

Still seeing goblin pikemen when they go outside and it still says SIEGE for
god's sake. Hold on

Four giant olms ready to drop. But there are three more and another four or
five trolls to transfer before it's safe to do them since the excess are
already in a stockpile and yes they'll fit. Woo

21st Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

No-one is hunting. Looking forward to troglodyte soap, dammit. Population:

When did my manager die? Is he whose brains the troglodyte beat in? OK.
Ushrir Osodoltar can do that and broker at the same time

Office and dining room assigned

24th Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

Really big joint

26th Hematite, 136, Early Summer: SIEGE

The fortress attracted no migrants this season. NO KIDDING, BUT, NO

Population: 9. Oh my who else died

Ushrir Osodoltar the new manager and old broker, listed as Trader, has been
struck down, it says. It says:

the Goblin Pikeman Kuspgas Gondostngosp is fighting! Fuck

It doesn't say, "fuck"

It says:

wool hood)x!
A tendon in the skull has been torn! (great)
The Goblin Pikeman stabs The manager in the head with her ({copper pike}),
tearing apart the muscle, shattering the skull and tearing the brain through
the x(llama wool hood)x!
A tendon in the skull has been torn! (hah)
Ushrir Osodoltar, Trader has been struck down.


OK so far all casualties accounted for recently. If only I was keeping up on
coffins too.

For flushing, six trolls, six giant olms. That's half the olms and trolls
stockpiled but probably not when you include the ones trapped in the hall
right now. So I hope they hurry up at moving them from the main hall cage
stockpile to the pit top stockpile but not at moving them from the cage hall
to the main hall cage stockpile which I hope takes them a while. Or this
might get messed up, you follow?

2nd Malachite, 136, Mid-Summer

Happy new month.

Oh, someone finally died of thirst

Jack was a Legomaniac. Then they treated him with Thorazine. Now all he does is watch TV


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    • ansistego
Re: Kolrab
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2011, 04:01:45 pm »

Population: 9 (still!!)

Robot roll call

Dodok Zirildakost, bookkeeper, is eating
Monom Omedem, mayor, is making bone bolts
Lor Lolorkubuk, Gem Setter, is cutting crystal opals
Uvash Nefastmorul, Bone Carver, is felling trees ... in the caves
Cog Reggusil, Herbalist, is attending a meeting. But he's not a noble. What
does that mean? I need a new manager and broker but not this second. Ah,

Sibrek Nosingoddom, Miller, is making lye (0 experience -- yet!!)

As Likotudesh, Spinner, is making ash (30xp out of 500)

Astesh Likotatis, Mechanic, is picking up equipment. I hope it's a crossbow

Then it's only animals

I got one thing I wanted which is a stash of bolts right where I found the
old militia commander, if that was him, hunting dralthas and low on ammo.
Hopefully a hunter in the same situation in the same place can take
unstockpiled ammo cluttering the three craftsdwarfs workshops, instead of
cancelling the hunt, now. But who knows

6th Malachite, 136, Mid-Summer

Hey I guess that siege is over.

It looks like Cog Reggusil, Herbalist, is trying to attend a meeting -with
the mayor- who may have been re-elected and have no office ATM. Anyway he's
crafting bone bolts with Cog Reggusil right behind him locked into Attend
Meeting when he's 1/9 my remaining workforce. Erg

OK there the mayor Monom Omedem has an office now. How irritating

Send a caravan

9th Malachite, 136, Mid-Summer

I made Monom Omedem, mayor, the new manager and bookkeeper as well

Just in time to order another 30 cage traps. Oh dear I'll need more
carpenters in reality. I only had one, right (600 xp) for Fun

Assigned ALL to carpentry and ordered 30 cages. But I'll have more empties
once I flush/pit the trolls and olms if they ever all get there.

17th Malachite, 136, Mid-Summer

Population: 9

If they find more than three more trolls in the hall cages I'll have to
separate them from the olms before pitting which will take even longer.

Assigning three more tanners

22nd Malachite, 136, Mid-Summer

In Dibesherib, I had a goblin pit with black bears at the bottom (live ones)

25th Malachite, 136, Mid-Summer

Population: 9

Pulling out two more rough-hewn black opal clusters

Who actually mines, now, anymore? Oh, no-one. I'll fix that later. Belay the

28th Malachite, 136, Mid-Summer

Population: 9

Make Ash (30) has been completed.

Those troglodytes seem to have cleared out. No-one is hunting

7th Galena, 136, Late Summer

Happy new month

Bomrek Kuletamal, Shearer cancels Hunt: No ammunition.


Oh he's outside. Yeah all the ammo workshops outside were smashed. And

Heh I typed "were smashes"

13th Galena, 136, Late Summer

Population: 9

Masonry is indoors now turn it back on.

It says, (on 12th Felsite) "turn off masonry on Lor Idurulush, Lor Lolorkubuk,
Monom Omedem (trained), Mosus Logemstukos (less trained), and Sibrek Nosingoddom"
so ... Monom, Sibrek, and Lor Lolorkubuk are still alive. That makes three
masons. Fine

16th Galena, 136, Late summer

Text to speeching recent updates for fun and good ideas

All nine are still alive

Breaking news

A human caravan from Enempesor has arrived.


Oh. An ambush curse them. Bomrek Kuletamal, Shearer has had it. They're all
bowmen and caught him outside. Why was he outside? It says No Job. Probably
all these people were fetching soap

18th Galena, 136, Late Summer

Bomrek Kuletamal has twenty to thirty arrows sticking out of various parts
of his body at this point but continues to draw fire, unconscious but not
deceased 24 to 48 hours later

Those goblin bowmen are fighting a human axeman. So far he's uninjured

Oh now he's mangled all over and unconscious. But he climbed a hill before
he passed out so how bad can that be

19th Galena, 136, Late Summer

Population: 8

Good we're still gonna trade

21st Galena, 136, Late Summer

Oh god the -green- T's I was waiting for to get to the pit stockpile are
giant toads not trolls so that's better for me and they're actually all
ready to go, the olms and trolls at the pit I mean. Let's go

Making another joint ok

25th Galena, 136, Late Summer


Population: 8

Enabled animal care on 7 more dwarves

26th Galena, 136, Late Summer

Population: 8

Two dwarves are hunting

As Likotudesh, Spinner, is hunting near the traps, outside!
Astesh Likotatis, Mechanic, is hunting near the traps, outside!


Check out that bronze crossbow and giant cave silk leather quiver with
fourteen bonobo bone bolts

1st Limestone, 136, Early Autumn

Let's take a head count at the pit so we can track its progress. There are
only 8 dwarves to do it but no-one is hauling anything other than Animals
though that shouldn't matter at this point with them all already at the top.
Maybe Animal Care will matter then. We'll see. Sort of

12 giant olms
6 trolls


2nd Limestone, 136, Early Autumn

Trader requested at depot

Happy new month

8th Limestone, 136, Early Autumn

A Giant Olm has gone down the tube.

Plenty blood down there. Yeah I see him.


-Why- can't I get the tannery up. Oh I guess I need a kitchen down there if
I want to make actual tallow. That butcher is pretty cluttered

They finished the tannery!


Assigned a bunch of farming labours

The merchants from Enempesor will be leaving soon. And ah where's my broker.
"On break" nooo

Removing all the mayor/manager/broker's labours

... no-one moved anything to the depot. I guess that was a disabled hauling

I'll turn those all back on for now and be more selective next time I mass
disable them to keep them outside [note: *inside, up a long time]. I've missed
this caravan -_-

18th Limestone, 136, Early Autumn

Everyone is still alive (all eight)

Those merchants are still around but it doesn't matter

21st Limestone, 136, Early Autumn

That artifact palm earring is called "Eatmachine"

22nd Limestone, 136, Early Autumn

The draltha cage butcher workshop is miasma'ing now. My bad for not getting
a kitchen there in time, just a tannery. Sigh

Put a soap maker's workshop down there. Good

25th Limestone, 136, Early Autumn

Food Stores:   2042
Meat   450   Seeds   522
Fish   None   Drink   347
Plant   None   Other   723

I wonder if 'other' includes tallow (probably) or lye (probably not)

2nd Sandstone, 136, Mid-Autumn

Replacing a gone cave well

Happy new month

Population: 8

Put a wood stockpile and a food stockpile in the draltha cave workshop room

8th Sandstone, 136, Mid-Autumn

Sibrek Nosingoddom, Miller cancels Construct Building: Interrupted by Naked
Mole Dog.

So uh un-suspend the draltha cave soap workshop

13th Sandstone, 136, Mid-Autumn

Making a joint

I see a ghost

5th Timber, 136, Late Autumn

I have five soapers out of eight total dwarves but I can't get the draltha
cave soap shop built. I think I saw more troglodytes there than dralthas,
why do I call it that?


7th Timber, 136, Late Autumn

This log will be two dwarf years old in the winter

Robot roll call

Monom Omedem, mayor, make bone bolts
Lor Lolorkubuk, gem setter, hunt (in the caves, good. He's almost killed a
naked mole dog, on examination, and has no bolts remaining. Fortunately he's
a fighter but not a Biter)
Uvash Nefastmorul, bone carver, Drink
Cog Reggusil, Herbalist, butcher an animals
Sibrek Nosingoddom, Miller, store item in stockpile
As Likotudesh, Spinner, drink [drink: 335]
Astesh Likotatis, Mechanic, Store item in stockpile
Dodok Zirildakost, bookkeeper, Store item in stockpile
Stray llama


Lor Lolorkubuk went to sleep. The naked mole dog got away

I think someone brought up an ear from the pit-river to the butcher shop in
the draltha cave. There's some cavy boar and warthog there. The warthog is
probably hauled. The cavy boar could be endogenous

11th Timber, 136, Late Autumn

Get that soap shop up

Sazir Zanegabsam, Ghostly Macedwarf has been put to rest. Good

Oops I had dwarves gather minerals on, enthusiastically, but there's way too
much rock and way too few dwarves and they will gather gems anyway it turns
out regardless of something I read about that. So shut that off and I should
get a little more productivity

15th Timber, 136, Late Autumn

The dwarves suspended the construction of chert Coffin < why does this keep happening

Taking forever to pit the trolls and olms. Is it filling back up or are
those the same ones? I can really check in a month or two >_,

16th Timber, 136, Late Autumn

The dwarf civilization sent a craftsdwarf as liaison for some reason and, a
caravan. Let's try this again

20th Timber, 136, Late Autumn

Merchants have arrived and are unloading their goods.

No-one is doing bring item to depot. Darn it all

Trader requested at depot

Monom Omedem, Mayor, Manager and Broker is actually almost satisfied
suddenly, making because the population went down, not sure. He just needs a
higher-quality quarters. Hitting 'R' and reading the rightmost column lets
me locate his room(s) and hitting 't' then jiggling the 'X' with the arrow
keys like I always have to after a zoom I see it's in rock that could be
engraved. Good

I have one stone detailer (540 xp, novice, level at 1,100 xp though the
therapist says 6.7%, uh-oh. Maybe that's 6.7% to Legendary o_o )

22nd Timber, 136, Late Autumn

As Likotudesh is making soap from tallow!!

Let's follow him through the gemming tunnel

Where's the auto-centering Follow feature

I might lose him

If he was a squad I could just lean on 'z' without it pausing meanwhile

But that would stop him making soap

Let's find him again

Oh he was coming up from the cave. Well. He's not hauling anything but he's
flashing a grey down arrow. I wonder what that means. 'She' has been happy
lately. Good rooms and stuff. Was disgusted by a miasma. Satisfied at work.
She hates rats. I wonder if that matters

OK. So make that soap. Will this get make soap from tallow [18/30] to
[17/30] -finally-? After whole seasons? Let's see

Hauling a well-crafted alder lye barrel from upstairs back to the shaft to
the caves.

There are actually 16 lyes in there. There are a lot of bugs where a whole
stack is consumed though. Maybe that's just numbered stacks not barrelfuls
of individual items like these single lye's. Fingers crossed

Yes As Likotudesh is obviously making this soap in the draltha cave soap
refinery site for once. Let's follow 'her' through the gemming tunnels

Oh the Draltha cave is not as remote as I thought, just uphill from the end
of a popular gemming tunnel. I understand why it's so popular now

I'm going to put back the dormitory that troll smashed way back when or at
least order some beds

28th Timber, 136, Late Autumn

The two remaining beds let me spec a massive cavy dormitory. And I had one
bed left to put back between them. That makes three for now. I guess I'll
order 30. Sigh

Oh I forgot about those merchants

Population: 8


1st Moonstone, 136, Early Winter

I need an ashery and a wood furnace in the draltha workshop area

Happy new month

This is why 'As' brought the lye from upstairs but probably already had the
olm tallow. Maybe it came from that named ear I saw. Things from the pit
shouldn't flow to here but if I look closer maybe there's some way. Or maybe
it's from excessive gibbing. Heh. Really excessive across multiple z-levels
and through walls. Who knows?

4th Moonstone, 136, Early Winter

Sibrek Nosingoddom is tanning a hide!

He's hauling 'Ngerxung Ngozoogur's skin', ew, but only from the draltha
butchery to the draltha tannery right across from it, nice

Tan that probably-olm

I'll have a reason to spec some leatherworkers soon

5th Moonstone, 136, Early Winter

Need my broker cured of hauling labours

Where's my one architect for the new cavy well

10th Moonstone, 136, Early Winter

Lor Lolorkubuk, Gem Setter has been struck down. There goes my last gem
cutter... for now

All seven remaining can do that.

OK fuck

The troglodyte scratches his head, bruising the muscle, through the llama
wool hood.
The toglodyte kicks him in the head. Bruising the musckle and spine's bone.
But troglodyte punches him in the head, jamming the skull through the brain

Unconscious struck down

Not this again. Not troglodytes. Let me search for (I typed suck for)

He arrived
I made him a cheese maker
He ran from a goblin lasher

All logged herein ://

I turned off his masonry
I saw him eating
I saw him drinking
I saw him cutting crystal opals
I turned his masonry back on

Christ poor guy

I saw him give up on hunting a naked mole dog when he ran out of bone bolts



Population: 7

That troglodyte is hanging around but no dwarves are there

It left when As Likotudesh showed up with a mutilated olm corpse. Fine

11th Moonstone, 136, Early Winter

Troglodyte Ambush

Population: 6

RIP As Likotudesh

I am walling the gem tunnel to the draltha cave, halting all industry there.

The dwarf merchants will leave soon and I can't get my broker there, typical

If I miss another caravan that will show real self-sufficiency at this point

Considering I have no source of iron

15th Moonstone, 136, Early Winter

They killed Sibrek Nosingoddom (I liked that name), Miller

Population: 5

Four troglodytes are hanging around now. Get that wall up

Needs Masonry


There were none, now there's three. Monom Omedem is Accomplished


Those merchants took off

20th Moonstone, 136, Early Winter

5 dwarves remaining, lowest number ever

Is this it for Kolrab, "Wheeledglowed"?

21st Moonstone, 136, Early Winter

Cog Reggusil, Herbalist, struck down in the draltha caves. WHERE is that

Masonry enabled for all (four!) dwarves

I wish I could just cancel work at the draltha workshops but it's mostly
there from the manager darn it

The MAYOR is going to construct a building down there. Hope it's a wall and
not the ashery. I better de-spec that


So he's doomed but this ought to save the last three. Astesh Likotatis,
Dodok Zirildakost, Monom Omedem and Uvash Nefastmorul are still around. Oh
scratch Monom Omedem. I forgot

THE BOOKKEEPER IS IN THERE WITH HIM.  But there's not like one troglodyte.
There are like five.

That leaves two dwarves.


The outpost liaison is trying to get two the mayor but the gem-tunnel wall
has him blocked. The mayor is still alive. Running around. But doomed. The
two dwarves are verified safe upstairs. This is going OK

8th Opal, 136, Mid-Winter

Dodok Zirildakost, bookkeeper cancels Eat: Interrupted by Troglodyte.

Never again

Send immigrants

12th Opal, 136, Mid-Winter

There are a lot of tanned hides upstairs. I'm putting a leatherworks in the
hospital because why not anymore

15th Opal, 136, Mid-Winter

I activated the mayor. Here comes a cave crocodile

There's some precious giant olm soap in there. Oh a diplomat has left
unhappy. It's the same colour as a vile force of darkness alert. I was

Can I please get some immigrants

10th Obsidian, 136, Late Winter

2 dwarves, yeah, and I'm working on Minecraft again. I submitted a few bugs
to a few places but I might just have to hack wine myself. Trying an old
version to get the java installer going. Then Minecraft might go. Hah I
typed Mincecraft. Not sure.

I'll actually pause DF for now

Hah I typed Kava for Java

Oh it came with a jar file all along.

I'll run a little more dwarf time whiel I wait for it to come back down.
Well. I'll watch.


11th Obsidian, 136, Late Winter

One dwarf is making lye. This log is two years old now. At least we won't
run out of Food.

The mayor is making a wooden barrel

Er. Where? The caves?

Not the Draltha cave. Come on. There are -still- two left. Where's he going?

Ah he was just after a remote piece of uncollected cave wood. The carpentry
he has to do is no doubt upstairs. That's even better than going outside for
it, I guess

Minecraft crashed resizing the window. Something to try again

My two dwarves are making lye and a wooden barrel.


22nd Obsidian, 136, Late Winter

An Ambush! Curse Them!


Why is Uvash going outside

1 dwarf left x_x

1st Granite, 137, Early Spring

Happy new year, one dwarf

Let me look at firefox again

Darn I really wanted to play Minecraft but it looks like it sucks

14th Granite, 137, Early Spring

No dwarves, no industry. There's nothing of anything but an excess of
well-preserved food and a lot of time and work on this one dwarf's hands.

It's Astesh Likotatis.


Oh make soap from tallow is down to [17/30]. GOOD

22nd Granite, 137, Early Spring

Some migrants have arrived, despite the danger. GOOD

They sent 18. Pop: 19


Therapy time

27th Granite, 137, Early Spring

Good they sent an appraiser. The Mayor can do everything else that matters
for now

Turn on Animal Care for all in case it matters for the pit

Uh-oh. Segfault. I think it's because I used the therapist before all the
immigrants were here (Population: 23) and froze it before, but that was
after my last save. Good

Well not good

Good all the trolls and olms are in the pit but two

Gonna do those giant toads next

Enable hunting on all

For precious soap

A elven caravan. Good I guess if I can actually dock with this one. Turn off
broker's labours

20th Felsite, 137, Late Spring

An ambush curse them

21st Felsite, 137, Late Spring

Population: 22

Who died

A woodcrafter named Olon


Assigned two more gem cutters, makes three

An ambush curse them

They started hauling gems there but the merchants were waylaid. No plant
type food for us again or anything new made of metal. SIGH

Pit those toads and prepare the goblins. Are there too many?

In principle yes already

Oh my phone came back on

2nd Hematite, 137, Early Summer

Population: 22

Make soap from tallow is at [14/30]


14th Hematite, 137, Early Summer

Oh good. I tried to pit too many goblin pikemen at once actually but the
remainder are being led there by people with a pit/pond large animal duty
with no resistance

A gecko-esque forgotten beast is there!

20th Hematite, 137, Early Summer

Some migrants have arrived, despite the danger


... my furnace operator's gone berserk

Astesh Likotatis was from wave 1 o_O

All other dwarves bar the new ones are from unlogged wave 2

Well those might not be accurate counts. They're too new


I hope the therapist isn't fucking up still, with segfaults etc. That
furnace operator killed one already.

Population: 28

Good an activated woodcutter got him with an axe. Precious axe

Well he got his arm broken but all's well again. Deactivate

I got an Accomplished clothier

Oh I had no bone carvers. Corrected x6

That forgotten beast destroyed a bed -- sounds like he's behind the walled
gemming tunnel. Good!

And a siege got me down to 3 dwarves. Ah

Saving to try minecraft again x_X

OK we're back let's finish this

I might have to generate a new world to get Sparring back

Oh my last three dwarves are in cages that's how they're still alive. They
were shot unconscious on active, precious cage traps. Too bad

Nothing for it, now. Abandon

6th Limestone, 137, Early Autumn

10 large gems

Oh, someone finally died of thirst

Jack was a Legomaniac. Then they treated him with Thorazine. Now all he does is watch TV