Another progress report on the pyramid. Progress is slowing down a bit while I actually manage my fort some due to having a population of 215. The barony is growing pretty well, though I'm not going to make it the capital just yet. That is something I'll do after the pyramid is finished, so I can have time to make the Royal chambers. (THAT is going to be a giant stalactite hanging in a hollowed-out artificial cavern.) With a little cut and paste from a couple snapshots from Stonesense, you can see how the pyramid is coming.
Disaster struck for the second time, in the form of a cave-in that brought low Tulon Whipbuds, the second dwarf to die while constructing the pyramid, and the seventh dwarf to die since the settlement began. Before Tulon, one other dwarf was flash frozen while digging into a hidden tunnel filled with water in the deep of winter. Of the other deaths, one dwarf, Bomrek Floorquickness was struck down during weapon practice. The final four were killed during the fight with Hode Buquinihde the Swamp Titan.
Found a bit of a hitch with the pyramid plan that I foresaw happening (with dfreveal *winkwink*). Here is a picture showing the crack in the wall that is going to limit the size of my pyramid.
While this limits the size of my pyramid, this is good practice as my first really big project in DF. In the meantime, I am really beginning to wonder about this island I'm on. The top rock layer under the soil is a fairly thick layer of basalt on top of a thicker layer of obisidian. The only magma tube ends fairly abruptly above the magma sea about 95 z-levels down. This makes me wonder how the island could have formed during worldgen.
Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?